Release VVVVVV - official full version

VVVVVV - a 2D puzzle platform video game designed by Terry Cavanagh and scored by Magnus Pålsson.

In VVVVVV, the player controls Captain Viridian, who is lost in an alternate dimension, in search of the missing members of the spaceship's crew. Instead of jumping, the player is able to control the direction of gravity, allowing Captain Viridian to flip between the floors and ceilings of the environment. The graphical style of VVVVVV is heavily influenced by the Commodore 64; similarly, the game's music is entirely chiptune.

The price is the same as other versions - $4.99
I'm confused.

I thought the POINT of Pandora was free stuff.  Why is stuff you have to pay for being put on Repo?  Just totally curious.
Pandora isn't just for free stuff, It's an open platform for anyone commercial and non-commercial.

This had been ported a while ago, you would of had to buy the Android or IOS or PC version and take the data files to use with the Pandora binary, much like a lot of things in the repo.. This saves people the effort of having to buy it separately. 
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VVVVVV - a 2D puzzle platform video game designed by Terry Cavanagh and scored by Magnus Pålsson.

In VVVVVV, the player controls Captain Viridian, who is lost in an alternate dimension, in search of the missing members of the spaceship's crew. Instead of jumping, the player is able to control the direction of gravity, allowing Captain Viridian to flip between the floors and ceilings of the environment. The graphical style of VVVVVV is heavily influenced by the Commodore 64; similarly, the game's music is entirely chiptune.

The price is the same as other versions - $4.99
I'm confused.

I thought the POINT of Pandora was free stuff.  Why is stuff you have to pay for being put on Repo?  Just totally curious.
Huh? There's a lot of non-free stuff on the repo. How about these ports that need original game files? You need to pay for them eventually.
I'm confused.

I thought the POINT of Pandora was free stuff.  Why is stuff you have to pay for being put on Repo?  Just totally curious.
A wise man once put it thus : The ethos of free software is free as in speech, not free as in beer.

People are free to release whatever software they like for the Pandora, they are then free to set a charge (or not) for said software.

The more commercial quality paid for software on the repo the better IMHO.  :)
VVVVVV - a 2D puzzle platform video game designed by Terry Cavanagh and scored by Magnus Pålsson.

In VVVVVV, the player controls Captain Viridian, who is lost in an alternate dimension, in search of the missing members of the spaceship's crew. Instead of jumping, the player is able to control the direction of gravity, allowing Captain Viridian to flip between the floors and ceilings of the environment. The graphical style of VVVVVV is heavily influenced by the Commodore 64; similarly, the game's music is entirely chiptune.

The price is the same as other versions - $4.99
I'm confused.

I thought the POINT of Pandora was free stuff.  Why is stuff you have to pay for being put on Repo?  Just totally curious.
I just made a noise where I inhaled through my teeth.
My take on this is that buying software for the Pandora from various developers will hopefully stimulate the production of more quality tittles.

I feel by paying for an app on occasion, I am supporting the Pandora project indirectly I suppose.
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I don't think that Terry Cavanagh will be going too shopping crazy on the few dollars he's made so far from my buying of 2 apps, but I do like to support paid software on the Pandora, and with these bundled app it might create a little notice outside the community of the Pandoras existence! :rolleyes:
Bought it, played it - Excellent! Well worth the money in itself, quite apart from the fact that I'd probably have bought it as a "Thank you for supporting the Pandora" kind of gesture. Did mess with my sleep schedule, though, since, you know..."Well, I'll just pass this room, it won't take no time at all..." :D
Like the older version, it uses global system filter setting. Go to Settings -> LCD-Settings -> Select current/default filter to change that.
Geez, I never knew about this! Thanks so much for pointing this out
Well, it's about doing whatever you like with it. You decide whether you want to buy (non-redistributable) PNDs. It's just another option that IMO is neither good nor evil in itself.
The OP has zero upsell.. no ads, no spyware, no crap... making money isn't the problem here

In fact we WANT an appstore ecosystem that makes money for people

I'm happy we're finally started to get some high quality non-emulator based packages to build the legitimacy of the platform.
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Any way quality devs can be attracted to the OpenPandora console is a positive thing unless of course there is bribery or blackmail involved  :o   :lol:
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VVVVVV - a 2D puzzle platform video game designed by Terry Cavanagh and scored by Magnus Pålsson.

In VVVVVV, the player controls Captain Viridian, who is lost in an alternate dimension, in search of the missing members of the spaceship's crew. Instead of jumping, the player is able to control the direction of gravity, allowing Captain Viridian to flip between the floors and ceilings of the environment. The graphical style of VVVVVV is heavily influenced by the Commodore 64; similarly, the game's music is entirely chiptune.

The price is the same as other versions - $4.99
I'm confused.

I thought the POINT of Pandora was free stuff.  Why is stuff you have to pay for being put on Repo?  Just totally curious.
Oh come on, grant him his few bucks for a great game.
Forgot to say how retro that analogue mode is, glad my gaming telly wasn't as quirky back in the day!! :blink:
I just ASKED....sheesh.

It's just that I never noticed pay-for stuff on the Repo until very recently - this and Hexagon come to mind.

I was just totally curious.

Incidentally, I paid a guy here, seperately, for two applications to be programmed for Pady...which were very specific to my business.

My company paid him for the programs.  And since I am my paid him.

I'll just be perfectly frank...without a free preview of what I'm buying, there is no way I pay for software for Pandora (unless, as in the above example, I specifically ordered it - and therefore I set the specs)  Point being, I would not want to pay five bucks for a game I might not like.

Developers who are developing "for pay" stuff for the Pandy might do well to also release a free demo you can see if you like it, first.  Just sayin'
The OP has zero upsell.. no ads, no spyware, no crap... making money isn't the problem here

In fact we WANT an appstore ecosystem that makes money for people

I'm happy we're finally started to get some high quality non-emulator based packages to build the legitimacy of the platform.
Oh, come on, your last sentence sounds a bit unfair if you look at wb's games to name point out just two high quality games. Or did you mean commercial games?
I totally love the existing community homebrew stuff.... I'm trying to say that once people realise they CAN port over their releases and make a little money - it might start a craze :)

The pandora has an amazing community of developers... the more the merrier tho  :)  I love wb's nub game.... but I WAS talking about purely for profit real indie games like Kami and Super Hexagon... things that are multiplatform 

Some indie developers have a huge following... and if they started to advertise the Pandora, they could hopefully sell some units too.
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