Its Midnight...

Hello again everyone! I just got back from a weekend away, nice to see I got another donation while I was away! I`m still working on getting the emu running as fast as possible, So when I enable the sound on the public version it wont be horribly garbled and out of sync... Dont worry... Sound and Iso support are both in and working, both will be enabled once I`m happy with the emu speed!!

I made quite alot of progress optimizing the scanline render, It wont be long before all games run @ 60fps with the gp2x set @ 200mhz....! - Just to let you know, I've done a GP32 port too, and that is running very nicely too, I`ll let out a release of it as soon as I`ve coded a rom selector for it...!

Vobbo :ph34r:
Hello again everyone! I just got back from a weekend away, nice to see I got another donation while I was away! I`m still working on getting the emu running as fast as possible, So when I enable the sound on the public version it wont be horribly garbled and out of sync... Dont worry... Sound and Iso support are both in and working, both will be enabled once I`m happy with the emu speed!!

I made quite alot of progress optimizing the scanline render, It wont be long before all games run @ 60fps with the gp2x set @ 200mhz....! - Just to let you know, I've done a GP32 port too, and that is running very nicely too, I`ll let out a release of it as soon as I`ve coded a rom selector for it...!

Vobbo :ph34r:
WOW! Is there anyway that you will make it blu+ compatable?
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I dont actually have a blu :( I only have an old non-backlit version to test it on...

You guys will have to beta it for me... !!

Vobbo :ph34r:
Ok, Ide be glad to test it for you. Ive got a blu+, which unlike the nlu, flu, and blu has a different screen.
Its not exactly hard to understand. Just read the read me. Its all written very clearly with proper English grammar, unlike your posts.

Also if i remember correctly. BLU+ compatibility only requires a small change. Or a dual mode which can be selected frm a menu can be implemented. I have a BLU and FLU and they are both cool :P
Its not exactly hard to understand. Just read the read me

I beg to differ - the hu6820.txt file only tells you where to put the roms - not what format they should be...

I've tried it with .pce.bz2 files that used to work with the PC engine emulator on the GP32 but I just get a freeze or a black screen.

I've also tried .zip files with the same result...

The internal jammanoid rom seems to work fine, so I guess I've just got the wrong format?
Its not exactly hard to understand. Just read the read me

I beg to differ - the hu6820.txt file only tells you where to put the roms - not what format they should be...

I've tried it with .pce.bz2 files that used to work with the PC engine emulator on the GP32 but I just get a freeze or a black screen.

I've also tried .zip files with the same result...

The internal jammanoid rom seems to work fine, so I guess I've just got the wrong format?

Only unzipped .pce files work at the moment...

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Its not exactly hard to understand. Just read the read me

I beg to differ - the hu6820.txt file only tells you where to put the roms - not what format they should be...

I've tried it with .pce.bz2 files that used to work with the PC engine emulator on the GP32 but I just get a freeze or a black screen.

I've also tried .zip files with the same result...

The internal jammanoid rom seems to work fine, so I guess I've just got the wrong format?
Actually it says they are not supported in the updates.
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Not negative. Its like the first update thing in there.

ReadMe said:
updated zip code, not yet enabled... (it was removed in the initial port)

Although I do see its not very clear. Sorry. I just have my hardest exam in less than 2 hours.
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