What Should The Pandora App Store Be Named?

i liek

craig's roof
pappy the pappstore

now that gruso changed his aim toward bunnies i can say anything i want ;3
WhiteBat said:
i liek

craig's roof
pappy the pappstore

now that gruso changed his aim toward bunnies i can say anything i want ;3

What a coup it would be if I managed to name the app store after coming up with the name "Pandora Panic" all that time ago ;)
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how about "PandoraPortal.com" ?

and to ensure success, make sure you have a convoluted application approval process like the iphone's app store :blink:
bwg2021 said:
What about "aperio"

It's the Latin word for open
herpus derpus
whuhaboot "abierto"
teh spanush word for opun.
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may88 said:
There must be a shop (aka store) with a wacky name in a game (probably a RPG) we could use (or adapt for (c) reasons).
Try "Sale's House o' Bananas", from The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening. :P

In all seriousness, though, I quite like "The Box" and "Pithos", so far.
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Asmo said:
Parappa the Appstore
Genius! Also, with suggestions such as Pandy Store, I keep thinking of a Pandy PRS-80 skin for the Pandora. Asmo, get to work! :P

I like any and all ideas involving Box, however.
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Did someone come up with "Craighouse" yet? I think it conveys the right mix of "addictive" and, er... "you will spend a lot of money here".
Dragons_Slayer said:
I would go for "The pndStore", "Pandora AppStore" or maybe just "PAL" which means "Pandora Application Library".

I do like the sound of the "Pandora Application Library" for an open-source repository of homebrew applications. Perhaps there could be two software sources, a paid one and an open one?

Following the line of some other conversation here, perhaps it would be good to create a unique-named app:

Ambrosia (technically, software is what gives the Pandora platform life, longevity, and its awesomeness!)
App Mine
PND Zone
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wermy said:
How about
Ye Olde Pandora Shoppe?
was bored so i made these :P


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App Mart?
*Pandora's Rectangular Solid?

* Mandatory que to rofl
** cwhutididthar? + * hint: valve
El Jefe said:
App Mart?
*Pandora's Rectangular Solid?

* Mandatory que to rofl
** cwhutididthar? + * hint: valve

Mandatory what?

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