Which Os Do You Use?

XP on both my laptop and desktop. I tried linux a couple times, redhat 7 at some point, and fedora core later... but the first didn't support the videocard I had at the time, and when I tried the latter it took me so long just to figure out how to get samba working I forgot about going any further with it.
I might try again at some point but I'll keep windows in a multiboot capacity for games and certain dev stuff.
Always wanted to change to Linux. Still want.


1. too lazy, often played with linux but i would have too much too learn
2. no commercial games for linux

i'm young so i'm a gamer :lol:
when im older im shure, i will use linux and never win vista :ph34r:

I was 16 when I started using linux. 2001 :ph34r:

I'm 16 too ^^
I also have linux as second OS on my PC but I really do so much different things on it...

But I like Linux... ^^ Maybe someday I really will do "the change" B)
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OSX on my iBook (my general UI at home), OSX on my MacMini music player, FreeBSD on my file/mail server, Red Hat Enterprise on my desktop at work, vxWorks (ugh) on my target systems. And ... some ghastly OS running MS Office and Outlook when I need to integrate with the office network. And a slowly dying Windows98 box for gaming: the poor thing crashes 4 times out of 5 when I try to run UT now <_<
WinXP here, it does everything I use it for. I install and play with Linux every once and awhile.

I do like the way Linux can be installed on almost anything, even stuff like iPods (even runs Doom!) Hell, my router is on Linux
Windows XP. As all the software I need is on it, and I cannot be bothered to learn a new operating system.
I just turned 15 and have been using UBUNTU for about a year now, and I definately think UBUNTU is the perfect linux for a beginer.
Using Windows XP right now on a temporary computer (*cough* my mother's...) and installing Ubuntu on my laptop the second it comes in the mail.
WinXP for all kinds of fun... Ubuntu for serious stuff.
(Oh... why all those gr8 free games out there are windows only? :()

Also Linux saved my day - I could still backup my work before my motherboard completely goes down! (It was damn slow even passing POST)
holy crap.. lots of linux users... i feel out of place.

i'm using win.xp prof... works just fine for what i need it for... san andreas :) and lots of doom and unreal!