Predictions of emulators.

This is why I tried to start an Epic FAQ before these guys came in
To be fair, someone who doesn't take the time to read the most recent posts to see what's going on isn't likely to read a FAQ either. And what would you have said in a FAQ that would have prevented this? "Check the most recent posts" should be standard practice, it's common courtesy no matter what forum you visit.

Also consider the user thewitcherman3's response: when called out and told why the behavior was problematic they responded by accusing the entire board of being snobbish and cruel. Seems a little overreactionary and possibly someone who might have difficulties with a homebrew console. We're STILL being plagued by problems with that CCF guy everytime something doesn't work exactly perfectly, but he's just the biggest example and it actually happens fairly frequently.

That may sound elitist, being all "some people just don't GET what the Pandora is about and can't handle it" but it is a $600 machine and yeah, some people would just be wasting their money on it. If someone is just looking for an emulation machine then they'd probably be better off with something cheaper from a bigger player that just does games. That's not elitist, that's genuine assistance: save your money, buy a Shield or something.
His question took all of a few seconds to answer by my previous post than the time it took for you to reprimand him. 
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His question took all of a few seconds to answer by my previous post than the time it took for you to reprimand him.
What are you talking about? I did nothing of the sort. I was trying to diffuse the bomb that _jr_ and slaeshjag had laid.
His question took all of a few seconds to answer by my previous post than the time it took for you to reprimand him.
What are you talking about? I did nothing of the sort. I was trying to diffuse the bomb that _jr_ and slaeshjag had laid.
I'm talking about your latest post just now and your previous one and that it took less effort on my part to actually answer the thewitcherman3's opening question than to explain his lack of forum etiquette. Not everyone spends the amount of hours that some do in forums and may not know yet how things are done. 
seems like all i can get to is the thread itself, which can be huge.
As ekianjo said, the option is called "Display results as posts".
Wow, even with this useful piece of information, it took me a few minutes to figure it out.  Using the standard search doesn't allow this at all (AFAICT).  Turns out you have to click on the "settings" (Gear) button to get to the advanced search.

Even within the simple search, it'd be nice to be able to open up the thread, look at the matches, and click on the post you want to get to.  I see there's a little arrow to open up the topic, it tells you who wrote the first match, but it doesn't allow you to click on that to get to the post.

[annoyed] For the advanced search, a Gear is not the most standard button to do an advanced search.  Usually it's just text, "Advanced Search."  Usually a gear is for your own personal account settings, or your preferences for the forum...
[annoyed] For the advanced search, a Gear is not the most standard button to do an advanced search.  Usually it's just text, "Advanced Search."  Usually a gear is for your own personal account settings, or your preferences for the forum...
Well if some people found it, it means it's not impossible :)

Plus there is a tooltip on the gear "advanced search" so it's not invisible at all. 
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His question took all of a few seconds to answer by my previous post than the time it took for you to reprimand him.
Which amounts to you doing the work he could have done and it'd be to his benefit (and ours, but also his) if he would get in the habit of doing so. Teach a man to fish and all.

What are you talking about? I did nothing of the sort. I was trying to diffuse the bomb that _jr_ and slaeshjag had laid.
Are you even serious.. there was nothing wrong _jr_'s post at all, the guy took it personally for some reason and it all went downhill from there. Maybe people think that the response was bad because he took it so badly? Even ekianjo's was taken very badly and that response was fine, especially by ekianjo standards :p Saying that redundant threads spam up the board is not the same as calling someone a spammer, anyone should be able to see that if they don't just have knee-jerk reactions...

I don't know, maybe he expected some ridiculously polite (and fake) corporate-PR style customer-is-always-right response that you might get from a paid drone on a site for a major product.
We need to bring Prometheus back. She knew how to deal with newcomers and people who are hostile to newcomers mistakes. Just sayin.....I've been on both sides of that coin. 
His question took all of a few seconds to answer by my previous post than the time it took for you to reprimand him.
Which amounts to you doing the work he could have done and it'd be to his benefit (and ours, but also his) if he would get in the habit of doing so. Teach a man to fish and all.
He just wanted a straight answer, and I wasn't overburdened by offering him it in a link, even if it was after he skedaddled.  

We need to bring Prometheus back. She knew how to deal with newcomers and people who are hostile to newcomers mistakes. Just sayin.....I've been on both sides of that coin. 
We can be polite to newcomers with or without her presence(she's probably lurking around her anways). ;)    
We can be polite to newcomers with or without her presence(she's probably lurking around her anways).    
speak for yourself. i wouldve ripped this guy a new asshole if i was stalking pyra general suforum 
For thewitcherman3 and any others new folks left curious about the initial question regarding what to expect from the Pyra, this thread may give you a first line idea: 

Thanks for trying to be helpful, Saber, but slaeshjag actually already gave exactly the same pointer as an answer to the initial question, within one hour of the initial question:

There's a thread about this very subject just a couple lines down in the listing.. :p 

