Gngeo2x 0.6.9 *update*

Ok, I still cant get this to work. In both rage and selector, i press a rom, and it just exits to the main gp2x menu...

I have unibios 2.2 (named uni-bios.rom) in the /mnt/sd/gngeo2x/roms folder (where /mnt/sd/gngeo2x contains the rest of the stuff). My gngeorc file contains the following:

# GNGEO resource file for the GP2X

# unused
# libglpath /usr/lib/

# Where your rom (and bios) are?
# /usr/games/lib/xmame
rompath ./roms

# and the driver file (copy it from the gngeo archive) ?
romrc ./romrc
romrcdir ./romrc.d

# Play in fullscreen?
fullscreen false

# Which blitter? GP2X only support soft mode
# soft
# opengl
# yuv
blitter soft

# Which effect? GP2X don't support effect
# none	
# scanline
# scanline50
# scale2x
# scale2x50
# scale2x75
# doublex
# sai
# supersai
# eagle
effect none

# Enable the raster interrupt?
raster false

# scale the output image. Don't use anything else on your GP2X :) 
scale 1

# Have interpolation?
interpolation false

# Have sound?
sound false

# Shown FPS
showfps false

# autoframeskip control
autoframeskip true
sleepidle false

# enable joystick support ?
joystick true

# enable the 68k inline debuger? (disable the sound)
debug false

# Use hardware surface for the screen? The GP2X use only hwsurface
hwsurface true

# Convert all tiles at loading time 
convtile true

# Use PAL timing? (buggy)
pal false

# invert joystick order ?
invertjoy false

# Sample rate
samplerate 22050

# country?
# japan, usa, europe
country europe

# system type? arcade or home
system arcade

# Hotkey are currently not implemented on the GP2X
# NRX-style hotkey configuration
# Up to 4 hotkeys per player can be defined (
# Only fire buttons (A-D) can be combined
# A = 1, B = 2, C = 4, D = 8

# Samples:
# Map CD to P1 hotkey 0
p1hotkey0 4,8
# Map BC to P1 hotkey 1
p1hotkey1 2,4
#Map ABC to P1 hotkey 2
p1hotkey2 1,2,4

# The rest of this file is unuseful for the GP2X...

# Joystick configuration
# Joystick mapping
# 0 <-> /dev/js0, 1 <-> /dev/js1, etc..
p1joydev 0
p2joydev 1

# Buttons/Axes configuration
# AXE_X_DIR and AXE_Y_DIR is use to invert an axe
# ex: some joystick have the Y axe inverted (up <-> down). For them,
# use -1 for AXE_Y_DIR will solve the problem.
# hotkeys are optional (ie need not be mapped to buttons)
# use -1 to "unmap" a hotkey.
# Samples:
# hotkey0 = button 3, hotkey1 = button 0,
# p1joy	 4,1,5,2,9,8,0,1,1,1,3,0
# No hotkeys
# p1joy	 4,1,5,2,9,8,0,1,1,1

p1joy	 2,3,0,1,5,4,0,1,1,1
p2joy	 1,0,3,2,7,6,0,1,1,1

# Key configuration
# please see SDL_keysym.h for key definition
# or push F4 during game : the keysym code of
# keys will be printed (also work for joysticks) 
# same thing as joypads for hotkeys

# Azerty configuration: 
# p1: w,x,q,s,&,",up,down,left,right
# p2: l,m,o,p,é,',NUM 8,NUM 5,NUM 4,NUM 6
#p1key	119,120,113,115,38,34,273,274,276,275
#p2key	108,109,111,112,233,39,264,261,260,262

# Qwerty configuration:
# p1: z,x,a,s,1,3,up,down,left,right
# p2: l,;,o,p,2,4,NUM 8,NUM 5,NUM 4,NUM 6
p1key	122,120,97,115,49,51,273,274,276,275
p2key	108,59,111,112,50,52,264,261,260,262

What is wrong?
rename uni-bios.rom to aes-bios.rom, then change your system type to Home instead of Arcade. You will see the Unibios Start Screen when loading. Then Start+Select to Enter.
# system type? arcade or home
system arcade
here put unibios ;) if it don't work try to put sfix.sfx and 000-lo.lo files in the roms directory with uni-bios.rom file
hi, i have dl gngeo2x and have a metalslug 2 rom. it states some bios files.. missing. Where do i get these bios files.. or how do i go about to run my game..?
nintondo posted on May 16 2006 at 06:40 PM said:
hi, i have dl gngeo2x and have a metalslug 2 rom. it states some bios files.. missing. Where do i get these bios files.. or how do i go about to run my game..?

hhmm search for the missing files with a product called google, they should/are easy to find !
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nintondo posted on May 16 2006 at 05:40 PM said:
hi, i have dl gngeo2x and have a metalslug 2 rom. it states some bios files.. missing. Where do i get these bios files.. or how do i go about to run my game..?

You will get flamed if you ask for R0MZ even bios on the boards. It ain't allowed, and will get you in trouble. Use PMs, Google, the trusty warez mule etc.
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I gave up on unibios, it doesn't work, I dumped the mame bios files into the folder, and now all I get is a black screen. :(

EDIT: Is this the graphics dumping process? Ill just wait I guess.

EDIT2: Its been over 10 min now for metal slug, I dont think this is working...
Probably missing files, or not correctly named. Also, what in romrc, there are two kof2002s. One is kof2k2 and one is kof2002. What is the difference between them?
iignotus helped me out. The only problem now, is that the graphics are all corrupted, but I think thats just an encrypted rom right?
If the graphics are all corrupted, you probably have a bad romset. If you got all the roms from the same place, try out Neo Turf Masters. If that game has corrupted graphics, then you have a bad romset, and I'll have to help again ;)
I have some sound clipping issues with some games like Metal Slug X. At certain times it starts clipping causing static. Is that a bug or is it a FW2.0 problem?
Mr_Munk posted on May 17 2006 at 08:51 PM said:
Doesn't the latest GNGeo supported encrypted romsets ? Works with my svc chaos...
this is not an official version from Pepone and the dumpgfx that is in this gngeo don't work and then you can't have gfx file :rolleyes: but in the last version 0.6.11 SVCchaos work for me just great :D
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