Pandora Tincs - Multiplayer Shooter For Pandora (video)

Go with TINCS! We don't need some generic, one-word name for an FPS like the hundreds out there. TINCS is unique, and is definitely memorable.
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I think I'll put up a blog post calling for name suggestions once the backstory voting is finished.

I'll need a nice piece of artwork to go with it, hint, nudge.
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'Gruso' said:
I think I'll put up a blog post calling for name suggestions once the backstory voting is finished.

I'll need a nice piece of artwork to go with it, hint, nudge.
That sounds great. Muzz is probably up to the task of pumping out some pretty concept art.
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'Mithrildor' said:
I think we need to find a name that really fits the backstory. So no R.a.n.d.o.m.l.e.t.t.e.r.s. name.
In other words,
no point deciding a name until we atleast sort out the backstory

i would even hold of naming it until we can get a basic beta with the graphics and gameplay on their way
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Do you want a name which really give the idea of the game:


Death, Explosions, Guns Etc. Because War Exists and we Can't do Anything (to avoid it)
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Now I'm really fucking pissed.

I've been trying to sort out this problem with the shader for the last week and a bit. I re-wrote the shader following a tutorial pretty word for word, apart from adding multiple light support. The exact same problem. It turns out, it was due to the smoothing groups, for some reason, an incorrect cube works perfect, but one with correct smoothing groups dosen't. This picture, the floor is just a normal cube with wrong smoothing groups, the cubes apart from the one shown have proper smoothing groups. One circled cube dosen't have correct smoothing groups.


What the shit?

Anyway, that's out of the way, it's probably the way I was scaling the cubes. Let's all remember this, if lighting looks fucked, stop using smoothing groups. Otherwise, use smoothing groups, the one cube up there without them looks like fucking shit.

I'm so pissed off, sorry about all the swearing, but when you put about 6 hours total into somthing that isn't even broken you get really pissed off.
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Soo uh..I've been busy lately but, finally got to work a little in blender...I've made my first model :P and its just a rough draft so be gentle ok :lol: .


As you can see, I have allot of problems with the back and the top needs more detail but, I'm just posting here to show my first work...If I could maybe get on the dev list and if someone could tell me what type of models you need that would be great.Please PM me as soon as possible...Thanks.
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Getting on the dev list is as simple as signing up on


It's integrated with a social networking system that GPS is working on. Just sign up, post a thread in the art section and we will go from there.

Nice gun. Is it supposed to be a glock? The upper part of the gun is way thicker than it should be. I like the detail around the trigger.
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'giovanni' said:
Do you want a name which really give the idea of the game:


Death, Explosions, Guns Etc. Because War Exists and we Can't do Anything (to avoid it)

I'd be really happy if it didn't end up being an acronym. Acronyms are a big copout in my opinion, a lazy option used in place of something imaginative and catchy. Imagine if Pandora was not called Pandora, but AUGCWADC (A unique gaming console without any direct competitors).

Sign me up for three!
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'Butterman' said:
Getting on the dev list is as simple as signing up on

It's integrated with a social networking system that GPS is working on. Just sign up, post a thread in the art section and we will go from there.

Nice gun. Is it supposed to be a glock? The upper part of the gun is way thicker than it should be. I like the detail around the trigger.

Thanks...Yeah it didnt turn out so well...That link seems to be down.Well an invalid install anyway.Btw if you do need help with apache or forum/site stuff I'm up for it.
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It's a problem GPS is having with his server. We're going to be moving into our own space once we have a name. Try it again in about an hour, it should be working.
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Ok great...Do you know what type of models are needed?Many or specifically?I made a basic knife also...


Once I get better I'll start on some vehicles and models.Now I think I'll just practice and make some weapons and clothes (Headbands, Belts, stuff :P ).
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@t3hmadhatt3r: you need to chamfer the shit out of those hard edges, i'm assuming your just laying down some linework then extruding?

at some point you wil need to box model and develop a stronger quad model, as i can see those sides being a problem (visual and functional).

but it's a good start, and i like the form of the knife. the gun's proportions seem out a bit.

i got people coming to stay this weekend, but i promise i'll finish my weapon (maps and all) by sunday, and get it into blender/jmodelview. this week has been busy with work and social interactions.

i miss my computer

butterman: i must say i'm a little confused with the cube lighting tests. by definition, shouldn't a cube have no smoothing blends? so when you create a cube in blender, the default should be 6 smoothing groups (1 for each side). or do u need to define the smoothing groups in blender after creating the model? (i know max has the option when creating basic shapes)

i think you should try using a chamfered cube (with 1 smoothing group) and a sphere in the scene, to see how they react to the lights.

it just seems like the cube is screwing you around.
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@retort yes I am just extruding and yes those edges look bad...Thanks for the tips btw.Do you have a msn?
Where do people learn blender modeling anyway? Just the blender website? I remember reading a wikibook once and getting hopelessly confused
'PoisonedV' said:
Where do people learn blender modeling anyway? Just the blender website? I remember reading a wikibook once and getting hopelessly confused
i suspect you need a sound understanding of 3d software before you tackle Blender. i'm sure the community is helpful, but other than that, learning resources are thin.

the terms are similar, but yeh, coming from 3ds max UI to blender was harsh. the way you modify geometry is so weird/ feels so unintuitive. i'm still kind of learning, but yeh, it'll take me awhile to get my head around doing stuff in Blender.
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