Why All The Discourse?

Why the fuck is this still in the general GP2X section? :angry:
It never would have happened were you still an orange bastard.

The whole world hates usa, get used to it.

... well, have you reported this post, as I have?

Isn't it hilarious that a mod posted here, with an 'offensive joke', and left the obviously off-topic thread alone?

Isn't it???
Read above...

- Alex :(
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Everyone is going to hate a country to exercises power in an aggressive way. It definitely happened to the Uk, it happened to germany, it happened to Japan, it happened to Rome, It happened to the greeks, it happened to every powerful nation in history, and its starting to happen to China. Sorry if what my country has done has offended you, but I'm sure your country has offended some other country at another time. Like always, small groups of people control big groups of people, so I don't blame anyone except politicians and unfortunately a lot of times citizens (ie. tourists) are byproducts of what these politians instill on SOME of their people.

The whole point of this place is that we share one thing in common outside of our countries differences, and thats the gp2x, which shows us that when it comes down to it we are all very similar, awesome, now back to talking about this wonderful gp2x :D .
Speaking of hating, I just saw some videos on Youtube about how the japanese torture dolphins by slowly stabbing them to death while they're caught in nets in shallow waters, what the fuck is wrong with those people, they're the same nation that encourages and admires sepukku, do they have no respect for life?

- Alex

People are people. We all enjoy our GP2x(for the most part) for which this board was created for. We all feed off of each other idea's, whether we are americans, europeans, serians, japanese, chinese, or whatever. We all have things that we hate and love about our and others government. Media definitely doesn't help glorify any of our countries either. If you hate the governments actions that bad. Get yourself involved, make yourself be heard. Every little bit helps. Love it or leave it, we all take our pants off the same way at the end of the day. (well for the most part).

However, this is not a forum for that. I come here about GP2x stuff. It is an awesome product with excellent potential. Hopefully they make another version with a d-pad, then all would be complete.

Speaking of hating, I just saw some videos on Youtube about how the japanese torture dolphins by slowly stabbing them to death while they're caught in nets in shallow waters, what the fuck is wrong with those people, they're the same nation that encourages and admires sepukku, do they have no respect for life?

- Alex

And there he goes. Takes one fucked up specific thing about a country and generalizes it to the entire country... that's like saying the majority of Americans are in the KKK.
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These discussions are always amusing. An acquaintance of mine in Russia wishes the USSR still existed and despises the US. Yet, he is obsessed with movies and video games almost EXCLUSIVELY from the US. Hmm. :p Another friend from Russia refers to me as 'not just another American'. A lot of people like to blindly hate the US but if you get down to the personal level you can tell we're the same as anybody else in Europe, most of the time. Some people give us a really shitty image by being fat, obnoxious loudmouthes who think the world revolves around them. The US has enormous social and political influence but that doesn't mean we're the only country in the world, far from it-- and the US is shaped by countless other cultures worldwide, a large percentage of which are European influences. And this apparently works in reverse.

It's all about the personal interaction as far as I am concerned. For example, I'm stationed on an Air Force base in northern Japan where we have a GREAT relationship with the Japanese nationals and are a respected part of the community. Whereas in Okinawa, the local community is trying to pay the US to get the Marines to leave the area because of all the trouble they cause. :p

The whole world hates usa, get used to it.

... well, have you reported this post, as I have?

Isn't it hilarious that a mod posted here, with an 'offensive joke', and left the obviously off-topic thread alone?

Isn't it???

It is really not as offensive as you think. It is basically TRUE.

And with the way this government goes around acting like they own the world and that everyone has to conform to what *WE* want when we want it what do you expect? Anti-American sentiment is at an all time high. It isn't going to go away any time soon either. We really *do* have to "get used to it". Until we stop acting like total asshats around the world and realize that there are other nations with rights too, the hate will continue to fester.

The sad thing is that alot of us Americans don't agree with the governments policies and or actions. But hey if we continue to elect arrogant religeous zealot doofuses like Bush what can you expect?
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The whole world hates usa, get used to it.

... well, have you reported this post, as I have?

Isn't it hilarious that a mod posted here, with an 'offensive joke', and left the obviously off-topic thread alone?

Isn't it???

It is really not as offensive as you think. It is basically TRUE.

I didn't find it offensive at all ... notice the clever use of single quotes, used often by me to denote a sarcastic tone.

I was just pissed off that it was left so long in the General section, and was only moved after I complained about Vimcas' post (not for being offensive in and of itself, but rather, for his lack of action as a moderator).

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....this government goes around acting like they own the world and that everyone has to conform to what *WE* want when we want it what do you expect? Anti-American sentiment is at an all time high. It isn't going to go away any time soon either. We really *do* have to "get used to it". Until we stop acting like total asshats around the world and realize that there are other nations with rights too, the hate will continue to fester.

