World Situation

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OMars posted on Aug 9 2006 at 05:04 PM said:
I know that a lot of Americans don't support what Bush is doing, but I live in Nebraska. <_< Everyone here is a hick and believes that they are "freeing" Iraqis. And there is far too much to explain so I just try to ignore them. Also when I came here gas costed less than a dollar. Now it's around three dollars. Imagine if you have two cars and you drive around the city all day...I don't think you would support Bush after a month of that. ;)
Everyone in nebraska may be a hick, but everyone where I live is a hippy and thinks that if we were just nice to people everyone would get along, We saw how that went with Israel.

Bush has sucked, but that doesn't mean that the democrats would do any better. Many of them supported Bush's decisions. I wish we would get out of our two-party view and look at all of the candidates. I admit I haven't researched this much, but it seems like a lot of people would prefer something inbetween the republican and democratic views, such as the Libertarian party, but won't vote that way because they say it won't affect anything. Well, if everyone thinks that way, then of course it won't affect anything. But if everyone decides to vote for the party that they agree with the most, rather than just the democrats or republicans, we would get a much more balanced government.

Omars, you claim that you have exclusive knowledge that is unatainable by us because we haven't lived in the middleeast. You are correct in a sense, but you have to remember that you are only getting your side's skewed view, and the Israelites are only getting their side's skewed view. I highly doubt that either of them are accurate.

About the gas prices, I find it difficult to blame Bush for that. Gas isn't an easily renewed resource. We are using gas more and more, and there is less and less of it. Obviously the price will go up, it is simple supply and demand.
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OMars posted on Aug 9 2006 at 05:04 PM said:
I know that a lot of Americans don't support what Bush is doing, but I live in Nebraska. <_< Everyone here is a hick and believes that they are "freeing" Iraqis. And there is far too much to explain so I just try to ignore them. Also when I came here gas costed less than a dollar. Now it's around three dollars. Imagine if you have two cars and you drive around the city all day...I don't think you would support Bush after a month of that. ;)

Move to Illinois. Here when the elections started they just flipped the switch to blue 10 minutes after polling started :p

Freeing Iraqis? Well he is freeing them. He is freeing them from their limbs, and from having to bother breathing. Bush is a mass murderer plain and simple. If the republicans didn't control the country with a death grip there would be alot of investigation into his actions. He may be impeached if they didn't control anything. I guess that is why it is important to get a Dem majority in Nov so some REAL investigations can be done. I am just afraid out vote doesn't count anymore with all of the cheating that they do.

I thought Bush's reason for the war was WMD. Ok so when there was none they made it into freeing Iraq. But then when they found hat Iraq didn't want to be "freed" the Bushies claimed it was because of terrorists. It seems like the Bushies will just make anything up as they go to fit their whims.

Now Iraq is a mess and the Bushies are still trying to say they are better off :rolleyes: They are either liars or just plain stupid or both.

Of course gas is expensive. It is going to get alot more expensive too. Bushes old oil pals need to get richer off of the backs of us workers, there is too much free money to be stolen. No lobbiest left behind right? So get to work, the billionaires need more money. A billion just doesn't go as far these days, how can the poor bastards live on that? ;)

deadlychicken22 posted on Aug 9 2006 at 05:33 PM said:
About the gas prices, I find it difficult to blame Bush for that. Gas isn't an easily renewed resource. We are using gas more and more, and there is less and less of it. Obviously the price will go up, it is simple supply and demand.

That is the bullshit that they sell you to keep you from seeing the truth.

The truth is that there is PLENTY of oil left in the world. When our government gives billions of our tax money in subsidies to big oil when they are making record profits that is obsurd and it is a policy of the government (Bush).

