You might want to ask your lawyer about the legal ramifications of the word "recommend".
What would you like to tell me with that?
My lawyer followed the whole story for a while now.
Before gathering investors I made sure nothing bad can happen from this side.
As the public face of the Pandora, and the guy who told everyone where it could be purchased, and recommended which shop to use based on location, you have recommended Craig's shop.
No, I never "recommended" Craigs shop. When someone asked, I always mentioned the different possibilities where you can order it, that included the GP2X Shop as well as GBAX / OpenPandora Sales.
By the way, here is the preorder thread:
Craig posted that and recommended my shop (and Fatihs), not the other way round.
The website itself didn't even have a direct preorder-information back then:
As such, you are liable for any loss caused as a result of such recommendation.
That would be horrible. If someone recommends a shop via Facebook because he had good experience with it, and that shop doesn't deliver goods to some person, the one posting on Facebook would be liable for the loss?
I'm pretty sure that's not the case here in Germany.
If the shop would've been directly integrated into the main website, that would've been something different. But even later, the website always listed different shops where to buy it. Mine was one of them.
All other "How to order"-Posts were on the boards, mostly done by Craig.
According to German Law, an order is NOT valid before the company where you placed that order confirms your order.
My company only confirmed the orders to my customers, there never had been any contract between my company and Craigs customers.
Besides, you can look it up, but OpenPandora GmbH didn't even exist before October 8th, 2008.
Most of the preorders mainly happened between September 30th and October 5th.
OpenPandora GmbH couldn't even have recommended you buy from OP Ltd., as it didn't exist at that date.
Legally, the only thing that ever existed between OpenPandora Ltd. and OpenPandora GmbH was:
My company will provide 4000 LCDs to OpenPandora Ltd. and get 700 Pandoras in return.
That was the only thing our both companies ever had as an agreement.
I provided the LCDs but never got enough Pandoras (I got about 300 - 400 Pandoras, would need to check the exact number).
Okay, I got about 1200 LCDs back to continue the production, but it would still mean that legally, OpenPandora Ltd. owes me money as it owes money to its customers.
Craig also promised my company that the units would be ready for christmas 2008 or shortly after.
We all know what happened afterwards (CC, etc.), which is also the reason didn't try to get that money back from OP Ltd. but rather try to get us all through this.
Legally though, it would be the case.
The forums have been deleted once, so there's no evidence either way, it's just your word, against the word of all of Craig's pre-orders that don't have their devices yet.
The forums have never been deleted. What are you talking about? still exists, the temporary boards that had been created when was down for a while also still exist:
Who do you think a judge will believe?
A judge will not listen to a large crowd shouting, it will first listen to all the different facts there are. If laws would be based on the amount of people shouting for justice, not on facts, when we would be back in the middle ages where often people were turned into scapegoats and punished simply because a crowd wanted that.
So... the facts are:
1. Most of the preorders had been done before OP GmbH existed.
2. While different shops were listed on the official website, ordering and order confirmation ALWAYS happened explicitely with the shop you ordered from.
3. Legally, OP Ltd. still owes my company money and didn't fulfill the promise to deliver the units I should get early 2009.
The fact that someone hasn't been sued yet is evidence enough of professional misconduct, someone is going to get in really big legal troubles. Whether it's you is well, up to you.
You know, when I read stuff like that I really think I shouldn't even support Craigs customers anymore and let them deal with Craig, instead of trying to send out as many units to them as possible. I took 350K debts to do this, and if this is the thanks I'm receiving, then that's totally awesome.
Thank god I know I'm doing all of this work because there are so many customers who ARE supportive - and I want to support them as good as possible as well.
For the GHz orders, the same thing is true. I don't think ED can be sued because he recommended to buy from Craig if there was an advantage for the customer. Nobody knew that things could turn out this way!
The orders for the 1GHz units happened based on a post Craig made at the boards here. I never told anyone to order from Craig in this case.