Swf To Avi


The Awesome Guru
Dec 28, 2003
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SWF files to AVI, although it would be only useful for flash movies, still neat and will provide GP Cinima owners *or moviepark, since default FR for most flash is 12 FPS* a good way to watch flash movies *not sure if it works with ones with loading button... need to try out another SWF soon.*


forgot link XD
Flash also converts to avi....oh wait i keep forgetting not everyone has it... but if ya did...

Theres stil the matter of downloading flash as many sites have lockouts against this. But dosent saving websites for offline reading do the same things as this webcopier 30 day free trail?
I don't think so because WebCopier downloads all the files including the html, flash and picture files, storing them in a folder seperatly while just saving them for offline use saves only the html.

Correct me if I'm wrong. :P
Strange, i guess it just used to do that before. I remember downloading an entire site once in Win98 over 15mb of images and html together.

Still I wish the web copier program wasnt only a trial version there are quite a few flash movies i'd have converted to GPcinema if I could have downloaded them.
CamStudio (freeware) will work by directly recording Flash on screen to AVI - it'll even do the encoding to Divx 4.12. You'll still need VirtualDub for resizing and audio (MP3) encoding.
don't think so because WebCopier downloads all the files including the html, flash and picture files, storing them in a folder seperatly while just saving them for offline use saves only the html.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

You're wrong! :P

In your temporary internet files you have all files.
How do you want to read flash movies if your pc doesn't save it on your hard disk??!!!
Actually some flash movies are built in a way that they wont inhabit your harddrive, atleast no place that you could access it. the instant you turn of yout computer they're gone. or atleast they may only be accessable while you're connected to the site you got it from.

I used to download flash movies and pull them out of my internet cashe to watch later but eventually they stopped showing up or they would only work while I was online.
I used a program called HyperCam to record an area of my screen. Then I pressed play on a load of flash files and recorded to avi, then to xvid for GP32 and then burned the AVI's to VCD 1.0.

I'm a big fan of web-toons. Especially weebl n bob. http://www.weebl.jolt.co.uk

mmmmmm pie!
Actually some flash movies are built in a way that they wont inhabit your harddrive, atleast no place that you could access it. the instant you turn of yout computer they're gone. or atleast they may only be accessable while you're connected to the site you got it from.

I used to download flash movies and pull them out of my internet cashe to watch later but eventually they stopped showing up or they would only work while I was online.
Any link for Flash movie that don't stay in cash?
I really doubt about that because it isn't Flash that decides if movies stays in temporary after viewing it but internet explorer.
So even if you put all the code you want in your flash movie, I don't see any way not to appear in temporary.
Alpha2 posted on Mar 17 2004 at 06:46 AM said:
Actually some flash movies are built in a way that they wont inhabit your harddrive, atleast no place that you could access it. the instant you turn of yout computer they're gone. or atleast they may only be accessable while you're connected to the site you got it from.

I used to download flash movies and pull them out of my internet cashe to watch later but eventually they stopped showing up or they would only work while I was online.
Sounds lke your using Windows XP, Congratulations, all you cache is just mostly linking files that get great speed at redownloading!

A new feature in XP

98 and such actually fully d/ls the files, but i'd just use Download Accelerator, i just goto the page source and search for SWF, thats how i get my flash movies from Newgrounds to my HD.

And i guess the SWF2AVI program doesn't work with movies that have buttons or somtin *too bad for arfenhouse :'(*
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