Dead F100 & Cracked Screen On F200... What Could I Do?


Still Fresh
Dec 12, 2005
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I have 1 broken F100 i think maybe beyond bricked ( if that's possible )... It has the dreaded coloured lines and a serial output from bob gives me random text...
I have tried a my linux laptop, a linux desktop, and a windows desktop with various parallel port setups and don't seem to get anywhere with the un-bricking, using openocd, etc.

I also have 1 F200 with a nasty cracked screen which is now completely useless...

I have tried hunting down a replacement screen for the F200.
Tired of trying with the un-bricking on the F100.
Even tried swapping the F100 screen into the F200 but that doesn't work.

So any ideas what i can do with 2 broken gp2x's .... ?

Be as creative as you can with your answers and if anyone has a use for a dead gp2x please state your use.

NeuTek said:

I have 1 broken F100 i think maybe beyond bricked ( if that's possible )... It has the dreaded coloured lines and a serial output from bob gives me random text...
I have tried a my linux laptop, a linux desktop, and a windows desktop with various parallel port setups and don't seem to get anywhere with the un-bricking, using openocd, etc.

I also have 1 F200 with a nasty cracked screen which is now completely useless...

I have tried hunting down a replacement screen for the F200.
Tired of trying with the un-bricking on the F100.
Even tried swapping the F100 screen into the F200 but that doesn't work.

So any ideas what i can do with 2 broken gp2x's .... ?

Be as creative as you can with your answers and if anyone has a use for a dead gp2x please state your use.


I had a similar situation, my F-100 was bricked (I accidentally dropped it :( )
and has those nasty coloured lines that you mentioned
My case is a little different as the board of the F-100 I used to own has a few broken circuits I had no choice but to throw it away
As you have an extra Gp2x (F-200?) I strongly recommend you can keep some components which can still be reused, not broken
such as buttons, covers, F-100 LCD screen cover, as a spare which is kind of good or swap the button colours with your other broken GP2X (F-200 with black colour A,B,X,Y, Vol, and Start Select buttons how about that?)

Last but no least, Maybe get a Wiz or wait for a F-300.. Cheers,
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keep everything that could be used as spare part. maybe you could sell those parts to someone that has a f100 with a broken lcd and a bricked f200 :D
andymanone said:
But, if you want, you can also sell it to me ;)

I use it for things, like this F300 Mod WIFI 32GB and more


Nice setup man i like it a lot... That chumby the other guy mentioned looks pretty sweet to... unfortunately I'm dead broke and my money is still in for the Pandora which I'm so close to redeeming as I'm so broke...

If you want to send me a message on here with an offer for the 2 x GP2x's (F100 dead with lines & F200 dead screen) then we can see if we can work something out :)
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andymanone said:
But, if you want, you can also sell it to me

I use it for things, like this F300 Mod WIFI 32GB and more

Would be a nice build with those parts!
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