TV-Out cables: I sell one more small batch


Active Member
Dec 19, 2011
Bavaria, Germany
Hi guys,
since a customer of mine wanted a TV-Out cable, I made an entire batch (6 pcs).
One for the customer, one for me, so 4 cables are for sale now.
Length: abt. 5 meters
Connectors: Pandora EXT connector on one side (of course), 3x RCA plugs (="Cinch" in Europe)
Mode: Only Composite, no S-Video
Weight: Only abt. 100 grams. That is only abt. 1/3 of the weight of my older cables!
I thought, in order to avoid the situation we had the last times when I sold such cables (that some people read about availability only when they were already sold out) I'd do it differently now. 
I put one cable up on ebay:

(if you use another ebay region, such as, or whatever, just enter the auction ID into the search field: 290893167857)

If this turns out to be a good way, I'll also offer the other cables on ebay this way.
I will only get 7€ plus shipping of the highest bid. This covers my expenses for the parts.
All the rest, no matter how much, will go to ED as a donation for the Pandora project.
These cables are a bit more expensive than the older ones I made, because I used another cable. It's much more lightweight and flexible, hence doesn't mechanically stress the Pandora's TV-Out port so much and is much more comfortable in your luggage.
It also has a disadvantage: It only has Composite TV-Out, no S-Video.
However, at least on my old tube TV that I used to test the cables, this does not make much of a difference.
Note that the official TV-Out cables will also be available in - as ED announced - about 7 weeks.
Those will be much shorter and basically be only an adapter, that you use to connect your own A/V cable. 
My cable does not have all of the official cable's connectors (Composite, S-Video, audio out, audio in), but only audio out and Composite. On the other hand, it's an all-in-one solution for those that prefer a lightweight but still long composite cable.
This is the cable I used as a basis for the TV-Out cables.
I cut off all plugs, cut that 10m cable in the middle, and made two 5m TV-out cables from one of those.
Here are some images, because last time I was asked a few times, how I make those molded plugs. These pictures should explain it. The transparent plastic is taken from some packaging of an electronic item. It's thin enough to be bent and folded easily.
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I should ask:

Are there any developers, who work on software that uses TV-Out, who need a TV-Out cable for testing their baby before the official cables are available?

If so, please PM me and let me know what you're working on. I think it doesn't make sense to let software contributors donate money in addition to their software. ;-)
You should be able to see the auction in all ebay regions.

Just use the auction ID and enter it into the search field. This should work I think.

The auction ID is 290885857643
Ok. Just made an offer and a couple of seconds later someone overbid me... damn you... you... !

Hope you are happy now.... but be aware this auction will be effective on april fools' day. Just thought I should mention it :)

Happy bidding! ;)
Oh really? Didn't notice that. However, the conditions of the auction are serious! Really! :-)

b_o_b, don't worry, I have a few more cables that I may also set up for a donations auction on April 3rd or give away to the first one reporting his donation of 100 Euro for the OpenPandora project.

(really, I don't know what donation amount is realistic, that's mainly why I set up the auction: To find out what people are willing to donate. And to delay the time a bit, so that more people get a chance to notice that such cables are available.)
Great! The second auction has ended, too, with an even better result than the first auction. I could just donate 18.10€ (net 17.41€ after paypal fees) to the preorder fund.

Attention: The next auction will problably be the last one. I currently have 3 cables left. One for my own usage, one for the last auction and one as a spare that I don't want to sell.
You can find this last auction here:

(ebay link and auction ID in first post updated, too).

Happy bidding! :-)