What Will You Do With The Pandora?

How do you view the Pandora and its capabilities?

  • It's a UMPC first, games come second.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It's a handheld gaming device, UMPC-ish comes second.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am interested in both potential aspects of the Pandora

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • What's a Pandora? :P

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I really, really don't care. Stop talking about it, already.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Recovering Sega Addict
Nov 14, 2005
Worcester, MA
Just for data's sake, I kind of want to ask this question. This is not an invitation for flames or anything, I just would like to know. Plus this poll has been suggested to me ;)

Just would like to point out that we all want do do something awesome with the Pandora, and the brilliance of this device is we can choose to use it any way we want.

I have a strong feeling this poll will be quite even B)


PS. Be kind, LOL.
I voted expecting to see results, and didn't notice the time your post was posted. Saw only my result lol.

Anyway, I am interested in both aspects of the pandora. I for one love portable gaming over console gaming, mostly because travel time becomes shorter when gaming on the go, while console gaming takes up time. Also, the thought of firefox 3 and pidgin on the go anywhere with wifi is really nice :)
I'm with you. I will definitely enjoy the UMPC-like abilities of the Pandora, but I doubt I'll even get to use them much because I'll be playing MGS or Crash Team Racing, or etc. ;)

I voted games first.
Interested in both, leaning slightly more towards UMPC. Voted for "I really, really don't care. Stop talking about it, already," because while I understand this was posted with good intentions, I think it will only add fuel to the inane "UMPC vs games" argument. The Pandora will be excellent for both UMPC tasks and gaming, fighting about which one it is more is just semantics and is entirely pointless.
BigTruck said:
Interested in both, leaning slightly more towards UMPC. Voted for "I really, really don't care. Stop talking about it, already," because while I understand this was posted with good intentions, I think it will only add fuel to the inane "UMPC vs games" argument. The Pandora will be excellent for both UMPC tasks and gaming, fighting about which one it is more is just semantics and is entirely pointless.
Finally someone gets it right. :ph34r:

I can't believe how much argument has gone on about what people will do with their Pandora, as if arguing will cause the other person to fear gaming or fear UMPCing on their Pandora forever so that...well I have no idea really why, its a pointless argument.
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I had to add that option in the case that we were all fed up with discussing it we could just put it to rest.

One thing that might be clear is the need for two seperate forums, because as it is its really a (pardon) clusterfuck.
I'd like to use it for as many things as possible. If pressed, gaming would come first, but the UMPC aspects is what would prompt me to get this over other devices.
I love portable emulation! And with a portable PSX emulator I'm sure I'll be making time for a host of new (old) games to play. I never had the conveniece of a modded PSP.

Additionally the keyboard mixes in the ability to play with all my favorite old computers especially the TI and the Coco. I really look forward to playing Black Sanctum again. :)

But I also see the awesome potential that Pandora has as a UMPC, and can't wait to have someone ask me what it is, so I can show them everything it's capable of. Pandora is exactly what I've always wanted in a portable computing device.

However, some people look at the Pandora and see a portable media player. This is somewhat intersting to me, and it will probably get used as the digital player of choice in my car (hooked in through AUX). But I'd much rather be war walking, gaming, or something much more awesome than just listening to music or watching shows I'd rather be watching on my big screen when I'm not driving. :)
I plan to use it for both, but I also plan to get a small "netbook" notebook, so I'm not sure if I'd really use Pandora for much actual "work." The small screen and keyboard would be limiting anyway. But we'll see. Bedtime surfing and video playback, definitely. It will of course be used for emulation and gaming. And perhaps the most fun thing will be seeing what homebrew devs come up with. :)

