Animal rescue in Ukraine [help needed]


Very Active Member
Dec 23, 2020
G'day Folks,

I just found this today, but I don't have much money to donate, so I thought 'what else can I do to help?'. What I came up with was: help spread the word. So here goes (I hope I'm not breaking any forum rules doing this).

First: no politics please, this is purely about animal welfare in a war-zone, not about the reasons for war.

I love animals more than people, and it was while watching some animal rescue vid's on youtube that I stumbled upon this guy's cause. He is a German who has set up an animal shelter in Ukraine to help rescue and adopt out orphaned animals, many of whom are injured and require medical care, which, in a war, may not really be feasible or even possible for locals to do.

I noticed his yt vid's don't have many views, and he doesn't have many subscribers, so you can help by watching all of his vides and subscribing. That way, his vids have a greater chance of being recommended by yt to more people, and all you have to do is watch some short vids of some adorable dogs, and a fantastic human being! It's a win-win situation!

His not-for-profit-organisation is called 'Koda's Mission'. Koda was the first dog he found . Koda was in Bucha after the conflict there and was traumatised.

His youtube channel is here:

His website is here:

You can help in at least four ways (listed from easiest to hardest)
  1. Watch one (or all) of his vid's so yt raises his profile.
  2. Spread the word: share his channel and info. Just like I've done here, or even just get a friend to watch a single vid.
  3. Donate money if you can spare any. There are links on his website.
  4. Adopt one of the animals in his care to really make a big difference to an animals life. *

* Okay, all that said, This is Jack. If anyone can help me help Jack more than I'm able to myself, I'd be forever grateful (Or just adopt him yourself). I'm not able to afford to fly him to Australia, but I have a lot of time and love to spend on his rehabilitation, and am confident I could generate plenty of support in my home town to cover rehab costs:

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