The Rabbit Joint

Sphinxter said:
Nova said:
quote said:
Oh, dang you must feel shit. Was that the job you started recently?

Yeah it's not a great feeling. It's not that job, no - I've been doing two jobs recently, this one was in a Milkshake place. They don't really have a high tolerance for timewasters, but I figured I'd at least get a warning first. I didn't notice I was due in on that day because they make additions and subtractions to the rota without telling you, and it's your responsibility to look to see when you're in. Obviously I missed this, so went to go pick up the Caanoo instead.

It's not so bad, I'll just see if I can get more hours at the other job instead, It's just a bummer because the pay was surprisingly really good.

It would have to be really good to put up with such crap.

Probably not good enough, to be honest. But such is life.
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quote said:
Does it have anything to do with open-source gaming?
openXile is more GPH specific now.
Yeah, it'll mostly be what I describe in this post:

And I definitely plan to tie in stuff about how open source tech has improved gaming, the industry, helped consumers, etc.
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Opinions please.


This is a big decision for me, and I want to do what's best for the community.
quote said:
Opinions please.


This is a big decision for me, and I want to do what's best for the community.

For archival purposes, when the images all 404, this is a picture that's commonly exploited for avatars from the film Ed Wood IIRC, and Quote here has taken the head of his avatar and put it on the Ed Wood character.
And it looks good, Quote.
EDIT: And his current av is the Cave Story protagonist.
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quote said:
This is a big decision for me, and I want to do what's best for the community.
I read back through 3 pages of the Discussion Cube, and I don't know what you're even asking about.
I think at this point, the best thing for the community would be to start a new thread and discuss it there. That way I can ignore that thread instead of being like "Hey, the Discussion Cube updated.... wait, it's just another post about OX that doesn't make sense"

Edit: Wait, was your post about changing your avatar? Yeah, sure, do it. Looks good.
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lulzfish said:
Edit: Wait, was your post about changing your avatar?

I didn't get what you meant with the whole oX thing, but Nova's closed the forums there now. Long live gp32x, I guess.
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It looks like our very own magus has made an appearance on Cracked:

He was back in the GP32 days.

He posted a photo of some nintendo cake his mother made him for his birthday and then someone found some photos of him posing with airsoft machine guns or something and that nintendo picture and we all lolled.

good times, good times...

Moar edits:

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Well i'm sure he's scoring a lot of pussy now as an internet celebrity.

Reading that thread now makes it seem like we were unnecessarily cruel, but believe you me, he was a very unpleasant forum member. I should have saved that pic that he shot just to flip me off.