And I don't think this sort of discussion is inherently bad, so long as people don't start trying to make Pandora into something completely different. I was one those who very much embraced the UMPC aspects of Pandora back when the design was shown. But that was never it's raison d'etre, just a happy byproduct. I would have no problem calling it a "gaming UMPC" - that's really what it is IMO. And it's one of a kind.
I plan to use it for both playing games + UMPC stuff, because then I'll be using the Pandora to its full potential + nobody can argue with me about what i'll be using the Pandora for. ;)
I'll be using it primarily for emulation (in particular those emulators which aren't fullspeed/fullfeatured/possible on the GP2X), but the deciding factor for me to buy this over other devices is its incredible flexibility which I am sure I will enjoy exploring and making the most of.
I think I will use it as my portable home entertainment centre. It seems to be a great device to attach it to any television and you have just to carry 2 additional cables and you can carry your media to wherever you want and watch it there on tv. ;)

Furthermore I will use it as organiser. Are there yet any plans in developing one (calendar, to do list, quick notes, reminder, address book, alarm clock)?

I will use it for both. I'll enjoy playing all those good games, and, the thing that my DS can't do (asides from more recent emulation), watch videos without having to reencode them when I don't feel like playing games. I will use it to listen to music, play homebrew games, program and write on the go and to check my emails when I find open wifi networks (after asking the owner for permission, of course! :p)

So yeah, I'll do both
PSyMastR said:
Anyway, I am interested in both aspects of the pandora. I for one love portable gaming over console gaming, mostly because travel time becomes shorter when gaming on the go, while console gaming takes up time.
Same here, I don't get to game that much because you normally need to spend so long on one game. Quick half hour games are great though and multi-player gaming with friends is always loads of fun. The Pandora should be fantastic for both and will easily replace my games comp and laptop for playing games on the go or at home :)

I would like to do all the stuff like RSS, video feeds and email too though. I originally bought my N800 for administering my home server through SSH, but the lack of keyboard made that a lot harder than I thought it would be. If the Pandora gets the software to do all this, then it will save me upgrading to the 810 as well :D
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I'm looking forward to both. Mostly, audio playback via a2dp constantly (don't care about the battery hit on that, I hate wires), web browsing (hoping for a slightly better experience than the n800), and then any games that I can get my grubby hands on. I think I like the homebrew stuff a bit more than the emulation, partly because there are some really cool and fun homebrew games, and partly because searching for and finding roms is not fun for me. I'm probably the most excited to see which FPS plays the best on this device, and I'll probably spend most of my gaming time playing that. I can do quake 2 on the n800, but it's not exactly easy given the lack of controls.

Basically, I'm going to be happy with whatever I get. =)

Also, I think that however this thing starts out, six months, or a year down the road the software will keep pushing this thing forward. That's what happened with my n800 when I tried to replace it, they came out with OS2008 and it was a better experience than Linux on my OQO 02.
I will use it as my everyday companion. I will use it to take notes, to organize my work, to keep my documents and plans instantly accessible. I will use it for browsing, mostly for googling an issue I happen to face with. I will some times use it as PMP, though I can't say this will be the primary function for me. I will not switch it off during all day (thanks for +10 hours battery life!). I think (don't laugh at me) :pandora1: will change my everyday life in the same way my cell phone had changed it years ago.
I would like to offer a break in UMPC vs gaming quarrel. I don’t care if :pandora1: is a gaming device or not. I hope that it will be suitable for you whatever you will use it for (excluding missile targeting :) ). I hope you will love this little device (wait a second, I just know you will!). What I do care about is what this device is for me (see the first paragraph). I’m really looking forward for :pandora1: !
_VWV_ said:
I would like to offer a break in UMPC vs gaming quarrel. I don’t care if :pandora1: is a gaming device or not. I hope that it will be suitable for you whatever you will use it for (excluding missile targeting :) ).

Yeah, well without a clickable analog stick and at least 2.5 mm of throw, it isn't really useful for missile targeting anyway. I think I speak for all of my missile targeting compatriots when I say I may have to start looking elsewhere. I know I'll probably be banned for linking to the competition, but I honestly feel that
is going to beat the Pandora to the punch now...
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