Why Are People So Rude Towards Newbies...


Advanced Member
Jan 31, 2006
I am really getting annoyed with certain board members. I can now see why a lot of people leave these boards for good. A lot of people who come here as newbies ask simple questions and receive a lot of rude and ignorant responses. I am not talking about the genuine "N64 emulation plzzz" thread that happens to appear from time to time, or questions that are asked without proper research beforehand. I have responded very aggressively to a number of posts that were insulting or rude towards noobs and now I am informed that my warn level has been raised.

Obviously the "don't be a dick" rule has been ignored by a lot of people here, including me from time to time. I am not talking about that though. I think you are allowed to be a dick sometimes. You might have a bad day, you might be kidding or sarcastic or you might answer rudely to another person's rude behaviour.

I hope my concerns will be taken seriously and discussed. I know that I am overreacting sometimes but these things accumulate and make me angry and disappointed. I thought it should be common courtesy but apparently it's not.
Arr, It's true, a lot of newer members are twats towards the even newer members, and this saddens me.
Happens always in forums, I think. I know we can all be idiots sometimes, but when people come here and do txt speak or gangsta rappa speak I hate it.

Sorry if I flame them a little.

But on the whole I think the balance is okay. Surprised that you have been warned, xnop. I have never seen you post in a flamy way!
I just hope that this forum doesn't end up like the PSP forums. :blink:

It's doubtful it will though because we're not all hormonal 10yr olds with an inflated sense of self worth. (just me) :lol:
lubidog said:
Happens always in forums, I think. I know we can all be idiots sometimes, but when people come here and do txt speak or gangsta rappa speak I hate it.

Sorry if I flame them a little.

But on the whole I think the balance is okay. Surprised that you have been warned, xnop. I have never seen you post in a flamy way!
I wasn't talking about that kind of flame. Ofcourse we are all rude sometimes but it is in order occasionally aswell. As for the leetspeak and that gangster bull, flame away, I think it's annoying too.

Lurkio said:
I just hope that this forum doesn't end up like the PSP forums. :blink:

It's doubtful it will though because we're not all hormonal 10yr olds with an inflated sense of self worth. (just me) :lol:
Word (;-))! That's what I figure aswell. Aren't we all hardware loving retro geeks? I would expect a certain level of maturity here.
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Well, I must add that I have been received well here, treated well, not flamed.

Mind you, if I asked some stupid questions that were answered on the easily accessed wiki pages or via a quick search or even by sticky, I would deserve every flame.

Its very much akin to standing around, ignoring the ongoing conversation then asking questions that were already answered mere moments ago..

Ive seen poorly run forums and this just isnt one of them.


Some people here are quick to jump down peoples' throats when they feel something rude has been said. I presume that's why you were warned xnop, although I wouldnt have warned you for that.

I admit that many people here can be extremely irritating. I also admit that people can ask questions that we, as the most "experienced" member, deem ridiculous. Lastly, I admit that I'm far from someone who should be giving advice on this. I know I'm not exactly a perfect citizen here, but I try to ignore posts that make me grind my teeth; and believe me, I see a bunch ;)

Unless you're 100% certain a remark is nasty, rude, inflammatory, etc on someone's behalf, don't bother telling them off. It could just be you misinterpreting it.

There's my 2 cents. Any mods care to tell me what my warn level is? :P
Actually overall I think the community here is pretty good. There is only one member here that I find rather annoying... and he seems rather full of himself... and rude to boot. I still am not sure why he seems to be held in high regard by some... I also don't see the need for naysayers... and negativity here. In order for the developing community to grow and continue to be excited about their work it needs to be done in a positive and enriching environment... not one where you continually see remarks like "it can't be done" or "you should quit wasting your time on this project and work on some another emulator that is closer to being finished".

We are lucky to have these people to do the work they do for us as a community and if they wish to work on a emulator for the N64 because that is what they want to do... THANK-YOU... and we as a community appreciate your efforts. If you actually are able to do it we will worship you... and if not... we applaud your efforts, because in your work I am sure you will have learned something that will have further enriched the community... Its when trying to do the impossible that we expand our knowledge the most, so while there are those that may not be cheering you on... I am definitely behind all the developers here on whatever endeavour they wish to take on...

Now for the topic of being rude.... because you are having a bad day...etc... I don't buy it. I can understand it when you are standing face to face in a group of people... but here on a board... we have a lot of time between typing our messages and actually hitting the enter key. By the time I have written my response I hope I would have cooled down enough to actually delete it if if was inappropriate.

Granted I have posted such things, perhaps not at this here, but it was done because of poor judgement on my part... not because I didn't have the time to retract what I had written.

As a newbie myself I feel I have been under the radar and treated extremely well... even when I posted in the wrong board... a moderator politely moved it for me. Nothing but positive experiences here with the exception of my one special friend of doom and gloom, but now I try hard not to read those posts. But its like driving by a car accident and not looking... it is near impossible.

Awwwwwwwwww... just wanted to add one more thing... I am really grateful that the developers here are as tolerant as they are... because I am not so sure I would be.
Ripster said:
There is only one member here that I find rather annoying... and he seems rather full of himself... and rude to boot. I still am not sure why he seems to be held in high regard by some...

Because he made a great D-Pad mod...!
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sam needs a good spanking every now and then.

edit: my use of the English language was shite.
daclassicgamingmaster said:
It'd be nice if you let me know when it went up. You know, so I know what I did ;)
No, because then the warning system might actually enact a positive behavioral modification on the forum member in question. We wouldn't want that.

You'll eat your gruel in the dark, and you're lucky you get that! ;)
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newbies are inexperienced a short time, then they become experienced users a long time. every newbie we help is a potential contributor. and in the least we should consider helping for the sake off lighten the burden off helping the ever growing flow of new adopters.

help newbie>newbie becomes l33t>helps other newbie>newbie becomes l33t> ad infinitum