We've started to order things!

Thanks @levi ! So I guess I am even (shortly) before 950 then. Or better depending on the 40-70 missed upgrades and potential additionnal cancellations. Good to know, although it does not change the fact I shall patiently wait, reading the boards on the way.

Edit : Thanks to @Grench for the additionnal details. I am not interested in knowing my exact number, it is more like "oh the first batch is 500 Pyras, so I will probably in a later one". It just keeps my kid brains entertained while waiting :-)
And of course you are also right for the language part :-)
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You are really NOT constructive!

Ohh, did i hurt your feeling by sounding "angry"?
Dude You always sound angry. A little piece of advice, CHILL MAN. You need to understand that this thing takes time to create. Yes a lot of us here paid him Half upfront for this, We all knew what was going on with it. in a perfect world this would be on our door steps already. i don't know if you were here when the Pandora was going but that was a total shit storm of issues. in the end we all got our opandora's. Ed learned a lot in this process and, yes there has been some bumps in the road, there has been so issues with the board and cables and hell the case. In the big picture of things, this has been a great road that we are all on with ED. He's been upfront with us on everything, tells us whats going on and also answers questions when we ask, all this and still running his own business and trying to be a good husband and father. So honestly if your having this many issues and going to act this way, JUST CANCEL YOUR ORDER if you made one. hell ill even buy yours from you
I think it is good that @m@t asks questions, as I like some of the answers -- but he could avoid the distracting comments about his tone by moderating a little. It may be too late now, though, as some may be searching for "anger" in his posts, even if it is not truly there.
Sounds like you need some sleep good sir.

Well, you never know how long a dragon might sleep ^^
I am not sure how dragons fit with humour though, it might be that they cannot handle it, or that they are just making fund of us all the time at a level that is so high we just cannot notice it.
I think it is good that @m@t asks questions, as I like some of the answers -- but he could avoid the distracting comments about his tone by moderating a little. It may be too late now, though, as some may be searching for "anger" in his posts, even if it is not truly there.
to me the one thing i keep seeing is that when ever @m@t doesn't get the answer he wants he gets angry every time.
I'm not your friend. I'm your worst enemy... I'm evil.... muahahahaa.
well ED your my friend:D
Or perhaps you mean "What is your current order number, please?"
I'm assuming you don't get the reference, but even if you do I'll serve up a slice of history for those that don't.
Way way back at the dawn of time, the Pandora had been delayed and delayed and delayed. Craig had unfortunately kept really quiet about production: if you think *this* is missing transparency, than the original Pandora development was like a brick wall. But we trusted him, for the most part figuring he knew what he was doing, and let the issue slide.
Until things started to not add up. Some people raised some very pertinent questions, much the way @m@t has, but instead of answering those questions Craig just responded to belligerence with belligerence. The arguable pinnacle of this was when one prominent forum member asked a question, I forget exactly what it was, but Craig's response was, as EvilDragon quoted "WHAT'S YOUR ORDER NUMBER?", ostensibly a threat that if people were going to badger him he'd simply cancel their orders.
It was such a surreal response that it became a meme after a while. Sometimes even in recent memory people still use it to jokingly say they're angry about something.
ED: You talk a lot about why you don't have time for the Pyra in your live. And i understand that. Many people don't have time for many things.
But we have preordered and gave you money. So it isn't an private Project anymore. Sorry but you have to have time for it now. :(
But i think you know all of that.
Sorry for butting in, but it's not like he's deciding not to have more time. Time is a limited resource for all of us. You can't expect someone to have 25 hours per day or skip eating, sleeping, or earning a living to get a project done faster. ED outlined an example of his weekly routine in a recent news post. Where do you expect him to find more time?
Sorry for butting in, but it's not like he's deciding not to have more time. Time is a limited resource for all of us. You can't expect someone to have 25 hours per day or skip eating, sleeping, or earning a living to get a project done faster. ED outlined an example of his weekly routine in a recent news post. Where do you expect him to find more time?
It's futile:

It's fine. I'm fascinated by how civil this discussion is for months. Not sure if flapjack and mat are the same but they surely both make a lot of deliberate typos and misspellings and are here to disrupt.

They are still customer and community member and have right for dialog and freedom of expression unless they break a couple simple rules. They happen to know rules well and are smart enough to never cross the line.