Would You Actually Buy A Commercial Game For Gp2x?

Why don't you tell us more about what game you are planning to port, that way people can give a better idea about what they are willing to pay and whether they are interested.
About DRM, Its a necessity, I agree. Clarify what, if any, safeguards you will provide users if their system gets bricked right after purchasing your game. Remember, at the current rate, your product and Firmware 1.3.0 should come out about the same time ;)
I really think low cost commercial games are how this system will get recognition and grow. If you charge any fee for a game, chances are it might actually get a professional review (look at all the reviews for Live Marketplace games that have cropped up).
I would most likely not pay for a commercial game, if I want to pay for high quality commercial games, i'd most likely do so for another portable console. I got the gp2x for it's freeware ports, emu's and media abilities.

edit: two typos!
I imagine serial-number locking shoudl be acceptible; ie: If you got a new device, you'd hit up a web CGI that would get you a new unlock code for the new serial number. Make it realtively painless and it should be okay
I use a number of pieces of software at work that use similar approaches and they tend to work well. We might have four or five licenses to share between the ten or twenty people in the company that use them. It does mean that a license gets lost once in a while, but with a good relationship with the supplier these are replaced quickly.
Another approach I've seen used a lot when transferring licenses is for the 'target' PC to generate a unique serial number somehow, this is typed into the 'host' PC which in turn generates an unlock code to be input to the 'target'. This causes the license to die on the 'host' and the 'target' license is activated by the code. This wouldn't help bricked units though of course...
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I'd pay $15, or even $25 if the game was good enough.

If it's the first commercial game I'd probably get it anyway just out of curiosity and (I know people have already said this) as long as it's not sports. Or puzzle, actually, unless it was really outstanding.

As for RPG I don't mind, but if it's gonna be one of those cliche "Ransbotpicasso-sama, your quest for the 7 runes starts now" things count me out. Something related to GP2x life would be a laff though. :D
I would pay 10 to 30 Euro for a really polished nonsport nontrancemusic game :)

Of course, reviews would have to be good and the idea of a small demo might even be quite good. I would love a RPG Grandia2 like game...
Nice gameplay is necessary, and if the hardware gets maxed out as far as it goes it would be awesome to see what the GP2X is capable of... but maybe we wait with these techdemos until its possible to access all this hardware and software sources without hassle :).
Wow i never knew there where so many reasons not to buy a game hahahahaha, I usually don't buy it if i don't like it (Make a demo downloadable)
I'm actually very shocked at people saying i wont buy it with this music and so on hahahahahahaha (Must remember to ring Konami and tell em i don't like the save screens music in Wallace and Grommit, If they don't change it i want my money back hahahahah)

This place is very very funny

PS Good lick dude but from some of the responses here i would say don't bother because it would be a waste of a good talent (We have some projects here that for a few reasons will no longer be ported to GP2X)
I did buy 2 commercial titles for the GP32 (FLU) Little Wizard and Dungeons and Guarder, which in all fairnes, aren't as good as many emulated games, but they were commercial products and I wanted to support something I'm passionate about, so I guess I would buy a commercial game, or one that you have ported, but, I hate to sound like many who have responded, it would have to be a genre im fond of.
Wow i never knew there where so many reasons not to buy a game hahahahaha, I usually don't buy it if i don't like it (Make a demo downloadable)
I'm actually very shocked at people saying i wont buy it with this music and so on hahahahahahaha (Must remember to ring Konami and tell em i don't like the save screens music in Wallace and Grommit, If they don't change it i want my money back hahahahah)

This place is very very funny

PS Good lick dude but from some of the responses here i would say don't bother because it would be a waste of a good talent (We have some projects here that for a few reasons will no longer be ported to GP2X)
The good thing about this sort of commercial development is it's developed for the community, with the community. Not just something slapped together from market figures, like some games are. People have the right to say what they want to get, and developers have the right to either embrace it or ignore it.
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Provided the game was not really bad, of course I would buy! Just for supporting further commersial development if not enything else. I would also like to se alot more commesial ports. Say games like Worms, Blood, Death Rally etc. I'm aware of this is really up to the companies that made them, but if we get some commersial games which sell pretty well, maby more developers/companies would take interest in the Gpx2.
Skeezix: I'd be willing to buy a couple games from you ;) especially for that price (although I'm guessing your going with USD not CAD)
I guess you never look at Ebay then huh ?
Type in GP32, Theres always pirate CDs for sale blink.gif

There was never a CD with cracked GP32-games on ebay. Just CDs with games from the file archive.
Skeezix: I'd be willing to buy a couple games from you ;) especially for that price (although I'm guessing your going with USD not CAD)

It should be $15 regardless of the currency. Then us Canucks get a break for once! ;)

Seriously, I'd be willing to pay $15-20 for a game if the DRM wasn't crazy and the word of mouth was good. Maybe shareware would be the best way to go here? Then everyone can take it for a spin for a level or two and pony up for the full version if they like it. Just my 2 cents.
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I guess you never look at Ebay then huh ?
Type in GP32, Theres always pirate CDs for sale blink.gif

There was never a CD with cracked GP32-games on ebay. Just CDs with games from the file archive.

But there were cracked games out there if you looked hard enough. I tried out a few, but the only one I played for more than 10 min (and ended up purchasing) was Little Wizards. The rest were either in Korean, aweful, or both.

I'd pay up to $10 for a commercial GP2X game just to be supportive. I'm not sure anybody could make a game which would be worth much more to me, would run on this hardware, and hasn't already been done in emulation.

In all fairness, I can't think of more than 2 or 3 games on DS or PSP for which I would pay more than $10. That's why I don't have either of them.
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Would You Actually Buy A Commercial Game For Gp2x?
To be succinct: If it is a good game, yes.

I am not the sort to demand that such a thing be, "Better than X Game on Emulator Y", in order for me to purchase it - I know that is not how progress gets made. :P