So I don't know why this thread has degenerated into a meta-thread about this community allegedly consisting of unhelpful snobs. I don't think it really gets more helpful on any other internet forum.
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no come back and support us :)

welcome to the forum.  this forumn will teach you how to be man up.  if you don't die on this forum, you will become stronger. if you die, oh well.  take criticisms on this forum constructively.  i have been beaten down many times but i've stood up and i think i've become stronger :)   this is the internet, everyone has his own opinions, and no one listens to anyone else - Moxie :)
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I'm talking about your latest post just now
I was talking to Wally. I even quoted him. Everything I said in that post was directly to his ideas. thewitcherman3 is long gone, there's no reason to be reprimanding him at all at this point, it's all theoretical discussion on how to handle it in the future. The "few seconds" you took was literally wasted because he will never see it, the minute or so I took was not wasted because it is a discussion that needs to happen.
Are you even serious.. there was nothing wrong _jr_'s post at all, the guy took it personally for some reason and it all went downhill from there
Yeah, I am serious. I know _jr_ didn't intend anything bad but I saw the potential for it to be taken the wrong way and wanted to do my best to prevent that from happening. It didn't work, they took it personally exactly like I thought they would. Which is exactly what I was arguing against, not trying to coddle users that can't be bothered with basic forum ettiquette, but my hypocrisies are mine to own. :p
For thewitcherman3 and any others new folks left curious about the initial question regarding what to expect from the Pyra, this thread may give you a first line idea: 

Thanks for trying to be helpful, Saber, but slaeshjag actually already gave exactly the same pointer as an answer to the initial question, within one hour of the initial question:

There's a thread about this very subject just a couple lines down in the listing.. :p 

So I don't know why this thread has degenerated into a meta-thread about this community allegedly consisting of unhelpful snobs. I don't think it really gets more helpful on any other internet forum.
People can be a little irascible around here when the words of another don't align with their own way of thinking. Look at how some threads balloon as a result, and usually over something quickly forgotten. 

We can be polite to newcomers with or without her presence(she's probably lurking around her anways).    
speak for yourself. i wouldve ripped this guy a new asshole if i was stalking pyra general suforum 
We need a hazing subforum I suppose.  :p
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We don't take kindly to your sorts around these parts!

So best you be gettin back on that horse, and riding like the devils whippin at your tail! Uh...Huh!

:angry:   :blink:   :)

Edit: Obviously I'm being sarcastic here and not poking fun at witcherman.
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Yeah... don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.

We are all some great people here. You just need to stick around long enough to get to know us, get past those first impressions....

There are a ton of personalities on here that rubbed me the wrong way when I first met them. At the end of the day most of the issues were in my perceptions, and how my buttons got pushed simply by these people being themselves.

I've learned to be more open to other ways of seeing on these forums, and actually think this is a very mature, respectful, and supportive community.

Ok sure, in our familiarity with each other our manner with newcomers has probably degraded somewhat, needs some freshening up.

Mods: With the Pyra just around the corner, guests and newcomers are going to start flooding this place, and yes... a huge amount of them aren't going to do any searches before starting new threads.

These people need to feel welcome here. I suggest the mods have a talk and maybe sticky a thread describing good policy in dealing with newcomers.

Perhaps even get a bunch of polite community members to volunteer to serve as a 'welcoming committee'... you know, no new threads by new members are to be responded to until a mod or welcoming volunteer has.

It always makes me very sad when I see someone new and enthusiastic leave shortly after getting here for no good reason at all.
Better words of wisdom have never been spoken IMHO. I see all of you guys' points but still, maybe we should try not to argue about wether it was only his fault or only ours.

Let's see it the other way : if someone who looks like he's not accustomed to community-driven forums nor some heavily geeky personnalities gets here, then it's proof that word of the Pyra has spread over to less techy guys.

This means that it was bound to happen, and will happen again.

I may just be about one year old on the forum, but ever since I joined, I tried to fit in. That means that as a newbie, I had to get over the scare of dozens of people squabbling over labels and desktop environments for months. :D

And now that I feel concerned about the lives of everyone here, and that I've grown to love and wait for the Pyra as much as you do, I still sometimes think about newcomers.

Yes, we all frown upon double-posting and overly asked questions, but that doesn't mean we can't be compassionate. The forums are pretty active for such a small community, especially about a product which hasn't even been released yet. That sure looks scary. Plus, we do like to say things the accurate way, using technical terms that only us understand... most of the time.

We don't have to change ourselves. We are geeks, we're proud of it, and we're thinking together for a brighter future. All we need to do is remember that we all began somewhere. Let's try not to frighten them away, even if they are not totally respectful to us. Once they'll get the hangs of it, everyone will benefit from it.

We may like to have a super-secret smartphone-computer-console gadget that no one understands besides us, but we'd even more like it to have the success it truly deserves. And that will happen if we do our best to be nice to newbies, so they'll help us spread the word.

If there ever is a welcoming commitee, I'd happily sign in. You can count on me, bros.
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