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Feb 17, 2004
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terrafest posted on Aug 9 2004 at 04:04 AM said:
16 year old child molester , currently employed at the local burger king. I also dabble in Flash media.
Thats sick, not even some thing to joke about.
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finty101 posted on Aug 9 2004 at 06:22 PM said:
terrafest posted on Aug 9 2004 at 04:04 AM said:
16 year old child molester , currently employed at the local burger king. I also dabble in Flash media.
Thats sick, not even some thing to joke about.
Everyone seems to get so touchy about this topic, it's hillarous when used correctly.

(See Family Guy's "Lost in Space")
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Mark posted on Aug 9 2004 at 05:37 PM said:
finty101 posted on Aug 9 2004 at 06:22 PM said:
terrafest posted on Aug 9 2004 at 04:04 AM said:
16 year old child molester , currently employed at the local burger king. I also dabble in Flash media.
Thats sick, not even some thing to joke about.
Everyone seems to get so touchy about this topic, it's hillarous when used correctly.

(See Family Guy's "Lost in Space")
Yes but come on, the way he is using it is wrong. If I caught a pedophile id kill him slowly with big knifes and shit.
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I don't get why pedophiles are worse than murderers etc. Like pedophiles have to be seperated from others in jail cos they'll get the shit beaten out of em. By people who've hacked people up :S.

It's still obviously a shit thing to happen but people seem to like saying how bad it is.
finty101 posted on Aug 9 2004 at 07:27 PM said:
Well murdering some one isnt worse than being a pedophile.
According to you, that's my point. I don't think you can rate such terrible things as worse than eachother or not. You can obviously have your own oppinion on it, doesn't make it final though.
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Yeah, that is my opinion, and I respect yours, but some murders are justified, and pedophilia(sp) can never be justified.
finty101 posted on Aug 9 2004 at 07:40 PM said:
Yeah, that is my opinion, and I respect yours, but some murders are justified, and pedophilia(sp) can never be justified.
I suppose I get your point there. But for example that kid who hacked up the boy with a hammer recently, I wouldn't rate that any worse or "better" than a pedophile attack. Both can be as bad as eachother. I just think it's funny that sick weirdos think that they are above just as fucked up people because they've fiddled kids and he hasn't.
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Paedophile's to me, need help, not punishment as such. It's hardly a spur-of-the-momment thing for these people is it? They make pick up a random kid, but the thought has been there for a long time.

Of course they should be punished, but condemning someone with death or a lifetime of hell for something inate is morally wrong. We wouldn't punish people who can't walk, talk or feed themselves like this would we?

No-one likes to see children (or animals, for that matter) hurt. But there's so much fear of paedophilia in our society and so much media spin it's plain funny.

Just to note: I often make jokes about Religion, 'Kiddie Fiddling', racism and sexism. It doesn't mean I endorse anyone of them or don't endorse them. I just like to push people's buttons, as people are, in whole, stupid.
finty101 posted on Aug 9 2004 at 06:22 PM said:
terrafest posted on Aug 9 2004 at 04:04 AM said:
16 year old child molester , currently employed at the local burger king. I also dabble in Flash media.
Thats sick, not even some thing to joke about.
come on now that is fucking hilarious. i dont know where you got this from but i laughed out loud. "i also dabble in flash media" haha comedy

edit:::just looked at the what are you thread. that was very funny
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Pedophilia really gets me thinking about justice as a whole, really. Stuff like how it's possible to punish people for mental disorders they were born with. Punishing people for their inability to control an urge passed to them genetically. You could extend this to any crime, really.

Another thing that bothers me is that I was sexually interested at a young age. Let's look at Wikipedia (WARNING: CONTENT DUBIOUS)

A 1943 study of primarily white, middle and upper-middle class Midwestern urban boys found that 16% had had intercourse by age 8.

- Doctor/nurse/patient games and similar forms of play become common. They may involve examining, touching, and manipulating others' genitals. Sex play is spontaneous, light-hearted, and exploratory rather than goal oriented.
- Even play as intimate as kissing of others' genitals is reported by nursery school staff.

