To The Sudoku Pros!


I like turtles!
Sep 2, 2004
Dteuschland ;)
This puzzle gave me my mum, as she couldn`t beat it.
I`m now trying to do it on my gp32...

Maybe you wanna try it, too, it`s really hard!

x=empty cell

2x7 x6x xx1
xxx xx7 9xx
x8x xxx xx2

x4x xx3 xxx
1xx x8x xx3
xxx 7xx x9x

5xx xxx x3x
xx6 4xx xxx
3xx x7x 8x5
Ouch that's tough. I looked at it for a while but you really have to be prepared to try some hypothetical situations to work this out... Which I am not. I'll stick to GP Sudoku.
Ah-ha! Solved it. Took me a while, but I did it. Highlight to see my solution.

257 968 341
461 327 958
983 541 672

742 193 586
195 684 723
638 752 194

529 816 437
876 435 219
314 279 865
WhizzBang posted on Aug 15 2005 at 01:55 AM said:
Ouch that's tough. I looked at it for a while but you really have to be prepared to try some hypothetical situations to work this out... Which I am not. I'll stick to GP Sudoku.

You can enter custom games in gpsudoku :D

I was able to solve it, too. Finally! It WAS a really hard puzzle.
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I still fail to see the attraction of these puzzles, I've done a few of varying difficulties and I just feel frustrated and bored with no relief or pleasure when its done (begining to sound like my ex.)

A crossword anyday Ta very much.