YAY Mine came today - while I was just out of the shower, so I may have scared the delivery guy a little

Anyway, until today I was trailing these forums for as much info as I could get my hands on, so it's only fair I share tons now...
ok, I got the unit with a carry case (which is really cool) and a powersupply unit. I'm really wishing I bought the rechargable batteries instead.. the PSU plugs in about where your right hand will be, so it's kinda in the way, and I'm sure it was a little loose and kept reseting the machine. On the plus side the psu was cheap and has variable voltage/polarity/heads so it could come in very handy in the future.
There aren't any batteries with the unit, I bought some cheap ones to tide me over, and they lasted like 2 hours.
The machine itself is very funky. I dont have anything to compare it to, but I like the screen.
The box was preopenned when I got it, so I'm guessing each unit (from gp2x.co.uk at least) will have been checked and probably firmware updated before delivery.
Mine came with the gp2x joystick attached, which I dont have a problem with, also there is a spare one with a little flat spike in the middle. There wasn't any seperate screen protectors, but the machine did come with a printed page which said there are 3 screen protectors on the unit. The first one I'm guessing is the large plastic cover (with lots of air bubbles), this one came off quickly, cause it looked awful, leaving a lovely clean surface... I'm going to pressume there are still two covers on it (even though I cant see them).
I've been looking for joystick responsiveness, and I haven't come across any problems at all.
Also included in the box was the USB cable, which I've not openned, and 2 CD's... one from GPH with the instuctions on it, and another which as far as I can tell is completely blank :/
Well it looks like there is something on it, but my CD-ROM isn't detecting it and there is no writing on it.
Games wise, I've been kinda having a hit and miss affair. Mame is playing only about half the games I've got (and all need to be overclocked to about 250 - but I am going for early 90's games - Final Fight, Strider, etc). Also half the homebrew games I've dled dont work... They kinda freeze up, requiring a restart, or just jump back to the main menu. Also I'm sad I cant get scummvm to run properly, it eather doesn't detect the game or doesn't display a cursor when playing it (Only tested Monkey Island 1 though).
I'm pressuming a lot of games were written before Firmware 2.0, and so that's what's stopping them working. I was really looking forward to playing Beats of Rage, but that just gives me a black screen (I tried installing the SDL files, but that didn't make a difference).
Em, what else is there. I've been trying out as many games as I could get my hands on, and so far the best one I've come across is LadyKiller - very professional presentation and good game mechanics (responsive controls and intuitive to play). Haven't tried any of the 3d games... looking forward to Duke3D - cause I dont have the files yet. Also I haven't tried any console emulators... the one NES emulator I have wont load up, but I'll try some others.
The only thing that's puzzling me about the unit, is the best way to get back to the main menu. For MAME as far as I can tell there isn't a way, so you have to turn the machine off then on again... is this normal. I'm finding myself having to turn everything off and on very regularly... I'd kill for a soft reset button.
OK that must have been boring for most of you if you read it all, so I'll sum up with... Overall: Pretty impressive machine, I'm just needing to spend a bit more time bringing together all the software that works before I can really enjoy it.