When oil companies can do less work and refine less oil to make a fake shortage and make more money they will do it. It is like if you went from working 5 days a week to 3 and made MORE money. Big oil CREATES the limited supply. It is a huge scam.
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You can't deny that there's still plenty of oil left in the world. Enough to last us 50 years, or so was said. Of course, that's not a particularly long time, and some environmentalists are considering this phase of high oil prices as a way of moving people to greener energy. Of course, the government don't want greener energy else they lose all the money they get from the oil companies. New houses could be required to have solar panels built into the roof. People who do install solar panels could get grants. More wind farms could be built. But no, Mr. Blair thinks nuclear is the answer, that way he can reap the rewards. After all, once you install a wind farm or a solar panel, that's it. It's done with. Running a nuclear plant is an entirely different matter, a lot like an oil processing plant. Hm...

We should all just vote Monster Raving Loony. Bastard Tax! (unfortunately, they don't have enough MPs, and it doesn't matter who we vote next, we still have three more years of Blair)

Bollocks to "democracy".
deadlychicken22 posted on Aug 9 2006 at 12:33 PM said:
OMars posted on Aug 9 2006 at 05:04 PM said:
I know that a lot of Americans don't support what Bush is doing, but I live in Nebraska. <_< Everyone here is a hick and believes that they are "freeing" Iraqis. And there is far too much to explain so I just try to ignore them. Also when I came here gas costed less than a dollar. Now it's around three dollars. Imagine if you have two cars and you drive around the city all day...I don't think you would support Bush after a month of that. ;)
Everyone in nebraska may be a hick, but everyone where I live is a hippy and thinks that if we were just nice to people everyone would get along, We saw how that went with Israel.

Bush has sucked, but that doesn't mean that the democrats would do any better. Many of them supported Bush's decisions. I wish we would get out of our two-party view and look at all of the candidates. I admit I haven't researched this much, but it seems like a lot of people would prefer something inbetween the republican and democratic views, such as the Libertarian party, but won't vote that way because they say it won't affect anything. Well, if everyone thinks that way, then of course it won't affect anything. But if everyone decides to vote for the party that they agree with the most, rather than just the democrats or republicans, we would get a much more balanced government.

Omars, you claim that you have exclusive knowledge that is unatainable by us because we haven't lived in the middleeast. You are correct in a sense, but you have to remember that you are only getting your side's skewed view, and the Israelites are only getting their side's skewed view. I highly doubt that either of them are accurate.

About the gas prices, I find it difficult to blame Bush for that. Gas isn't an easily renewed resource. We are using gas more and more, and there is less and less of it. Obviously the price will go up, it is simple supply and demand.
Over 90% of the what's left of oil is in....the middleeast. Is it a coincidence that Bush attacked the middleeast, no! Prices went up only because Bush needed more money for his war machine.

And what is all this talk of "stopping nuclear proliferation", America has the most WMD's in the world, are they using those for "protection", no. Did you know that America used chemical weapons against insurgents, well that didn't just injure insurgents. How about when Lebanese doctors found wounds on patients that looked similar to chemical attack wounds. Give me a reason for those facts. ;)

DaveC, you are extremely wise, I think you could write a best-seller! :D See if America was truly trying to help people, why didn't they go to the poverse nations of Africa that are being ravaged by disease, hunger and civil war? You and I seem to be understanding this, but it seems that the "Bushies" on this board still support Bush and Israel.

Yono, do you know why he interrupted him repeatedly? Because he wasn't answering his questions, and gave false answers. Why would Israel attack citizens when insurgents are the ones who kidnapped soldiers.
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DaveC posted on Aug 9 2006 at 05:55 PM said:
deadlychicken22 posted on Aug 9 2006 at 05:33 PM said:
About the gas prices, I find it difficult to blame Bush for that. Gas isn't an easily renewed resource. We are using gas more and more, and there is less and less of it. Obviously the price will go up, it is simple supply and demand.

That is the bullshit that they sell you to keep you from seeing the truth.

The truth is that there is PLENTY of oil left in the world. When our government gives billions of our tax money in subsidies to big oil when they are making record profits that is obsurd and it is a policy of the government (Bush).

When oil companies can do less work and refine less oil to make a fake shortage and make more money they will do it. It is like if you went from working 5 days a week to 3 and made MORE money. Big oil CREATES the limited supply. It is a huge scam.
I admit it's possible, but I find it humorous how much credit extreme liberals like yourself and most of my friends give Bush. If anything goes wrong, it is Bushs fault. One of my friends believe that on 9-11 Bush and the republican government were the ones who were actually behind the attack. I don't agree with Bush, but I don't think he's smart enough to pull that off, sorry.

If what you say is true, then why doesn't some oil company decide to sell oil cheaper? They could make a TON more money if they sold all of the oil they have at a cheaper price because then everyone would buy their gas from that company. The company would make a ton of money and possibly put the other companies out of business. If what you're saying is true, then I can't believe some oil company hasn't seen this. The reason they haven't seen this is because what you're saying isn't true and is simply another way to blame every problem this country has on Bush.

As I said before, I don't agree with Bush, but you give him more credit than he deserves.

DaveC, you are extremely wise, I think you could write a best-seller! biggrin.gif See if America was truly trying to help people, why didn't they go to the poverse nations of Africa that are being ravaged by disease, hunger and civil war? You and I seem to be understanding this, but it seems that the "Bushies" on this board still support Bush and Israel.
I don't support the war in Iraq at all. It appears that everyone here still has a black and white picture of politics: you're either republican of democrat and you support all of their policies and leaders.

I don't support the democrats or the republicans.
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I question, Omars, if being born and raised in the middle east gives you any advantage in your opinion concerning the situation there. You can't seem to objectively look at the problem. Your view point is very one sided. You ignore the reason for the war between Israel and the Arabs. You can't seem to grasp that the aggressors are the Arab nations. Your point of discussion is fixated on being disturbed over the horrors of war. I am glad that you are disturbed. All of us should be disturbed. War is not pretty. It is ugly. War is not two armies meeting in a field and shooting one another. It is babies, children, families, and brothers being blowed up in their homes and backyard. War takes place in neighborhoods, towns, and cities. War is a baby crying and starving to death while lying beside its dead mother in the street. War is the hospital being blowed up and having no where to receive proper medical aide. War is suffering, starving, rape, and a multitude of other things.

The Israeli and Arab war has been going on since 1948. Lets see hmmm.. thats 58 years! There has not been any real peace there, only fighting for that long period of time. Any understanding of that conflict by anyone in this thread would have to come by reading up on the history of the region. No one here, I believe, would be old enough to remember.

When I think of war, I think of the Vietnam War. I grew up during that war. Our soldiers were involved from 1959 to 1973. I was going to be in the next shipment of people to that region in 1973. My number was up. Things, I guess, was right during the Nixon administration(Republican) and he brought all of our soldiers home. That was a very bad and ugly war. The recent Iraq war has been too easy for our military when you compare it to a war like Vietnam. Don't misunderstand what I am saying. War is bad no matter who is involved or where it is at. The Iraq war could have been worse and can be.

I do not see getting a different President into office will change the situation concerning our involvement in Iraq right now. We are going to be there for a while. Democrat or Republican, we are going to be in Iraq for a few more years, if not longer. I hope I am wrong, but I do not believe so. We have put our foot into a tight place and it will take some doing to get it out.

Oil prices will keep going up, especially when there is a demand that exceeds the speed that it takes to get it out of the ground. I do remember that we used to have a cap on the price of gas here in the USA. That cap was taken off during the Reagan years. No one has bothered to replace it, not even a suggestion. Is there kick back here somewhere? Democrats? Republicans?
OMRLP said:
All WMD’s (weapons of Mass Distraction) will be made highly visible so that we can find them.

Any politician wanting to start a war will be shipped off to the country in question with a bag of conkers. They can then conker the country themselves.

The white cliffs of Dover will be painted blue to camouflage our islands.

Buckingham Place will be defended by triffids, cultivated by Prince Charles.

Anyone criticising defence will be made to mend it with de hammer and de nails.
Best. Policy. Ever.

