Pandora Tincs - Multiplayer Shooter For Pandora (video)

Butterman, in case you are still fighting with smoothing groups, here is a shader pair that does not care about mesh-supplied normals, and produces a rather faceted shading. on the plus side, it does normal mapping. well, for one light only.

dont forget to set up your standard gl material properties, and pass the attribs of your light as a standard gl light object, as this is where the shader reads all those data from.


// tangential space bump mapping, vertex shader

varying vec2 tc_i; // color/bumpmap coords
varying vec3 p_obj_i; // vertex position in in object space
varying vec3 l_obj_i; // light_source vector in object space
varying vec3 h_obj_i; // half-direction vector in object space

void main()
gl_Position = ftransform();

tc_i = gl_MultiTexCoord0.xy;

vec4 lp_obj = gl_ModelViewMatrixInverse * gl_LightSource[0].position;
vec4 vp_obj = gl_ModelViewMatrixInverse[3];

vec3 l_obj = normalize( - * lp_obj.w);
vec3 v_obj = normalize( - * vp_obj.w);

p_obj_i =;
l_obj_i = l_obj;
h_obj_i = normalize(l_obj + v_obj);


// tangential space bump mapping, fragment shader

uniform sampler2D normalMap;
uniform sampler2D diffuseMap;

varying vec2 tc_i; // color/bumpmap coords
varying vec3 p_obj_i; // vertex position in in object space
varying vec3 l_obj_i; // light_source vector in object space
varying vec3 h_obj_i; // half-direction vector in object space

void main()
vec3 l = normalize(l_obj_i);
vec3 h = normalize(h_obj_i);

vec2 tc_dx = dFdx(tc_i);
vec2 tc_dy = dFdy(tc_i);

vec3 p_dx = dFdx(p_obj_i);
vec3 p_dy = dFdy(p_obj_i);

vec3 t = normalize(tc_dy.y * p_dx - tc_dx.y * p_dy);
vec3 b = normalize(tc_dy.x * p_dx - tc_dx.x * p_dy); // sign inverted

vec3 n = cross(b, t); // sign inverted

mat3 tbn = mat3(t, b, n);

vec3 l_tan = l * tbn;
vec3 h_tan = h * tbn;

vec3 bump = normalize(texture2D(normalMap, tc_i).xyz * 2.0 - 1.0);

vec3 diffuse = gl_FrontLightProduct[0] * max(dot(l_tan, bump), 0.0);
vec3 specular = gl_FrontLightProduct[0] * pow(max(dot(h_tan, bump), 0.0), gl_FrontMaterial.shininess);

vec4 tcolor = texture2D(diffuseMap, tc_i);

gl_FragColor = vec4( * ( + diffuse) + specular,
gl_FrontLightModelProduct.sceneColor.w * tcolor.w);
@ t3hmadhatt3r

That character is cool to see in a picture but it's difficult that it (or every character too detailed) can be nice to see on a small screen.
I think we should go for cleaner models (like the one posted by Muzz) with simple shapes without many detalis (at least we can reproduce them via textures)..
So (even if it fits PERFECTLY with the style) I would avoid details like pipes, belts, etc...
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'Butterman' said:
It dosen't matter how many polygons the Pandora when I've just got a huge scene showing. What I need to know, I how the scene will work when you're in a game, recieving and sorting messages for the positions, state, etc for 24 different guys. Without any compression and considering we're updating 60 times a second. That's 51 kb/s.

I'm planning on using shadow maps for now. I know you want volumetric ;)
actually, I Want it to be playable at a decent FPS :P
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darkblu, I implemented what I understood of that (which wasn't much without comments) and just got a black screen.

I'm playing around with specularity, it works fine on my torus and sphere, but pants on the floor, pluss it has some strange cutoff. (it's not affected by attentuation).

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Ok. I've sorted out the above. Now modellers, does this look correct? The right hand side show the two textures applied to the model.


Does that look like it should?

The light is on just above the area where the brightest part is on the top. There's a few more lights about, but i've forgotten where they are xD
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No, I doesn't look rght.
But don't worry probably you only have to invert the colours of the spec. map.
For what I can see the model (in some pats) reflects exacly where it should be darker.
The problem is that that doesn't happen everywhere, for example the light on the magazine reflects well...
For now try only to invert the colours... Then we will see....
And thank you for the test :D

P.S: Plus there is a problem with my maps... the diffuse is right but the specular one is too affected by the differences of resolution between a part and the other... But that is my error :)
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Hmm. The problem with this now, is that the camera position isn't effecting it.

I'm going to have to play around more when I get back tonight. That said, I thought it looked pretty cool. Reminds me of a few years back, when every new game decided to be really shiny and everybody thought "it made the graphics look better".
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Wow, how long until they get hit with a cease and desist order?
'Butterman' said:
Hmm. The problem with this now, is that the camera position isn't effecting it.

I'm going to have to play around more when I get back tonight. That said, I thought it looked pretty cool. Reminds me of a few years back, when every new game decided to be really shiny and everybody thought "it made the graphics look better".
Ugh, I remember saying to myself, why is everything so god damn overexposed and shiny. :P
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Hey guys!Good news!I'm going to start making animation videos of concept models, weapons, or any other models related to Tincs and upload them to youtube.Hopefully this will help us and fans to choose a weapon/art style for the game.I have only uploaded one video but more will come...soon.You can view my channel .:Here:..Thanks...

P.S."Please add your suggestions and thoughts in the comments section.Also feel free to make a request for a weapon/model/object ;) "
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Actually, I'm not even sure classic weapons are the right way to go. If the whole bioengeneering thing is taken seriously, weapons could replace hands/arms or at least be embedded in them. Of course, a few classic weapons could still exist in addition to that.
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Is that right giovanni?

OrR, that's a pretty cool idea. I like the combination of the augumentation and weapon systems. I think that's what dutch caps was going for. Nice model madhatter!

Big props to gruso, we've got a whole bunch of name ideas to take a look at.

I'm going to take a look now.
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Yep, that looks MUCH better Butterman. Good job with the spec maps - they make things look a lot prettier. :D
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Im getting tired of looking at random cubes for the tests.

Ill try and put togetther a test model pack on the weekend.

In it i plan to have a good looking low poly head, a crate and some other random models.
That's perfect! Very very nice...

Just to see how the lighting works you can take a picture with multiple lights because in this photo we can only see a part of the gun and I would like to see the reflactions on the rest..

I'll make it brighter (more white in the texture) but that's trivial... Thank you very much...
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For the name, how about..

1. the abode of all demons; Hell.
2. any scene of wild confusion or disorder.
3. a place or gathering of wild persons ;)
4. chaos.

And it goes well with the Pandora name :D

EDIT: I also like Ruckus - the act of making a noisy disturbance :)
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speaking of pan-puns why not
because the generic evil corpration could look trough the eyes of theyr victims forcing the "terrorists" to blind themselves before they could get theyr rogue implants. There could also be a blind-cyber-ninja themed character
Urban Chaos
Till the Death
Do or Die
Last Chance for Freedom
Reign of Tech
Enhanced Warfare
Deadly Steel
Dual of Society
Society Falls
Failure of Man
Controlled System
System 2050
Fight or Flee
Nuke or Run
Smack my Bitch Up :D
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I'm happy with everything graphically wise with the shaders now. We still need shadows, but they're going to be mapped out during loading, except for ones cast by dynamic objects like players. I'll probably end up doing the same with lights. So, that has to wait.

So, expect to see more of the client in the comming days as I move shaders into it. Lots of abstraction ahead!

I like Ruckus as a name. Damn, typing hurts so much.
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