What Should The Pandora App Store Be Named?

WhiteBat said:

Don't fall of it !
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NLS said:
AppJar or The Jar
You read the wiki too.

Same Sun have used the jar already it would have been a slightly better name that pnd.

Pandora's Chest - Second picture down. :P

edit:Darn that lack of space after the link.
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Reyhn said:
Don't fall of it !
for people who havent seen craigs roof, well, here it is

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2QiJs3Env0 :lol:
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My first thought was OPAL:

Open Pandora Application Library

Although if the 'store' is also going to be used for applications that can be bought, maybe something else is needed.

Pandoras Box is good too or just 'Pandora Application Library (PAL)' as someone suggested already.
grasshoppir said:
wtf is an app? i intend to run programs!

i kinda like "the bike shed" for a name.

App, short for application. essentially they are the same thing but by definition an application is used to perform tasks, the two terms are generally interchangeable though.

MDave said:

Her (Pandora) other name, inscribed against her figure on a white-ground kylix in the British Museum, is Anesidora, "she who sends up gifts," up implying "from below" within the earth.

I actually think this is the best idea yet, the gifts being Applications and the from bellow being FTP :P
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Please nothing to do with panda bears.

Pandorama is the best.

I like Anesidora also.

Here are some others: PNDeck, dotPNDrepo, AppsJar, OPenstore
liquidphantom said:
grasshoppir said:
wtf is an app? i intend to run programs!

i kinda like "the bike shed" for a name.

App, short for application. essentially they are the same thing but by definition an application is used to perform tasks, the two terms are generally interchangeable though.

I'm pretty sure he was just angry about the apple fad of calling everything "apps" that so many people in this topic seem to be supporting. To tell you the truth, I kind of agree with him. I don't want our store to just sound like some bad iphone ripoff.

On another note, here's some suggestions from me:

prep - Stands for Pandora Repository. Kind of keeps with the idea that names should be short and simple. Also, will be easy to remember if we get a terminal command for it.

Another Castle - This is a nice Mario reference that I thought people might appreciate.

-God Ginrai
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But the Pandora Handheld is no more about some particular game franchise owned by another company than it is an imitator of the iPhone.