The Rabbit Joint

Javacat said:
Aha I saw that yesterday, good shit.
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Oh my. this video is amazing. Most interesting is the people who call in to call him a fucking retard or try and claim the cat. the one i found most funny was the dumbshit trying to 'troll' him into getting bit by the possum, he probably giggled like a dumbshit right after he made that call
'Nova' said:
Sphinxter said:
PoisonedV said:
Sphinxter said:
(naw)mcx posted on Apr 15 2009 at 11:33 AM said:
'Mithrildor' said:
He smelled the smoke on my clothes , luckily he smokes so I was able to say that there was smoke on my clothes because he smokes.....

And smoking is not for fags....
I think lowly of it

Even lower than that are ignorant shit heads who use hate speech.
HAHAHA hate speech. Casual usage of offensive epithets doesn't equate to hate speech, if that term actually was valid in the first place

Also, yeah high schoolers like shitty weed, goddamn. i hate smoking out with my younger relatives

Yeah, you're a great judge of hate speech. If it hurts some minority members feeling it's a fucking hate crime. Surely in 2009 we're intellligent and eloquent enough that we can all offend and ridicule each other without dragging some defenseless minority into it. It's completely pointless and anybody could read this shit, why go out of your way to hurt their feelings unless... you hate them.

Oh, so i see were not allowed to hurt anybodies feelings now. what a nice world we live in. lets have all the walls padded and every corner sounded down. surely when i jockingly call my friend a 'faggot' im repressing a minority somewhere

It's the special olympics for the socially retarded and the world is expecting you to be a decent human being, now aint that a bitch.
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No Oilers in the playoffs, the Habs lost, it was looking like a pretty shitty night. Then Chicago beat the Flames and all was put right in the world again. :) :) :)
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Sphinxter said:
It's the special olympics for the socially retarded and the world is expecting you to be a decent human being, now aint that a bitch.

How is using the word fag or nigger or bitch or whatever making me an evil person?
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Any one know of good non-LLU broadband ISPs in Britain. I'm sick and tired of Sky crippling my connection. Before it was only during the day. But's it's almost fucking 4 in the morning and they are still fucking doing it!

Ragh, I've had enough! Such a pain!
PoisonedV said:
Sphinxter said:
PoisonedV said:
Sphinxter said:
PoisonedV said:
Sphinxter said:
(naw)mcx posted on Apr 15 2009 at 11:33 AM said:
'Mithrildor' said:
He smelled the smoke on my clothes , luckily he smokes so I was able to say that there was smoke on my clothes because he smokes.....

And smoking is not for fags....
I think lowly of it

Even lower than that are ignorant shit heads who use hate speech.
HAHAHA hate speech. Casual usage of offensive epithets doesn't equate to hate speech, if that term actually was valid in the first place

Also, yeah high schoolers like shitty weed, goddamn. i hate smoking out with my younger relatives

Yeah, you're a great judge of hate speech. If it hurts some minority members feeling it's a fucking hate crime. Surely in 2009 we're intellligent and eloquent enough that we can all offend and ridicule each other without dragging some defenseless minority into it. It's completely pointless and anybody could read this shit, why go out of your way to hurt their feelings unless... you hate them.

Oh, so i see were not allowed to hurt anybodies feelings now. what a nice world we live in. lets have all the walls padded and every corner sounded down. surely when i jockingly call my friend a 'faggot' im repressing a minority somewhere

It's the special olympics for the socially retarded and the world is expecting you to be a decent human being, now aint that a bitch.

How is using the word fag or nigger or bitch or whatever making me an evil person?

I don't think it does. Flamer.
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SD card-shaped candies would be edible.

And there are rapid prototyping machines that can manufacture arbitrary shapes in sugar.
Really wish I had one, it would be printing SD candies as soon as I could get a model of one.