Problems with some Apps in store / repo

When I run the PNDstore-0.2.2.pnd nothing happens at all, not even the I/O-LED flashes and I also don't get a logfile in /tmp. What am I doing wrong?
Maybe you don't have the right hotfix?

I'm using Hotfix 5 and sebt3's updated

I'm also using Hotfix 5 and the updated, the same version as in the thread, I checked.
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Huh, copying over sebt3s installer and running it again fixed it, I guess I didn't have the latest version after all... (:
David Bowman, have you used PNDStore? Please try using it, then come back and say whether you think Craig should consider supporting it. This is what this is about, an idea, not about Craig as a person.

I have not used it, though I've meant to. I've seen it in action. I've just been busy with life in general. It's still up to Craig how he wants the App Store to run. If people don't like it, they will use something else. Milkshake's repository seems to have filled this need. That's kinda what Open Source is all about.

The whole issue seems to have become a bit overheated in my opinion.
I have used and currently use PndStore. I really like it. I get my programs from and if there's a pnd available that's not

on repo... I go/have gone and encouraged the owner/maintainer to make it available on repo.

Just my 2 cents worth.
