How far can emulation go? (Pyra vs. Pandora)

I think he is refering to the fact that ptitSeb has gotten further with mono than anyone and has so far had trouble getting mono games to run (besides Hammerwatch of course). I think he thinks mono compatibility might be better in Exagear. To your point, lunixbochs, it would be better to try without exagear for now not only due to performance, but also that OpenGL stuff really needs your glshim integration to be made public.
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Emulation is like coffee.  Some like dark roast, some not so much.  Others prefer tea.  Gamecube - Meh.  Nice for you but not something I am interested in.  Start talking a faster Jaguar emu or a Falcon Emulation and my interest is suddenly peaked.  I hope to see these one day!

Seeing the amazing work that was done and keeps being accomplished on the Pandora, I can only wait with much excitement to see the amazing work that will be done for the Pyra!  
Plus I already proved it will run good with all effects and at full 800x600 resolution (Max for D2) .
Could you try Stronghold on your OMAP5 devboard? I would spend entirely too much time gaming if that game worked on the Pyra.

-God Ginrai
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Emulation is like coffee.  Some like dark roast, some not so much.  Others prefer tea.
The difference being that what you emulate is a matter of preference but if you don't like dark roast then you're just wrong :P
I don't particularly care what all you dirty coffee drinkers think.  *sips tea*
I didn't watch the video, but I can see what it is about.  I knew someone that tried some of that, or at least purchased some.  I east cheese, which is pretty disgusting if you think about it, and, even worse, I eat dead animals.  I have just never been fond of coffee.  

One time my eagerness to drink tea bit me in the ass when I was meeting with some people and they made some tea.  When they poured me some I knew it was a bit hot for me, so I waited for a couple minutes.  During that time it got a bit awkward as some of the people I was meeting with had already finished their first cup, so I took a sip.  Scalded my mouth pretty bad, but I just pretended everything was fine.  I was unable to taste the dinner we had later with half of my tongue.  I know coffee drinkers that also like it scalding hot.  Maybe these are cultural differnces (although the people I see drinking nearly boiling coffee include others from the same part of my country as me).  For me tea is a relaxing thing, and I don't drink it while it can still injure due to the temperature.
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Since I met my wife and learned that at least one Chinese drinks tea brewed from cheap tea bags in lukewarm water I know that one shouldn't be too strict with ceremony. Though she has no problems drinking it pretty hot, too. The trick is to suck a small amount into the mouth without letting it touch the tongue. It works, but just adding cold water or using a smaller cup is easier :)
I think, a cup of tea is better than a cup of coffee. I mean, there are a lot kinds of coffee and some of them can be better, but instead of a normal cup of coffee, I prefer tea.

Also, will Pyra be able to emulate a cup of tea?
Could you try Stronghold on your OMAP5 devboard? I would spend entirely too much time gaming if that game worked on the Pyra.

-God Ginrai
I tried the Demo, but even on my regular PC I couldn't get it to install.. The demo has a garbage rating on the WineHQ site... However the full game is rated well and people claim it runs okay. Unfortunerly GoG only has the HD remaster, I don't have the full version of the original to try out.
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Since we seem to have gone fully OT, I'll mention that the knack of drinking hot tea is all in the slurp.  Take in enough air with the liquid to rapidly cool it as the thin ribbon enters your mouth.

Personally I find that a bit of a faff though.  I slurp a couple of sips if in company, but generally drink the majority once it's reached non-scalding temperatures.  Especially as I take my tea black, so it doesn't even have the refrigerated milk to cool it down.
If it wasn't sort of a diplomatic meeting I wouldn't have been concerned.  There was no milk to be found, not that I would ever do such a thing to tea (although I do often drink this).  I only add things to coffee to make the flavor bearable to me.  The last time I drank coffee intentionally was a long time ago, possibly not in this millenium.
Sorry to bump an old thread, but I got to thinking whether Dolphin (GameCube) could run well on Pyra. I did some of my own research, and learned that the Pyra graphics card only supports some features in OpenGL ES 3.0 and will most likely never fully support the library. Then I found this thread and Exophase's answers have been very helpful.

Here's what I'm thinking though. Some of the best emulators for Pandora are custom for the hardware, namely PicoDrive, gpSP, and DraStic. Also, PCSXreARMed is a port of a PC emulator optimized for ARM processors.

What I'm wondering is could Dolphin's graphics card code be optimized for Pyra's graphics card, like PCSXreARMed is optimized for ARM. It seems like the hard work has been done getting Dolphin to run on ARM, and the graphics card code is the bottleneck. Also, existing Dolphin for ARM is trying to support tons of hardware running on Android (phones, tablets, etc), whereas Pyra is one platform to target.
