I think the voucher is to secure a Pandora at that price, not a voucher worth €350...
The "350€ for a Pandora Voucher" has 2 ways and 3 outcomes. Each voucher means 50€ profit from a sale instead of 150€ profit from a sale.
First Way:
Give the option to pay 350€ extra to get a voucher for a second 1 GHZ unit. Almost nobody will use it, so it is not very important.
Second way:
Give a voucher for free, which makes it possible to buy a Pandora for 350€. This way everybody in queue will get one, if he buys a Pandora.
First: nobody uses it (unrealistic)
Second: People use it for themself.
Third: People sell it to friends or on ebay and a lot of people buy Pandoras for 350€.
The second and third way means a lot of people will get a cheap Ghz Pandora. This could have again 2 outcomes:
Get more attention to the Pandora. When I show my friend my Pandora I can say: "Hey special price for you, 349€ instead of 450€. Want one too?" When we have some 349€ Pandoras on ebay some people will buy one, which would not have bought one for 450€. So more customers with low profit and almost no losses (this people won't have bought a Pandora anyway for 450€, since Shield costs 299$).
Everyone who wanted a Pandora, will now get a voucher and pay 100€ less. Means 66% less income, means the Pandora Preorder Queue will probably never be empty.
I think First and second will happen both.
I think giving a free voucher "second Ghz Pandora for 350€" to everyone in the queue is too risky. Maybe give one to the 300€ (and maybe 200€) upgraders. Statisticly people with much money know more people with much money (like
gay people know statisticly more gay people ), so it is more likely their friends will take this great offer. Or just do the "pay 350€ for a voucher" option and send it to the people who have paid the voucher for the second Pandora.
Edit: I don't want to sound arrogant. I have myself not much money (why do I live in the only german state where you have to pay a study fee for university?), I want to offend nobody. But someone who is in his thirties, has a Job and maybe a house, has more likely friends in the same age. And with 30 you have most time more money then with 20.