geckojsc Nov 11, 2015 @antialiasis your guide is pretty much the reason I got into pixel art! Huge thankyou for making it, it really helped me to get started
@antialiasis your guide is pretty much the reason I got into pixel art! Huge thankyou for making it, it really helped me to get started
geckojsc Nov 10, 2015 @jpsarda @MrBrolling yeah, everything seems to be working again now! Thanks for taking the time to fix this
@jpsarda @MrBrolling yeah, everything seems to be working again now! Thanks for taking the time to fix this
geckojsc Nov 7, 2015 RT @fasterthanlime: I'm no @moon_music_ but I wrote this for you, #ZooMachines folks :) Enjoy! /cc @geckojsc
RT @fasterthanlime: I'm no @moon_music_ but I wrote this for you, #ZooMachines folks :) Enjoy! /cc @geckojsc
geckojsc Nov 5, 2015 RT @OllyFunkster: Hey @Ultrasyd1 I cannot stop listening to the Chipsters EP is my health at risk please advise
RT @OllyFunkster: Hey @Ultrasyd1 I cannot stop listening to the Chipsters EP is my health at risk please advise
geckojsc Nov 4, 2015 @bugQ which is why I was asking my lecturer about alternatives because I can't do another term of that.
@bugQ which is why I was asking my lecturer about alternatives because I can't do another term of that.
geckojsc Nov 3, 2015 RT @Rvervuurt: If @OReillyMedia made books about animals.
geckojsc Nov 2, 2015 RT @CutTimeComic: Work hard on your projects, upload your works, and make lots of friends! See if you can make your own luck happen
RT @CutTimeComic: Work hard on your projects, upload your works, and make lots of friends! See if you can make your own luck happen
geckojsc Oct 30, 2015 RT @PokemonGoDeaths: That was life threatening and illegal mom.
geckojsc Oct 29, 2015 RT @fasterthanlime: If you're into Spotify, my stuff: *andfall Gods of Magellan (ft. @big…
RT @fasterthanlime: If you're into Spotify, my stuff: *andfall Gods of Magellan (ft. @big…
geckojsc Oct 27, 2015 @FourbitFriday a game where you take on the role of a taxi driver assisted by a very confusing satnav?
@FourbitFriday a game where you take on the role of a taxi driver assisted by a very confusing satnav?
geckojsc Oct 26, 2015 Playing Teeworlds (hectic open-source shooter) and we managed to form a friendly group of joy and hugs <3
Playing Teeworlds (hectic open-source shooter) and we managed to form a friendly group of joy and hugs <3
geckojsc Oct 24, 2015 RT @lexaloffle: Cute pico-8 startup sequence recreation
RT @lexaloffle: Cute pico-8 startup sequence recreation
geckojsc Oct 23, 2015 @bartwerf @StaxelGame as a staxel fan with a slow-as-heck computer, thank you for spending time on these things!
@bartwerf @StaxelGame as a staxel fan with a slow-as-heck computer, thank you for spending time on these things!