The idea that children are inherently sexual is an extremely controversial one. What is undeniable is that sexual contact with pedophiles can cause lasting emotional damage to children (as for the actual physical act, it rarely causes lasting harm physically - it's more like most heterosexual attitudes towards homosexual sex - a physically repulsive image).

So I would class pedophilia itself as a harmless obsession (remember, kneejerk reactors - the people in question don't do anything yet). They are often normal people but have a problem. If this manifests into actual action, then we have something equivalent of rape.

Okay, so let's weigh crimes up as emotional damage. I would argue that sexual acts committed while a person is a child will have more effect on them in later life. At the most extreme end is a sexual act committed upon them by a member of their family.

So pedophilia is worse than rape. Worse than murder? Not really. Life in inherently valueless, worth only as much as the people around the person who dies were affected by his/her death. Rape/pedophilia that is acted upon would cause emotional damage to people around the victim as well as the victim, for life.

I'm not going to get into any accusation that homosexuality is a mental disorder, I'm just going to say that pedophilia is similiar in how it can be 'treated'. You can't lock a gay person up and expect him to turn straight. Jail might offer some comfort to the victims - false comfort - but mental treatment would be exponentially more effective.

Thus ends my rant. I hope I haven't pissed too many people off, but my views are obviously quite different to most. Maybe you have gained some insight from it. Maybe not.
Here we have some examples of pedo talk:

I believe the children are our future, treat them well and...

Sweet child of mine...

Ok so im a hipocrite(sp), so what, I was only trying to sprak some intelligent conversation, and I succeded(sp).

But still, pedophilia is sick.
There appears to be a mistaking of the meaning of the word 'paedophile'. It isn't the same as child molestation, and it simply means someone that 'loves children' (as in a physical attraction). This could mean they don't touch anyone, and as such they are not committing any crimes, even 'victimless crimes'.

Obviously someone that initiates force, such as a rapist or a child molester* are morally in the wrong, but this applies to all aspects of life.

Unfortunately the term 'child molester' is now applied to 16.00001 year old boys that have consensual sex with 15.9999 year old girls, which is stupid.
Rico posted on Aug 9 2004 at 11:14 PM said:
The idea that children are inherently sexual is an extremely controversial one. What is undeniable is that sexual contact with pedophiles can cause lasting emotional damage to children (as for the actual physical act, it rarely causes lasting harm physically - it's more like most heterosexual attitudes towards homosexual sex - a physically repulsive image).

So I would class pedophilia itself as a harmless obsession (remember, kneejerk reactors - the people in question don't do anything yet). They are often normal people but have a problem. If this manifests into actual action, then we have something equivalent of rape.
usually there are also laws against those exploiting helpless people (certain illnesses, physically just as mental ones, kids, .. no idea what exactly those laws are called in english speaking countries)

there's no need for "anti-pedophile laws", everything's there already.. a sexual assault against a child would thus be rape+exploitation of a helpless.

if they really managed to seriously injure the kid, add criminal assault, and so on. multiple crimes usually automatically lead to the punishment being at the upper end of the spectrum, so that's handled, too..

give them a fair trial (and if the media's kicking in, KEEP THEM OUT, for a long time I thought we'd be beyond the witch hunting thing, we're not), put them in prison, give them mental care, if deemed necessary (even "pure" rapists are able to get that), protect them from other prisoners, if necessary, just as every other prisoner would be protected, and if they finished their trial + psycho treatment (esp the latter can be extended nearly infinitely if necessary), set them free without that crap of "informing the neighbors".

otherwise it's just witch hunt again.. hmm.. how about making the victims more obvious? how about tattooing yellow stars on their foreheads? oh wait, that sign is already taken.. hmm.. a pink triangle? damn.. also taken...

(and before someone comes up with godwin's law, 1. it only applies to usenet, 2. it never said that it ends discussions, 3. it doesn't apply here)
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The media have exaggerated paedophilia to the extent that some parents don't let their kids go and have fun any more, which is a shame...

