Where Are You From?

Near Munich, Germany... and I was born in the town of the oldest brewery in the world by the way. Oh yeah, and in this area everyone wears leather trousers, drinks beer everyday and goes to the Oktoberfest every year.

And I almost forgot... Axeman's signature is still confusing me all day and night... :)
I think the problem with the "Why do a lot of people in USA and England only speak English?" is because both have English as their dominant language. Considering that I personally know a lot of schools in other countries, where English is not the dominant language, do teach children English VERY young and require a higher level of fluency in a second language then England or USA require. The key part here is that they teach it to them young - languages are one of those things that starts out with memorization and only later becomes true comprehension. Hence the saying, "You can't teach an old dog new tricks."

Personally, I think language fluency should be a requirement for public schools here in the USA and should start as young as possible alongside English. I'm still mad I started learning Japanese when I was 20 and still can barely understand any of it :angry:
NRW, Germany, from a place called "Ruhrgebiet".

I can speak german well ( :D ), english is okay and a little bit spanish, but not really good.
I was born and being raised in a small town in Illinois USA. I don't think i'm gonna move for awhile, but if I do it probably won't be out of state. On a side-note, it's very interesting to see that because of the internet there are so many people from different parts of the world all here to discuss gp32 in a seamless fashion.
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i was born in incheon, south korea and moved to washington, usa seattle area bout 7 years ago.(i was like 8-9) its ironic that im probably the only korean person in this forum although the gp32_console is a korean made console :rolleyes: