What could we hope to emulate?

id like to remind people of a thread from a while back where this among other things was said

So ARM is not supported?
Well if the source code is available and ARM based processors make a huge improvement we may have dolphin running 2 or 3 frames a second within the next 5 years or so if we're lucky.
See how far we've come in only a year? If trashy and others thought Gamecube on ARM would be that slow 5 years down the line, Sonic has already far and wide shown it to be far better than that. its amazing imo and im really happy with how things have progressed, so thats why I dont understand the lack of optimism. if such strides have been done in recent times, whos to say equal or even greater strides are not going to be made in the year to come?
There is a problem of deminishing returns... basically if all the big optmisations are done then that leaves only smaller optmisations that may not even be worth dedicating time too. Optimism is good but it has to be balanced by the fact that HW and optimisations do have a limit.


We could hope to emulate Notaz, Exophase and other respected developers and stive to be as capable as themselves :P
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This needed correction/clarification:

There's always more cutting-edge hardwares coming out. By the moore's law, the raw computational power of chips two folds every two years. 
Moore's law (which is not a law in any way, merely an observation of a current trend that may well be about to end) does not say anything about "raw computational power". It says something about the number of transistors you can fit on a chip.

More transistors is not the same as more computational power. It does translate to more memory, more cores, bigger register width, more parallel stuff. Generally it also translates to lower power consumption and cheaper prices (because those are mostly related to area).

It does not translate to higher single-threaded CPU clock speeds though. In 2002 we had Pentium 4's that clocked at 3 GHz. That is more than 10 years ago. In terms of transistor count (for a constant area), Moore's law predicted an increase by a factor of 2^(10/2) = 32, and that is more or less exactly what happened. Obviously in terms of clock speeds that is not at all what happened, unless you can show me a 100GHz CPU.


We could hope to emulate Notaz, Exophase and other respected developers and stive to be as capable as themselves :P
What are you talking about?  Notazemu and Exophasemu are already out there.  Just need 1 Gazillion Hertz machine to run full speed and without glitches  :)
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We could hope to emulate Notaz, Exophase and other respected developers and stive to be as capable as themselves :P
What are you talking about?  Notazemu and Exophasemu are already out there.  Just need 1 Gazillion Hertz machine to run full speed and without glitches  :)
*99999999999.9 Ghz with a minimum of 16 monitors ;)