What do you think will usurp facebook?

Having a low pay model might work well to solve a few FB problems.

Maybe for $x a year you could get full site access without spam/ads & 5gig of encrypted storage space which only people you choose can access.

That would filter out fake accounts, spam, trolls etc. too as I can't see them paying and having to use their real details to do those things.
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I thought this was a general question about what might be the next big social network service out there.. knocking FB off the thrown.

Are you actually looking to make a social network site for Pandora users?

If so, how would it differ really from these boards? You can instant message here and have chats with invites only here..
Having a low pay model might work well to solve a few FB problems.

Maybe for $x a year you could get full site access without spam/ads & 5gig of encrypted storage space which only people you choose can access.
The problem is still that such offers mainly attract 'academic' people, but have to be usable by less-academically-thinking people, too (or else there's always a danger that the quality of its contents will go down over time, even on platforms where that appears to be very unlikely). So the way I see it it basically all comes down to first making people understand what the place is about and why it's a good thing that it's the way it is. It's less about the features themselves.

The problem with high quality is that it can sometimes be not readily apparent, especially to people who believe they don't care about it all of the time. Take translations: People don't typically think about (or even notice) great translations, only bad ones. Small things can make a tremendous difference with this. For instance, think about what happens if users are not asked for "Topic title:", then "Content of topic:", but rather only the content, and then, on the next page, for a "Super-short one-sentence summary of your new thread:".
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I thought this was a general question about what might be the next big social network service out there.. knocking FB off the thrown.

Are you actually looking to make a social network site for Pandora users?

If so, how would it differ really from these boards? You can instant message here and have chats with invites only here..

No, it is just a general conversation about what might replace it and what we would like.
I honestly think facebook is there to stay... google + is a nice try... and the concept is good if people jump on board... but honestly.... VERYONE I know or have ever met has facebook. I scroll through my friends list and it has every person I've ever been friends with on there... even those I knew before technology had a huge impact on my life...

my mother (yes the mother test) who still doesn't own a computer... has a facebook account. Facebook is to social network, as google is to searching, or as ebay is to online auctions. When you use the name of a company to describe something or doing something... it has the niche pretty much sealed.
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Decentralization: (unlikely to happen :( )

Something like a RPi box (i.e. cheap, low spec, always-on server) running an RSS-style variant

you would be able to set up different feeds, but for a client (on your friend's computer) to be able to fetch them, it would need a password.

Also a different password for posting comments on the feed.

You could, of course, run the server software on any computer, pay for some hosting for it/etc

Your client would keep track of passwords and the domainname/IPaddress of different thread-servers you wanted to fetch from

The protocols/formatting would be standardized (probs an XML/HTML setup)
Does Facebook have the equivalent to Google +'s hub chat thing, like a multiple person video conference chat.

I never even used that but it did sound like a good idea, getting a few of you together over video.
Once I get my roommate for college, I'm shutting down my Facebook account.

Why is that, mate?

Because it's littered with references to how he will gently caress them in their sleep and take erotic photographs

lol, I think I might ask BP again just to be sure.

Once I get my roommate for college, I'm shutting down my Facebook account.

Why, mate?

Any sociologists in the house?

Doesn't look like there are any about?
A liver for a BBS-like board for OP [without images -> pure text essence, like in mid 90's :) ] :)

FWIW, I still hav e my old BBS from 1986 up, and it has some meagre pandora content :)

telnet (dialup not supported :o )

Single user of course, so you have to keep trying to connect if someone else is already 'dialed' in!
