I Just Got My Gp2x!!!

well i received my 3rd GP2X today .. that makes a "First Edition", the "officially released version", and now a "Mk. 2" in my posession .. to be honest i like the new screen, its a lot sharper and you can definitely see more color range .. the new joystick arrangement is better for sure, and as soon as i'm done with this post i'm going to load up a bit of hot MAME love and burn through an hour or so of battery life testing it out .. I hate the cap (its a good thing I've got a spare pimpCap) and it was also a nice surprise to hook it up today and realize that they've fixed the USB output (3.3v -> 5v) so that i no longer have to have a hacked kernel to get rid of those stupid hub.c messages, yay! okay, time for some alien death ..
GP2X is here:.

SD card is somewhere on New York and won't arrive until Wednesday. I guess I shouldn't really complain as I'm in the middle of finals right now and I have SATs on Saturday, but still :(
Welp, I just *repurchased* the GP2X. I had purchased one when it was first released, had some problems, and returned it. I did want to give the unit another chance and heard a new model was released. I ordered it on May 26th, and it arrived today.

What I ordered:

Power Supply
Extra Screen Cover
TV Out Cable

All from GP32z.com

Well, first impressions. NICE! The new joystick cap is a work of genius. I feel much more in control with this one. At first, I was kind of worried because the pictures show it has some sort of "spike" in the center. Well, it is not pointy enough to hurt your thumb, but is enough to keep your thumb from sliding off the disc. It is nice and firm, and moves perfectly. I think I will now be able to really get into any game I play on the unit because of this stick. It is just a great improvement over the last version by miles.

The screen no longer displays the lines! YAY! I know it does not bother many people, but it did kind of bother me on the last version. Well, that is all history now. The screen seems just as bright as well, so reports of a dull, washed out screen are really not to be trusted. It honestly looks the same as my last screen, minus those annoying lines.

Another misreport I have been reading is regarding boot time. Some say it is down to 15 seconds. Well, I timed mine from power on to menu, and it is 5 seconds here. There seems to be not much of a wait at all to get to the menu. Just about the same wait that the PSP has from initial turn on to menu. This is a major plus for me as well. My original unit took around 30 seconds to menu.

I have not tried much at all on the unit due to the fact that we are now having an electric storm. I have the ac adapter, but no batteries. So, in an effort to NOT ruin my good luck, I unplugged it shortly after testing the bootup time and playing a few OGG songs (Paul McCartney!)

I was a little worried at first with the music playback. The volume was LOW, I mean MUCH lower than my first model. ALmost to a point that you could barely hear the music at full volume. Luckily, this was due to a default sound control setting that is switched to ON. Turned that off and I can hear the wonderful speakers nice and loudly again.

I am really dying now to play this sucker all night. Hope this storm lets up. I may just have to go buy some batteries for the time being (I do have rechargables ordered and on the way as well)

Overall impression so far is fantastic. I do not see a single thing wrong with the MK2 unit. It is a solid improvement over the last model across the entire board. Now thatthe problems have been pretty much worked out, I think I'll start actually playing some games! More on the new unit after I run some software...

EDIT: Had much more time with the unit since the storm went bye bye :) Awesome stuff! I tried playing some of my DivX converted DV home movies, and all is great there. Actually jaw dropping in how perfect the playback is. Music as stated earlier sounds great. I tested Mame (Galaga...my old time fav) and all is good there. DrMD is of course awesome in everything it does. If what I listed were the ONLY things this machine can do, it would be worth it. But, there are many more emulators and apps for me to try. Good thing my vacation starts this weekend. I'm off from 6/3 to 6/11...and this machine came at the absolute perfect time. All I can say is that I am impressed across the board with the new model. Everything is in place, no worries about hardware issues on this end now. Now I have to decide what games/media I am going to waste my time on! I am a very happy camper today. :)
... so reports of a dull, washed out screen are really not to be trusted. It honestly looks the same as my last screen, minus those annoying lines.

Another misreport I have been reading is regarding boot time...

Hmmm... you must have been reading Gogeta's posts again :P
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This thread should be pinned! Such a happy bunch of punters. And everyone waiting with such good grace.

This thread has restored my faith in humanity! God bless the GP2x, and all who play with her!
Got mine earlier this week. Aside for some initial trouble with accessing the SD card through USB (reformating did the trick) it's been pure bliss.

I've been playing alot of Earthbound Zero, Sonic and EVO, I'm in handheld emulation heaven!
Dzz's Vektar and nethack port has aldo been eating my spare time :D
Just got my 2GB SD yesterday - after getting my gp2x on thursday.

