Release Open Hexagon


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
Here is Open Hexagon, an open source clone of "Super Hexagon by Terry Cavanagh".


The version is the beta v2.0, online play doesn't seem possible, but local (offline) is working.

Note that there is a bug (an anoyance) that I haven't been able to fix: when restarting a level, a long pause can happens, and then the game unfreeze and is unplayable for a couple of second (and you loose).

The keys are mapped to Pandora ({X} to validate/swith, {B} to focus) and can be changed in config.json

History log


Build 02


  • Compatible with Firmware 1.62 and later
  • If on earlier firmware, no need to update
Build 01


  • Initial build
  • Key config for Pandora
  • forced Fullscreen
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Interesting.  I take it Terry didn't clone his game himself ;)   Might be worth putting that bit in quotes the way Vittorio does on his website.

Here is Notaz's port of Terry's Android port of the original game if you fancy supporting the original author.  I'll have to compare the two.

Edit: Compared.  This version clearly need a bit of work.  The controls are a lot more twitchy and the bars in Terry's version always stick to the background wedges, wheras here they can drift, both of which make it a much harder game - not that Terry's game is easy to begin with.  An interesting diversion, but if anyone is interested in a polished version then I'd recommend the pay for option.
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Excellent - I bloody love this version (I have both) and it's way better than the original! Love the music too, my favourite is Jack Russel :D

if you have issues, that the level restart is screwed up, there is a timer somewhere that accommodates for dropped frames, so the game always runs at regular speed, even if you only had 5 fps or less.

You need to start this timer after the function that creates the insane lag spike.

Also I noticed, that the music always starts from beginning, in the PC version there are loop points defined.
if you have issues, that the level restart is screwed up, there is a timer somewhere that accommodates for dropped frames, so the game always runs at regular speed, even if you only had 5 fps or less.

You need to start this timer after the function that creates the insane lag spike.

Also I noticed, that the music always starts from beginning, in the PC version there are loop points defined.
I didn't found that function. I tried moveing around a few things in the reinit funciton of the level, but with no niticable effect. Are you refering at the fpsWatchdog?

The restart of the music, I didn't notice any loop point for restart of music, but I may have missed that (or it's my moving around thing that broken something).
New build, just to make it compatible for firmware 1.62+

Build 02


  • Compatible with Firmware 1.62 and later
  • If on earlier firmware, no need to update