I do agree with this statement, however, we as a nation are EXPECTED to help out, aid wise, military wise by other countries. There are many countries that have asked our help, we go and help and then it's like "you did your job, now get the hell out." And they get all pissed if we want to put an embassy there or something. Well they've got to give a little something in return for all our tax dollars and man/woman power going into helping them, if the situation was reversed they would expect the same. I mean how many freaking debts have we(USA) forgiven for other countries, yet hardly anyone else has returned the favor(Hence, the national debt from hell).

And, It seems to me that too often we become the "Police of the world", when we should really take a step back and fix pressing issues in our own country. Poverty, hunger, lack of jobs, medicare, Social Security etc....

Now I'm all for helping others, however, my high taxes are supposed to go towards helping our country first. No different then other countries.
Sometimes I feel proud to instill a little thought in the minds of the people at large. I made this forum topic to see how everyone would react. When it all comes down to it, everyone is the same. The british, the japanese('cept they have cooler drugs) and the smelly french(haha, jk). Some people acted with humor and sarcasm (my personal favorite aproach) and some people reacted to this in a very negative way. Others attempted to form a median in the masses. Those are the people who i respect the most. They don't want violence or hurt feelings. They just want everyone to see things the way they really are, and to relax a little. It's not the end of the world to be of another nationality. Either you hate no one and you respect yourself, or you hate everyone and you have no self-respect. Thats what it all boils down to.

p.s. I'd hate to see what would happen if we got religeon involved in this.

p.p.s. I just figured out that you could do this. Cool.
p.s. I'd hate to see what would happen if we got religeon involved in this.

Sorry gotta do it.

I dont hate countries i hate religion and the shiity excuses you hear for it starting a war. Im not a christian but i was bought up in a christian enviornment but i never saw why anyone would follow something so dumb like lambs to the slaughter.
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So you're a soldier, Epicenter?

- Alex
Well, an Airman. It's not exactly the same thing as 'a soldier', I have a specialized job.

....this government goes around acting like they own the world and that everyone has to conform to what *WE* want when we want it what do you expect? Anti-American sentiment is at an all time high. It isn't going to go away any time soon either. We really *do* have to "get used to it". Until we stop acting like total asshats around the world and realize that there are other nations with rights too, the hate will continue to fester.
I do agree with this statement, however, we as a nation are EXPECTED to help out, aid wise, military wise by other countries. There are many countries that have asked our help, we go and help and then it's like "you did your job, now get the hell out." And they get all pissed if we want to put an embassy there or something. Well they've got to give a little something in return for all our tax dollars and man/woman power going into helping them, if the situation was reversed they would expect the same. I mean how many freaking debts have we(USA) forgiven for other countries, yet hardly anyone else has returned the favor(Hence, the national debt from hell).
Bingo. A prime example is France, where there is loads of resentment towards Americans after we liberated them in WWII from Nazi occupation/control. Now, this isn't a universal sentiment-- I've seen a person on this very forum from France stating he had no anti-American beliefs-- but it's no secret that it goes on. A lot of the times it's a damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don't situation, as I've mentioned before. Example, the slaughter in Rwanda-- the US didn't step in, didn't get involved, so now we can have the finger pointed at us and be told, "Why did you do nothing while countless numbers of people were murdered", but if we HAD done something, it would've been the right thing, but we'd be blamed for interfering in the concerns of other nations, and there should've been an official call for the help of the US (even if the government was ordering the citizens to kill their own neighbors? :rolleyes: ) and we had no right to invervene. It seems like when a nation has as much influence as the US, they invite ridicule with ANY action.
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I do agree with this statement, however, we as a nation are EXPECTED to help out, aid wise, military wise by other countries. There are many countries that have asked our help, we go and help and then it's like "you did your job, now get the hell out."
Hm, which would that be?

Bingo. A prime example is France, where there is loads of resentment towards Americans after we liberated them in WWII
The way you liberate is great, lets kill a few hundred thousand civilians(or millions in ww2) and expect them to be happy, brilliant!
Its not always the (pretended) goal that's wrong, but the way you get there.
N American tourists tend to give the country a bad name. I've heard some horror stories of referring to the UK as a 3rd world country and other obnoxious behaviour. There's the fact that the majority of people from the USA refer to America in just meaning to the states. America is the continent!
Also there's the fact that on country selections on web forms everything is listed alphabetically EXCEPT for the USA. And lastly English is from England and yet a lot of countries are taught American English which to all intents and purposes is a dialect...

All that being said I have nothing against a N. American person as an individual, I have many contacts that I enjoy speaking with that live stateside... But as a country you really need to learn to drop that damn arrogance. We are all humans at the end of the day!

I find this thread really objectionable. I'm neither American nor European and I have to say the Europeans are not covering themselves with glory today. I think this thread should be deleted or moved, as it is very offtopic.

I don't see how anything I've said could be considered offensive. I was stating things in an objective manner and not applying any specific traits to any one individual. Maybe I touched a nerve with what I put in my post, but I was just responding to the thread starters initial post. I'll say again that I have nothing against any individual. I also don't HATE the USA. There are certainly things that bug me, however.
I suggest that if this is really offensive to you, then don't read it...
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