TV-Out cables available


Active Member
Dec 19, 2011
Bavaria, Germany
EDIT: All cables are sold now.

hi guys,

I have just finished another (and most probably the last) batch of my provisional TV-out cables.

5 pieces

5 meters each

5 € each. :-) Plus shipping (worldwide).

+1 € for an optional Scart adapter, if you like one.

1 is sold already, so 4 are available.

They are S-Video cables, but can be used in Composite mode, too. For that, you either need an S-Video to Composite adapter (no electronics involved, just wire the Y signal of the S-Video to the Composite signal and ground to ground. Everything else is done in software), or se a Scart adapter and connect the cable to a Scart socket of your TV.

On explicitly S-Video enabled Scart sockets (--[->S] symbol), you can use the cable in S-Video mode,

on standard Scart sockets, you can use the cable in Composite mode.

Only caveat: I didn't have heat shrink tubing left. But the plugs are molded with transparent epoxy, so they look even fancier without tubing. ;-)

Anyone interested, let me know via PM please. First come, first served. Only one cable per person.

Please provide shipping address and let me know, if you need a Scart adapter (+1 €) or not.

I'll announce here, once they are sold out.

Shipping worldwide as a (boxed) standard letter.



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All cables are sold. Wow, that was fast!

Shows that there is quite some demand in TV-Out cables. I hope that the original ones will be ready soon.

If users can do such cables for $5, why can't an company do this? The official cables cost €14 and OP Team is still searching for an company that want to do the official cables.

With these Cables, the Pandora would be an good alternative to the new OUYA Console too. :D I'm sure we could fish some of the OUYA interested pledgers from them. ^^
OpenPandora could order them through hmc...

hmc - how many cables could you make a day?
No no no - wait! ;-)

I cannot make those cables for 5€ per piece on a regular basis. I would starve.

The two small batches I made was meant as a contribution to the community. I did not earn any money from them. The 5 € covered my own expenses for the parts and for packaging, nothing else. I invested about half an hour per cable (estimated) of my time. And if I had used high-quality parts instead of the cheap ones I used, I'd need to ask 50€ per cable, if I would continue making cables and need to have the necessary profit from it.

So it's better, if some company makes the cables.

In case you are interested in my source for the cheap parts, here it is:

S-Video cable, 5m, für 0.95€

Scart adapter for 0.80€

The Pandora EXT connector plug was a good deal with WizardStan.

Then I needed to buy some boxes for packaging,

used some epoxy and a mold form made from a piece of sheet metal...

that's it actually.

Btw: The cable is relatively heavy and bulky. Fortunately, the EXT connection is sturdy enough to stand this, even if the Pandora is held in hand and not sitting on a table. But the "real" TV-Out cables will certainly be much better in this regard.

I don't think I will make any more TV-Out cables.

10 are enough. I'll rather invest some more time into developing, porting... debugging my TrueCrypt compilation issues for example.

But that has to wait, until I have finished the work on relaunch of, and then a total redesign of my main website,, is planned, also adding much more info about the Pandora then, and cleaning up a lot of obsolete stuff. No. No more cables. Sorry. ;-)

what a deal! i already have a cable made sometime ago but that tranparent epoxy is so cool would have bought this cable!

nice contribution hmc :)
Well, I'm happy to make my own cable, as long as the official ones are not available, because I know for sure, that the responsible person(s) aren't lazy in the meantime.

There are more important things to do currently.

Maybe someone with some time on his hands and necessary experience could take over the job from ED, to manage TV-Out cable production?

As mentioned in another thread, I can confirm that the user Infinity is offering to make these cables. I got one from him myself and am very pleased with his work.
Yes, there is definitely demand.

And I understand why: It's real fun to play those old games on old tube TVs, just as 20-30 years ago. :-)

Also, I used the cable to watch movies on a hotel TV during vacations, in decent quality. Also a lot of fun.

(Btw, in case you haven't noticed: I have provided some Pandora-optimized recoding presets for handbrake for that purpose).

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