To be honest right now I am overwelmed. The possibilities of this machine are awesome !

So far I have been getting into DrMD, vice and the gp2xpectrum. Those have allready blown me away, and I have barely touched the surface. DrMD is just awesome !

Currently trying to convert a video using pocketDivX, am keen to see how that turns out.

As a side note, tried the cpu / lcd tweaker, and found the max I can overclock to is 243 ... anything above that and the tweaker itself just crashes. Bit dissapointing on that front (has anyone had this low before), but it has done little to dent my enthusiasm for this device.

Awesome man, awesome.
There does seem to be compatibility issues with some programs and the new firmware, buit nothing that drastic. If I boot AlexKidd2X for example (SMS emulator) and then leave the emulator, my screen will display those old lines once again...until reboot. As a matter of fact, nothing will run correctly after booting that emulator until reboot (ie: DrMD runs at like 5fps!)....solution: Don't use Alexkidd2x until it is fixed!
I'm a bit annoyed. I finally got mine today, and bought some 2500 NiMH energiser batteries and a charger. It's been going since around 6pm. It's now 4:20am. It's still charging.

It's absolutely insane, I know the online FAQ explains that the first charge will take longer due to the batteries not being charged, and that the average time is 8 to 8 1/2 hours, but it's been going on for 10 hours 22 minutes odd, and still no change.

I just want to watch the Back To The Future movie I encoded this week :(
Firstly I'd just like to say hi, this is my first post, and I thought it fitting to be here. I've been lurking around for a couple of weeks wondering whether I should get a GP2X or not. Silly question really, of course I did.

It arrived this morning, and the first thing that took me by suprise was the size of the box it came in, talk about dinky. The second thing that struck me was how light the thing is, even with batteries.

After about 10 minutes of fondling my new GP2X the doorbell wrang and my Amazon order had arrived - along with my SD card, card reader and 4x2500mAH batteries. (I already have a charger) Talk about perfect timing.

So, my first impressions are good, and now I've got to get some emulators working and test out the video capabilities. I'm not much of a programmer myself but I'm always looking to learn new things. I do a bit of web design and other graphic design so you might see a theme from me in the future. I'm willing to help out how I can by testing things though, so I'll take a look at some other threads now and see what needs testing!

*Edit* Boot time is really fast as well :)
I got mine yesterday. I am glad that my universal charger works with GP2X. Not much time to play with it for now, but good things come to those who wait, inyt ?
This is my first post too, possibly my only one too since I don't have half of the technical knowledge that you guys do (this said very respectfully BTW).

I got my GP2X from GP32z.com, ordered it Tuesday evening and received it Friday morning - great turnaround. The unit was a bit hardier than I expected; from impressions and videos, I was expecting something like a Popstation so it was a pleasant surprise. I also ordered a screen protector and AC adapter and, except for getting a million air bubbles and dust particles under the protector, I can say I'm very satisfied with my purchase. The only thing I thought was sort of odd was the power switch since I have to sort of nudge it all the way down or the unit won't turn on properly. I'm not sure if this is an issue with everyone else's system - it's a small annoyance but I'm sure I'll get used to it.

I've been trying out different EMU's with some good luck and some bad and trying to figure out how to execute .fxe files so the learning experience is something that I'm looking forward to. Maybe in the end I can make my own "GP2X for Dummies" site. :P
Me again, this is sort of a second opinions post.

I managed to get a few Emu's working (Snes, MD, Nes, Mame, Pc Engine) as well as some ports such as Open TTD and Quake! I was really suprised with how easy I found it to get everything working fine (And I'm not very technical myself!). All my games seem to be running smoothly and I'm going to try and be a little bit more experimental with my 2X now I have some basic knowledge. Getting videos to work was a breeze as well so all in all I'm really chuffed with how well polished everything seems to be. My only nag could be that some of the dust protectors are a bit fiddly to back into positon.

This devide gets a thumbs up from me...I might even write an article for a small magazine I write for because I really am impressed.
How are you guys finding battery life?

I just put 2 brand new Duracell Plus batteries in whilst playing back a movie and after 20 minutes they were flat!!! I have some AA 2700 (2350mAh) batteries from china that seem to last anywhere between 1.5 hours and 2.5 hours general use. I am waiting on a set of Energizer 2500's.

Other than the terrible battery life it's a pretty damn fine device =D Managed to clock up to 266 on good batteries.