Fyi: Beats Of Rage

Where can I get the mods for BOR? Just as at the moment, it limits certain entities in the .pak file due to memory constraints, so I'm interested in the modded versions.
thats the link for the castlevania game, i only sais a mistake, the game its named
Castlevania:Symphony Of Destruction, and its a BOR mod.

Now have two versions, fully playable but not finished. the link of the project.

here a preview

ah! now have 2 only versions,pc and dc, so feel free to test it.

someone wants to test it in the gp32??????


some screenshots:

source¿? forum
never played this before, so I just got the xbox version and am enjoying it alot.

Cant wait for a portable version. Well done Squidge.
B) damn those mods look freakin sweet.

couldnt help but notice it says that its being released for PS2 how is that possible?

and can those modifications like castlevania and Turtles work on the GP32?
Could someone possibly host beats of rage in like 10, 5mb rar segments? because I only have dial up :(
I'm testing out the beta right now. Although it's rather slow loading up, it's amazing to actually see this thing on the GP32. The current controls aren't what I would prefer them but there's no way to change that currently. And the game runs rather fast. It's like playing BOR DC on crack. It's hard to do the dash attacks becuase it requires you to be really quick in the controls, kind of hard with the GP32. But for a beta, it's awesome. It obviously needs its work, but keep up the good work squidge, I love it. You should keep in a turbo option though, would be kind of neat. Also, the controls should be mapped differently: B = attack, A = jump, L/R = special. I'm only suggesting that it would be nicer to have them that way.

Once again, keep up the great work squidge, would love to see a close enough port of this game.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and it sucks having to only play as Kula. I prefer Mandy (she's MUCH hotter :) ). And the fading after levels and exitting from the game is horendously slow, especially when playing the game so fast...