The Rabbit Joint

Yeah that's basically what I read about video game motion sickness: the faster the camera motions, the more severe the sickness. This is because you're stationary and the faster the motion, the less time your brain has to compute what's occuring.

Pretty interesting.....At least I thought it was :lol:

I will need to pick up a copy though. I bought it for the PC but when it wouldn't run (as expected) I manipulated the ebay seller into taking it back for a full refund ;). Resistance didn't fuc k me up too badly. Not nearly as the CoD series on PC.
daclassicgamingmaster said:
His publicist claims it was just a joke.
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Yeah, nice attempt at 'damage control' :lol:

Hell, we used to grind up mescaline and mix it with coke (rainbow lines), and I'm ok ... I doubt burnt-up flesh & bone is any worse :p
You were so hardcore :p. I stay away from everything but pot. My uncle was incredibly brilliant (spoke 11 languages, self taught, and sang opera in Europe)....unfortunately he crossed that thin line into insanity early in life. He was mostly harmless, but he eventually tripped out on acid and never really came back. From then on he was in institutions and was quite violent. Last I spoke to him, I was like 11 or something. Shortly after that he died of cancer :(

But anyway, you lived in a different time. My mother grew up during the woodstock era and did her share of cocaine. My father (supposedly) liked to smoke fat blunts and watch the 3 stooges and anal pornos lol.

I guess I take after him ;)
Coke is a horrrrrible drug though; I had to quit a job because of it. * shudders *

Anyway .. I woke up this afternoon to the most shocking thing I've seen on TV .. EVER!!

It was an episode of The Munsters where Herman got struck by lightning and his face became 'normal' ... it was Fred Gwynn flailing around in Herman Munster's clothes ... making all those rubbery faces and exaggerated body movements, but without makeup!!!!

It scared the shit out of me :lol:
TelcoLou said:
Yeah, nice attempt at 'damage control' :lol:

Hell, we used to grind up mescaline and mix it with coke (rainbow lines), and I'm ok ... I doubt burnt-up flesh & bone is any worse :p
You worry me, no wonder you don't actually remember what sort of unbundling you are the lieutenant of :p
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TelcoLou said:
Coke is a horrrrrible drug though; I had to quit a job because of it. * shudders *

Anyway .. I woke up this afternoon to the most shocking thing I've seen on TV .. EVER!!

It was an episode of The Munsters where Herman got struck by lightning and his face became 'normal' ... it was Fred Gwynn flailing around in Herman Munster's clothes ... making all those rubbery faces and exaggerated body movements, but without makeup!!!!

It scared the shit out of me :lol:
Tell me, what network do they air the Munsters on these days? I used to watch it every morning on Fox two years back, how I loved it, then they took it off. They cancel all the good reruns, just when I discovered Spike aired the A-Team every day (twice!!), they canceled it two weeks later. And that happened just a couple of weeks back too :-(
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Alex. said:
Tell me, what network do they air the Munsters on these days? I used to watch it every morning on Fox two years back, how I loved it, then they took it off. They cancel all the good reruns, just when I discovered Spike aired the A-Team every day (twice!!), they canceled it two weeks later. And that happened just a couple of weeks back too :-(
TV Land ... and right after is The Addams Family, which is by far the superior creepy monster family sitcom.
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TelcoLou said:
TV Land ... and right after is The Addams Family, which is by far the superior creepy monster family sitcom.
Figures, I don't think we get that channel in Canada. As for the rest of what you said,


and let's leave it at that ;)
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just got my self a maxtor 400gb usb hard drive jus transfering all of my stuff onto it now all i need is a bob and im done :)
tim0391 said:
just got my self a maxtor 400gb usb hard drive jus transfering all of my stuff onto it now all i need is a bob and im done :)
bob as in Battery Operated Boyfriend?
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