Wanna Be Wizard Is Now Available

good news, ive discussed all the detail with mr ahn and hopefully i will start soon. just need some time for gamepark to finalize it. it'll probably take me a month or less to finish. haha he asked what i would like in payment and i said a copy of the translated game with my name in the credits. :lol:

Excellent news Lethe ! good on you.

It shows you what can be achieved by the GP32 community !!! Especially gp32x :D

I will def. being buying this when it's out.

I think some donations should be going your way Lethe, once it's complete of course :P
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This is great! Lethe, please accept my heartfelt thanks, and as I know that heartfelt thanks won't buy you anything.... you got a PayPal-Account? I will definitely send some money over to you when I can play the game in english ;)
Awesome Lethe, thank you so much! I will definately buy this game when its available, i also need to find a source in the uk to buy from, lik-sang will probably stock it though i'd imagine. :D
Thanks for doing this for us Lethe...

I'm sure if you need any help later on (when it is english) people here will not mind spell/grammar checking it for you...
Offtopic: I don't think RPGOne, Aeon Genesis, DeJap or any other SNES translation groups would be able to translate GP32 games in the first place since they only translate Japanese not Korean. Also the GP32 is a niche product, so unless they actually owned one how would they do it (?)

While I'm on the subject of translation, theres been a German translation release of Starfox 2 for SNES. ;)
German translation

Anyway, I thank Lethe for giving up his time to do this, mucho respect from here and the other GP32 communities and hopefully this will be on JoyGP :)
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hello everyone, sorry for not posting for a while. my internet has been down for a few days (found out that it was a router problem). anyways news update:

All the discussing has come to an end and i will be receiving the text in a day or two. I have a month and a half to finish and i will be receiving a GP32BLU package + WBW as payment (btw, i was quite shocked at this news because i only expected a copy of the game as payment :) )

Well, ill keep you all updated
ok, progress report for all of you still checking this thread

im currently 22.2222% complete (18/81 pages)