Gpx2 Unvailed!!

abigsmurf posted on Jul 28 2005 at 01:05 PM said:
200mhz may just be a standard speed. If the CPU is the 0.13µ version it will be more than capable of reaching 250mhz with it only affecting power

It's a 0.18µ micro.
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BaDToaD posted on Jul 28 2005 at 11:58 AM said:
x68000 posted on Jul 28 2005 at 10:43 AM said:
it's cheap enough and to be honest for just over 100 GBP, what more could we expect???

That's just the point. I'm sure most of use would rather pay 150 - 180 quid for a console that was leaps and bounds ahead of the GP32 rather than 100 quid for a slightly improved model.

The original GP32 was a powerful device when it was launched, this on the other hand is not. If it had a single 500 or 600 CPU then it would be keeping in spirit with the original GP32s simple but powerful spec for it's day. And if those processors are too expensive at the moment wait a few months for them to drop in price.

i see what you are saying, but i'm sure they wouldnt release a new system that is only slightly faster than what we already have.

there is too many people jumping to hasty conclusions here, so lets await the final version to come out and see what can be achieved on it before we all start making uneducated assupmtions.
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The thing with linux is it does allow very quick porting of open source emulators. You only need to do a slight modification of an existing linux emu and compile it to ARM code to get it to run. Being coded for floating point friendly CPU's it's likely to be slow but once the emu is up and running it's a case of replacing code with the ARM optimised versions that are already floating around.

In the long run have an OS adds little to speed (the overhead may even cause it to be slower) but it does allow very quick ports of software
x68000 posted on Jul 28 2005 at 01:12 PM said:
i see what you are saying, but i'm sure they wouldnt release a new system that is only slightly faster than what we already have.

That's what they have done.

They have confirmed that the CPU is a 200 Mhz one and that it isn't backwards compatible. The link I posted with the chip info is from a korean company and it seems to be the (crappy) chip they'll use
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BaDToaD posted on Jul 28 2005 at 10:58 AM said:
x68000 posted on Jul 28 2005 at 10:43 AM said:
it's cheap enough and to be honest for just over 100 GBP, what more could we expect???

That's just the point. I'm sure most of use would rather pay 150 - 180 quid for a console that was leaps and bounds ahead of the GP32 rather than 100 quid for a slightly improved model.

The original GP32 was a powerful device when it was launched, this on the other hand is not. If it had a single 500 or 600 CPU then it would be keeping in spirit with the original GP32s simple but powerful spec for it's day. And if those processors are too expensive at the moment wait a few months for them to drop in price.

that's exactly what I mean :)
I would wait few month more & put some dozen of bucks more to get something really powerfull these days !
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I can't be ass reading though all the post... any word on the price and date of release?
davey g posted on Jul 28 2005 at 12:03 PM said:
Around $200 and in October

does that mean about £110 ^_^ if it does I will buy one

God... Xbox 360 is so tempting too T_T

And Hoping the console will be a good build... don't want it to brake on me, lol
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as long as I won't be able to play PlayStation 1 games on the new GP handheld the money will stay in my pocket. but i'll be the first to buy one if (when) it's possible. the boring part would be converting all of my games to the appropriate file format. B)
BaDToaD posted on Jul 28 2005 at 11:30 AM said:
So far I don't think I've read a positive comment from a dev. Any devs out there that are impressed with this thing?

(silence and tumbleweed!)
I'm impressed, but then most of the stuff I dev doesn't even push the gp32's hardware much (gameplay is important to me, not 3d, speed, buttons, screensize, resolution, and most of the other crap that people seem to be bitching about). The main thing I'm excited about is more memory and storage space for gpQuake (the low memory in the gp32 is the cause of almost all gpQuakes problems). 200mhz is a little lower than I would have liked (300mhz would be nicer), but it should still allow for a decent speed in quake, and maybe the 940t will give a good speed boost too. Also SD is much faster than SMC so those poor load times will disappear and I might be able to add in zlib compression on .pak files again. The only thing I would have like to have seen added is bluetooth, but even so it's still a very nice looking machine and I can't wait to get my hands on one.

I can't really understand why there are so many bad comments about the gpx2. The gp32 is still selling well, and the gpx2 should be both better and cheaper, so anyone who would have been looking to buy a gp32 is going to rush to get a gpx2. Ok, so maybe a lot of people won't be upgrading, but there's still a market for a device of this kind of spec and price.
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davey g posted on Jul 28 2005 at 12:03 PM said:
Around $200 and in October
not arround, under :-)
Sheng posted on Jul 28 2005 at 02:04 PM said:
does that mean about £110 ^_^ if it does I will buy one

God... Xbox 360 is so tempting too T_T

And Hoping the console will be a good build... don't want it to brake on me, lol
about 100gbp i gues
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I for one really look forward to this console (Mainly since I broke my gp32 and when getting a new, i only get a better one, cheaper ^_^).
I've sent a question to gamepark holdings about if they will develop/port the emu's themself, since they promised Snes/mame compability and doesn't have backwards compability.

And then about the clock speed... It really doesn't consern me much. As Gamepark holding said and I quote. "
This is a good question.
The reason you have to buy this product not waiting for gpx successor is related with our marketing strategy.
Although you could wait till then , u know it's really up to you.
What i want to say is that our selling point is LOW COST.
Though we can add DMB,WIFI and so on,,,,then cost will be higher than this.
As you may know, there is no pmp under 200bucks in current market.
Despite gpx2 doesnt support full size HD space we can substitue it as SD's only $50.and it is getting cheaper.
And i think the main purpose of pmp is portable feature.It's not that We are carrying a Big PC.u know...
We can download movies from pc.
It is your choice to choose expensive one with wifi
otherwise,if you are willing to make a little effort to download then save your money buying gpx2 but other HD typ pmp

Concerning the CPU speed ,i really gotta say this,
it seems many ppl think that clock speed is not faster ,but the truth is not.
Up to now there are some product with 400~600hmz
However that doesnt mean speed is much much faster than gpx2.
Besides efficiecy could be lower than 200mhz.
Also gpx2 has 2d accelarator that enables performance higher.
Furtheremore cpu process graphic and sound seperately and buses are devide which make cpu process speed higher.

So i really want to say that ppl don;t have to worry about the speed .

i hope my anwer would be helpful when u decide to buy our product.

Thank you"

If the console shows to be bullshit, it's at least better bullshit then the gp32, and that makes me happy.

woogal posted on Jul 28 2005 at 12:25 PM said:
Sheng posted on Jul 28 2005 at 01:16 PM said:
hum... anyone think this that can run Half Life or Quake 2?
Half Life, no. Quake 2, don't know but it's going to be fun finding out ;).

I remenber HL's min spec was 166mhz... with 16MB ram... when it first came out...

Oh... ever mind... it wouldn't be fun play on a GPX2 anyway... it lack the buttons lol
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