Where Are You From?

Västervik, SWEDEN

atm I'm in Jönköping (sweden) with my gf .. badly want to go home and get my computer so I can join the 5000 others at Dreamhack -04 in Jönköping ;> Playin some games, downloadin some stuff and flashi'n around with my gp32 ;> gah..
project-2501 Posted on Jun 17 2004, 02:45 AM
  Shit, and I thought this was mostly a British forum, just goes to show, 'never assume anything'. 

maybe no british people are awake at this time <_< im from scotland och aye the noooo
Of course didn't think of that :blink:

Cornwall: OOH ARR!
Wales: Yakki Dah and Bloody Leeks isn't it boyo.
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Toronto, Ontario, Canada - a few blocks from the Yonge and Davisville intersection.

I must say that I'm surprised so many members are from countries where English is not the dominant langage. I wish I spoke anything else as well as you guys speak English.
I must say that I'm surprised so many members are from countries where English is not the dominant langage. I wish I spoke anything else as well as you guys speak English.
I agree, but I think we English are in general too lazy to learn a new language, or we feel we don't need to because so many other people speak our language.
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speak for ureself, hehe

I know German, French (not fluent), A tins bit of Japanese, a fair few sentences in Dutch courtesy of a Dutch GP32er (I now know how to order a prostitute over the phone in Amsterdam), bit of Spanish, and some Irish (obviously i know English too)

I havent spoke these languages for a long time (2 years), which means i have forgotten an awful lot, which is why these international forums are good for people if they want to learn english, because they can use it everyday and not forget it

and if anyone wants to learn a new language, spoken (not written) Japanese is very easy, its structured like how Japaneses speak English (muddled sentences) so when i tlak i just have to think how a Japanese person would say it in English
I dont know why, but I always thought that Septara looked like this guy

from Scary Movie