To be honest, I'd rather politicians stopped interfering with everyone else and sorted problems out in their own goddamn countries :angry:
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nickspoon posted on Aug 9 2006 at 09:36 PM said:
OMRLP said:
All WMD’s (weapons of Mass Distraction) will be made highly visible so that we can find them.

Any politician wanting to start a war will be shipped off to the country in question with a bag of conkers. They can then conker the country themselves.

The white cliffs of Dover will be painted blue to camouflage our islands.

Buckingham Place will be defended by triffids, cultivated by Prince Charles.

Anyone criticising defence will be made to mend it with de hammer and de nails.
Best. Policy. Ever.

The Monster Raving Loony Party have the best manifesto i have ever seen. most of the stuff makes total sense but you just know that it would never work with them in power.

Last elections I voted Lib Dem (always said i would never vote but i decided to try and make a difference the first time i voted) but my area (and the country) got Labour again.

I probably wouldnt vote for Lib Dem at the moment tho. Seem to have gone a bit weird with some policy views :blink:
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darkman posted on Aug 9 2006 at 02:19 PM said:
I question, Omars, if being born and raised in the middle east gives you any advantage in your opinion concerning the situation there. You can't seem to objectively look at the problem. Your view point is very one sided. You ignore the reason for the war between Israel and the Arabs. You can't seem to grasp that the aggressors are the Arab nations. Your point of discussion is fixated on being disturbed over the horrors of war. I am glad that you are disturbed. All of us should be disturbed. War is not pretty. It is ugly. War is not two armies meeting in a field and shooting one another. It is babies, children, families, and brothers being blowed up in their homes and backyard. War takes place in neighborhoods, towns, and cities. War is a baby crying and starving to death while lying beside its dead mother in the street. War is the hospital being blowed up and having no where to receive proper medical aide. War is suffering, starving, rape, and a multitude of other things.

The Israeli and Arab war has been going on since 1948. Lets see hmmm.. thats 58 years! There has not been any real peace there, only fighting for that long period of time. Any understanding of that conflict by anyone in this thread would have to come by reading up on the history of the region. No one here, I believe, would be old enough to remember.

When I think of war, I think of the Vietnam War. I grew up during that war. Our soldiers were involved from 1959 to 1973. I was going to be in the next shipment of people to that region in 1973. My number was up. Things, I guess, was right during the Nixon administration(Republican) and he brought all of our soldiers home. That was a very bad and ugly war. The recent Iraq war has been too easy for our military when you compare it to a war like Vietnam. Don't misunderstand what I am saying. War is bad no matter who is involved or where it is at. The Iraq war could have been worse and can be.

I do not see getting a different President into office will change the situation concerning our involvement in Iraq right now. We are going to be there for a while. Democrat or Republican, we are going to be in Iraq for a few more years, if not longer. I hope I am wrong, but I do not believe so. We have put our foot into a tight place and it will take some doing to get it out.

Oil prices will keep going up, especially when there is a demand that exceeds the speed that it takes to get it out of the ground. I do remember that we used to have a cap on the price of gas here in the USA. That cap was taken off during the Reagan years. No one has bothered to replace it, not even a suggestion. Is there kick back here somewhere? Democrats? Republicans?

How dare you?! Didn't you go to that link, it's obvious that America and Israel's governments are the aggressors. How many reefers do you smoke in a day to be so ignorant and misinformed? ;) Everybody know where war is, there are no more fields in the world, because they have been torn up and perverted by complete imbisiles who want to rule the world. The only reasons that these wars are happening are oil and religion. It seems that the Western governments want to start another crusade. ;)

And yes, the fact that I was born and raised there give me a much better view of it than YOU! Come back when you realise who has started this war. <_<
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I think it's perverse that those who declare wars on their fellow humans don't take part in the fighting.

TelcoLou posted on Aug 9 2006 at 06:19 PM said:
I think it's perverse that those who declare wars on their fellow humans don't take part in the fighting.

I concur.
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Omars why do you live in the USA? I am just a bit curious. You seem to dislike America. :blink:
And by the way, I don't think it is I who is misinformed. ;)
well england right now is on critical alert because 10 flights at heatrow aerport have been threatened to blow up. what a lovely world this is...
OMars posted on Jul 18 2006 at 09:00 PM said:
Draken posted on Jul 18 2006 at 12:49 PM said:
Do you happen to live there?
Part of my life yes.... B)

Yono posted on Jul 18 2006 at 12:54 PM said:
Saddam Hussein's non-compliance with 13 different United Nations resolutions continued though early 2003. There is no reason he should have been left in power.

And OMars, I think you are confused. Sunnis are the insurgents and the minority, and to leave them in power would be a grave mistake.

Darkman, thank you for that excellent post. I found it very informative.
No, my good sir, I can assure you that this fact is not true. If Shi'is were the majority why didn't they start a coup? And the insurgents(not al-quaeda insurgents, just the Iraqi nationalists)are the people who I would compare to the "founding fathers" of America. ;)

P.S. I don't support terrorism.

Religions: Muslim 97% (Shi'a 65%, Sunni 32%), Christian or other 3%

Don't go spouting lies. Also I want a coup. Let's have one now, it'll be fun with all the weapons that I HAVENT GOT.

nickspoon posted on Aug 9 2006 at 09:36 PM said:
To be honest, I'd rather politicians stopped interfering with everyone else and sorted problems out in their own goddamn countries :angry:
I agree, although I wish they would just fuck off and stop interfering in my life too. Abroad or at home, it's still interfering.

edit: No doubt America and George W Bush will somehow be blamed for these terror attack attempts.
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Damn cowards, winning wars by killing innocent people. Bah, sometimes I'd just want those parts to be bombed away.
LHC posted on Aug 10 2006 at 09:18 AM said:

Religions: Muslim 97% (Shi'a 65%, Sunni 32%), Christian or other 3%

Don't go spouting lies. Also I want a coup. Let's have one now, it'll be fun with all the weapons that I HAVENT GOT.
You failed to mention how Sunnis refuse to cooperate with the government, even when they want a census count. Let's see you go count how many sunnis there in Iraq. ;)

Darkman, I am here for the amazing educational facilities of the U.S. . :blink: I think this will be another war lost by America, like they lost in Vietnam.
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OMars posted on Aug 10 2006 at 08:31 PM said:
LHC posted on Aug 10 2006 at 09:18 AM said:

Religions: Muslim 97% (Shi'a 65%, Sunni 32%), Christian or other 3%

Don't go spouting lies. Also I want a coup. Let's have one now, it'll be fun with all the weapons that I HAVENT GOT.
You failed to mention how Sunnis refuse to cooperate with the government, even when they want a census count. Let's see you go count how many sunnis there in Iraq. ;)

Darkman, I am here for the amazing educational facilities of the U.S. . :blink: I think this will be another war lost by America, like they lost in Vietnam.
I doubt there are in excess of 5 million sunnis unaccounted for.

Even when Saddam was in power, and the Sunnis the favoured group, there was no evidence that sunnis outweighed shi'a.
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OMars posted on Aug 10 2006 at 02:31 PM said:
LHC posted on Aug 10 2006 at 09:18 AM said:

Religions: Muslim 97% (Shi'a 65%, Sunni 32%), Christian or other 3%

Don't go spouting lies. Also I want a coup. Let's have one now, it'll be fun with all the weapons that I HAVENT GOT.
You failed to mention how Sunnis refuse to cooperate with the government, even when they want a census count. Let's see you go count how many sunnis there in Iraq. ;)

Darkman, I am here for the amazing educational facilities of the U.S. . :blink: I think this will be another war lost by America, like they lost in Vietnam.

The war in Vietnam was never meant to be won. It was all political. That is the reason for a lot of deep emotional feelings about that war here in the US.
edit: typos
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darkman posted on Aug 10 2006 at 03:35 PM said:
The war in Vietnam was never meant to be won. It was all political. That is the reason for a lot of deep emotional feelings about that war here in the US.
edit: typos
Well, it doesn't that they won politically either. ;)
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