Uae4all Amiga Emulator Port To Gp2x

that´s what he planned:

TODO list:
Savestates - it's getting there (builds alright, but needs some more work).
Key mapping to gp2x buttons (half way there).
Config load/save.
Graphics optimisations.
Sound fixes.
Overclocking tweaks (LCD timings, add 266, etc.).
DMS support.
Switch between different kickstart versions.

can´t wait for the next release! :)
Nr.56 posted on May 26 2006 at 08:13 AM said:
hi critical

Thanks for this great emulator. All my favorite amiga-games run on it.
only one question: is it possible to use some keyboard or mousekeys directly on buttons of the gp2x?
A standard amiga joystick has got only 2 buttons, left 4 buttons on the handheld. with such a setting you could jump crackscreens or switch between move and fight in battle isle directly. just an idea
I put the key remapping code in, but haven't got around to the gui part to let you configure the keys yet.
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so...did you have some time to work on the cyclone integration? and if so - how´s it going?
i´m really interested in some details since this is my favourite emu ;)

best regards
B4N5H33 posted on May 26 2006 at 09:14 AM said:
so...did you have some time to work on the cyclone integration? and if so - how´s it going?
i´m really interested in some details since this is my favourite emu ;)

best regards

Well my GP2X arrives today, teh first thing that is getting installed is this emulator and the first game I play is Paradroid 90 (hope it works).

But I am intersted in seeing this emulator evolve as I am dying to getting into UFO, Cannon Fodder and even civilisation especially on my 4 hours daily travelling to work and back (2 hours each way), so the save state or being able to save games is a massive plus to me.

Quick question critical. Pardon my ignorance if this has been discussed before or even if this is blatently unrealistic, but is there a way to perhaps write a games save to a blank adf like you were saving to a blank disk? Thus negating the need to work on save state saving.
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B4N5H33 posted on May 26 2006 at 09:14 AM said:
so...did you have some time to work on the cyclone integration? and if so - how´s it going?
i´m really interested in some details since this is my favourite emu ;)

best regards
I had some time a while ago, I tried it, and it didn't work for me. There's an alternative to the cyclone solution that may appear in the near future, but others are working on it.
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When I was playing with UAE, I profiled it, and the speed wasn't been sapped up because of the C 68K core, but more because of the graphics routines.

However, an ASM cpu core will definitely give some improvment, just not a massive one. Just make sure it's Amiga compatible, as the Amiga uses loads of weird and wonderful features of the 68K that most people don't seem to bother to support in there asm versions.

If you want a big speed up, I'd rewrite the graphics routines, but that's not a simple task either.
It's like fate is laughing at me behind my back!

Got my GP2X, moved the Amiga emulator over tried to run Paradroid 90 and.....disapointment :(

I get the crack screen, which I can skip.

I get the preloader image of paradroid 90.

Then I get a black screen but with the loading music. The annoying this is, I can press the 'a' button to start the game and it goes into the game, even moving the joystick I can hear my wee droid bounce off the walls and I can fire the gun but I'm getting no image.

I tried the emulator on all 5 parts of the cpu/chip bar and all gave the same problem. Even tried with no sound and faked sound.

Anyone else tried Paradroid 90 and got it working or even have the emulator play the game with no display?

I have only managed to get one game working so far to be honest and thats Alien Breed. Tried Moonstone but it was taking ages trying to load past the intro sequence and strangely would only animate if I held down one of the buttons :huh:

What is even worse I tried the Atari ST version of paradroid 90 on the OutcaST emulator and that doesn't even work.

Ubersnug posted on May 31 2006 at 01:36 PM said:
Anyone else tried Paradroid 90 and got it working or even have the emulator play the game with no display?
Stop, you're killing me with your positive vibes :)

Just for you, I fired up uae4all 0.5.1 and tried it with the version of Paradroid 90 that I have.

It's: Paradroid 90 (1990)(Hewson)[cr CLS].adf

With the Emu Bias set to full CPU, overclocked to 250, with sound off it worked fine.

Since you seem to be having a bad time of it, it might be that the dumps you're using aren't the best.

There's a wiki (link in my sig) with a list of known working games... try some of those and let us know how you get on.
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critical posted on May 31 2006 at 03:42 PM said:
Ubersnug posted on May 31 2006 at 01:36 PM said:
Anyone else tried Paradroid 90 and got it working or even have the emulator play the game with no display?
Stop, you're killing me with your positive vibes :)

Just for you, I fired up uae4all 0.5.1 and tried it with the version of Paradroid 90 that I have.

It's: Paradroid 90 (1990)(Hewson)[cr CLS].adf

With the Emu Bias set to full CPU, overclocked to 250, with sound off it worked fine.

Since you seem to be having a bad time of it, it might be that the dumps you're using aren't the best.

There's a wiki (link in my sig) with a list of known working games... try some of those and let us know how you get on.

Thanks critical, please dont take my post as major criticism towards your emulator as what you have done is a fine piece of work, i was just a bit miffed that I couldn't get the one game I was looking forward to playing running on it at all.

*goes looking for a new version of paradroid 90*
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Hey Critical how is it going?

No rush eh :)

I hope you can improve the speed soon.

Anyway, good job mate.

Can u tell if u are going to need any help or anything? Maybe I can help you... just maybe , all the gui is done and the programing u r doing is very deep on the core of the emu so i couldnt help you in that task im afraid.

Anything else tell me , and maybe...


PS; Do you think you will have a relase soon?
But it's sorta OK, 'cause he quit them too, and devs for the Lynx now.

He has also released UAE4ALL for the Game&Watch Mario Bros. Dunno how well it runs Turrican, though. Yah, 4ALL is really portable.
Haven't you heard? Critical left for the Gameboy Advance-scene. :(


Not GBA, Giz.


Well it was a joke, seriously.
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The source is freely available - if anyone wants anything done sooner than I'll get it done, you know what to do :)

I have very poor discipline, so I just do what I feel like at the time.

The code's almost entirely Chui's - it's very nice to work with.

The more people ask, the less likely I am to do anything, I'm afraid - it becomes more of a chore than a pleasure.