Today Is A Great Day!(Hopefully)


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2008
The Netherlands, Overijssel
Cant wait until the last pandora parts arrive at england today, so the first construction of 500 pandora's will begin.
Lets f5 twitter, the blog, photobucket and these forums :p
im at school now:( but at 14:00 gmt il be hoping for some awesome news.
11:55 here on west coast us...
edit: saw gruso's post, is that a courier in england? or still in china?
Gruso said:
Here comes the bubble burst.

craigix said:
The courier isn't picking them up until the 23rd, but they say they will be ready and waiting.
But to makes things a little more interesting:

craigix said:
Firstly, as far as I know they will meet the March 22nd deadline.

Who knows what's going on anymore...

(Note: Timestamps seem a little screwed up, but this quote is actually after the previous quote about the 23rd)
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Pickup from china is now the 23rd!!

I am predicting another delay - of course I am, so are many other people!!

I don't see production starting on the 1st. We have heard nothing about cases, the LEAST OP could do is update us if they have news and we have had no update on boards.
It's fair to assume that the push back of the case parts delivery will influence the whole schedule. So 23rd instead of 18th means +5 days. According to this thinking I don't expect production to start before 6th of April.
mali said:
It's fair to assume that the push back of the case parts delivery will influence the whole schedule. So 23rd instead of 18th means +5 days. According to this thinking I don't expect production to start before 6th of April.

They did mention that they calculated some extra days to set stuff up etc. This can probably be done without the cases there. The boards are not there yet either. So I expect no extra delay past april 1st
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Yes today is a great day.

Offtopic: Goto Design by Community to voice your opinions on what the next best Nokia phone should be.
This is round two, i think it would be awesome if the Pandora Community gave their insights.
You never know, maybe a Nokia Pandora could be made? :lol:
Bosbeetle said:
They did mention that they calculated some extra days to set stuff up etc. This can probably be done without the cases there. The boards are not there yet either. So I expect no extra delay past april 1st
It's surely possible to think that way, but then speculation enters the game. As long as we don't know the plan, it's saver to add those days on top, imo. Let's keep expectations low.
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I might end up cancelling my order if production does not start EARLY april. I had a deadline set for myself..

That sucks..

working on WiFi at the moment, I didn't have much time to check out all other stuff :)
AFAIR the eMails I got, there was one slight problem that didn't show until the first cases had been REALLY produced.
Nothing big, AFAIK it's already fixed and production is going again.
Hopefully they'll make it until tomorrow, but it might also be a few days more, you never know with such things.

However, this is one of the reasons we decided to start production on April 1st (as stated already in the last blog entry).

We expected some delay, either from board production or from case production.
Therefore, we added a week of safety buffer :)

Most important for me though is that the Chinese have started production, as could be clearly seen by the pictures.
It's a big step further than what we last were :)
And it's going to be finished eventually.

Also in regards to the board production, I think about 360 boards are already tested, so it's also getting there.

Okay, back to debugging - we want that last component of the Pandora (WiFi) working, too.
Michael, notaz, DJWillis and me are almost working 24/7 on that issue. Never thought WiFi could be so complicated, but we'll handle this, I'm sure :)
Eh.... That sucks.. Who knows - If they don't change anything for the first batch and they start shipping in April, we could all have our FB's by MAY/JUNE..
borgqueenx said:
So1e april only 500 will be made?
And the other 3500 a month later?

I want mine before summer holidays thats for sure. Im gonna be mad and cancel if mine aint shipped by then.

Those cancelling threats do nothing, they get a bit boring now... we all are aware of how close to edge we are and you can be sure we do everything to finish the units as soon as possible.
I nearly had a breakdown this weekend because I had too much stress and work at the moment, so it's no real fun for us, you know?

Anyways, that 500 for a start is nothing new, if you read the blog post, it's even stated there for over a week...
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