Wars-gamenode does not work like a typical web site. The game is divided into a client and a server. The client is static content (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) and connects to the server using gamenode to populate the views with data (like game lists, maps and stuff). The server is accessed more like a traditional game server than a web server, with persistent client connections. Every time you load a page, the client on the page connects to the game server and gets all the necessary information to display the view. Then the javascript adds the dynamic content to be shown on the page.
On one hand this should actually diminish the page loads, since all pages are static and thus can be efficiently cached. Only the changing content is fetched every time for each page. On the other hand, the page is less prepared serverside and thus requires more processing in the client. The total number of requests made can also be higher, though the data transferred is smaller.
Creating a game is a heavy operation requiring lots of database inserts, processing and stuff. Also the next view, pregame can be quite heavy with all the map data, especially if the connection is slow.
I did a little benchmarking. Since the server is in London I should have no proximity advantage. Using chromium, the longest page load I could get with random browsing was under three seconds (2.97s). It was a tie between loading a game (using map "the big picture") and starting a game (using map "spiral"). Most pages take under a second. I'm not saying "it must be you, then". Obviously work needs to be done if it's painfully slow, and I can't judge the performance solely on how it works for me. This is how I perceive the site's responsiveness, however, so you can see why I have never seen a problem with it.
If the delay is too big, the web client could be streamlined to always stay on the same page (jsut changing the content) and thus keep the same connection, and possibly share information between the views, like the used theme (that's one request down for many views).
Anyway, this is nothing I can change very quickly, so it'll have to wait after I get back from panorama. I'm sorry if this makes the game less enjoyable for you

. Your theme has been a great motivator to keep pushing the game toward a release.