Any case where a kid has been murdered by a paeophile is the biggest news story for weeks, I mean wars get less press attention!

I remember those morons down south somewhere dressing their kids up in "kill all paedophiles" t-shirts and driving innocent people out of their homes on the off chance that they're a paedophile. Personally I would have sent social services round and taken their kids away...

If you haven't seen it Brass Eye did a fantastic bit of satire on paedophilia which predictably had the tabloids up in arms! :P
It doesn't really apply because you're using the analogy well. Next we'll be tying them to sticks and burning them.

BTW, I did read and enjoy your reply to the OOP discussion, I just didn't have anything to say :unsure:

I remember those morons down south somewhere dressing their kids up in "kill all paedophiles" t-shirts and driving innocent people out of their homes on the off chance that they're a paedophile. Personally I would have sent social services round and taken their kids away...

This seems like an excuse for people to go out and cause some trouble. Everyone secretly wants to wreck stuff, why do you think football hooliganism is so common even among businessmen? Finally they have a scapegoat; what's more worrying is that they have attacked and made life hell for innocent people who WEREN'T pedophiles but got 'mistaken' for them. Is the mob's blind rage that high, that they make such stupid and damaging mistakes?
finty101 posted on Aug 9 2004 at 09:21 PM said:
But still, pedophilia is sick.
I.... don't know. Pedophilia itself only means attraction to children. Now if two persons have consensual sex, who am I to tell them they are wrong? The probem is, I can not generalize an age at which people are mature. The government does it (saying it is 14 here in Germany I think.... I don't care, my girlfriend is older than me :P) and puts it down as a law that has to be obeyed, as most people will. If someone does not obey the law, they should be punished because our society is based on law enforcement. If they do not obey the law because of a psychic defect, they should NOT be punished, but treated.
It is really hard to formulate my opinion. I myself feel strong aversion against regulating someone's private life. But violent rape is not something I want to tolerate.

Child molestation is not good, but neither is rape of older people.

I talk too much. I am against rape of children, and I am against rape of grownups. It all boils down to "Don't violate ANYONE". Don't go "He touched a child, lock him up at once".

Damn, it is so hot here and I'm tired.... why do people violate each other? Is it so much to ask to be good to each other?
It depresses me, really. Not that there are people with a mental defect that attracts them to chldren, but that there are people that actually decide to rape someone.
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again some off-topic trivia ;)

It doesn't really apply because you're using the analogy well. Next we'll be tying them to sticks and burning them.
even if I didn't, it wouldn't :)

to quote it: "As a Usenet discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one."

I see no stop condition, no "he loses" conclusion - all made up by some wackos in usenet that are keen to plaster everything with as many rules as possible.

as for,
Is the mob's blind rage that high, that they make such stupid and damaging mistakes?
I wouldn't say that this is "blind rage".. some people like being hooligans, and if it's for a "good cause" (as the media likes to spin it), all the better.
others see it as their holy duty to hunt down pedophiles, and wrong hits are colateral damage.. (the "WON'T ANYBODY PLEEEEEEEEEAAAASE THINK OF THE *SOB* CHILDREN?!?" spin)
blind rage is what happens when a child molester (different beast than pedophiles) was discovered in a small town, and he/she/it was one of the respected members of the community: silence, shame, one or two TV statements, but always down-toned, and "how could this happen? to us?" questions.

as a slightly on-topic trivia, wrt how this issue became more visible:

until somewhen in the mid-80s, it was perfectly legal to sell and buy "nudist magazines" with a good share of naked kids in germany (eg. produced in northern europe, imported with _huge_ taxes, so the government got its share on it, too). the pictures were pretty harmless, but obviously professional.
the same pictures (at least some of them) are likely considered illegal these days if you run into the wrong attorney general or judge..

oh, how I know about them: in sex-ed in 3rd grade we got some copies out of such magazines (nude kids in the garden, just so everybody knew wtf we're talking about) - I found my school material of that time some years ago, incl. these copies and out of curiosity (all the pedophilia stuff was a "hot topic" in the media back then) tracked down where those copies came from, and how these sources are handled today.