The Rabbit Joint

Ok, I decided to troll a bit and I see nova got you retards back to normal conversation.

Now then, on to the subjects:

Mithrildor, you're a moron. Enjoy puffing on the cancer sticks. Seriously, I have been friends with smokers, I've slept with smokers, and I've lived with smokers. NEVER has one actually been retarded enough to deny how disgusting a habit it is.

Username: Smoking weed doesn't make you type like a retard with a penis in your ass. In my highest daze I have never typed like a retard. Perhaps you had a sip of alcohol for the first time, walked into walls in a placebo-esque romp and somehow decided that THC will give off a similar drunk effect? Man, I wish I was cool like that.

Ps: It's not "ok" to smoke cigs, ever.

Ps: Marijuana is mentally addictive. I suggest you take my advice before you end up dropping $25 on a gram of supposedly good weed that turns out to be mid-grade at best. And not even a gram.

This place still sucks but at least I can unleash my rage on pre-pubescent kids who are trying waaay too hard to be cool.

@ Unfathomable depths: McD's rules :D
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daclassicgamingmaster said:
Ok, I decided to troll a bit and I see nova got you retards back to normal conversation.

Now then, on to the subjects:

Mithrildor, you're a moron. Enjoy puffing on the cancer sticks. Seriously, I have been friends with smokers, I've slept with smokers, and I've lived with smokers. NEVER has one actually been retarded enough to deny how disgusting a habit it is.

Username: Smoking weed doesn't make you type like a retard with a penis in your ass. In my highest daze I have never typed like a retard. Perhaps you had a sip of alcohol for the first time, walked into walls in a placebo-esque romp and somehow decided that THC will give off a similar drunk effect? Man, I wish I was cool like that.

Ps: It's not "ok" to smoke cigs, ever.

Ps: Marijuana is mentally addictive. I suggest you take my advice before you end up dropping $25 on a gram of supposedly good weed that turns out to be mid-grade at best. And not even a gram.

This place still sucks but at least I can unleash my rage on pre-pubescent kids who are trying waaay too hard to be cool.

@ Unfathomable depths: McD's rules :D

You are as entrenched in the depths of retardation as the rest of us, friend.
Also, sure it's "ok" to smoke cigarettes. why should you care whether someone does it or not?
Although I agree about username. no one types like that on weed, stop acting intoxicated on the internet to be cool.
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daclassicgamingmaster said:
Ok, I decided to troll a bit and I see nova got you retards back to normal conversation.

Now then, on to the subjects:

Mithrildor, you're a moron. Enjoy puffing on the cancer sticks. Seriously, I have been friends with smokers, I've slept with smokers, and I've lived with smokers. NEVER has one actually been retarded enough to deny how disgusting a habit it is.

Username: Smoking weed doesn't make you type like a retard with a penis in your ass. In my highest daze I have never typed like a retard. Perhaps you had a sip of alcohol for the first time, walked into walls in a placebo-esque romp and somehow decided that THC will give off a similar drunk effect? Man, I wish I was cool like that.

Ps: It's not "ok" to smoke cigs, ever.

Ps: Marijuana is mentally addictive. I suggest you take my advice before you end up dropping $25 on a gram of supposedly good weed that turns out to be mid-grade at best. And not even a gram.

This place still sucks but at least I can unleash my rage on pre-pubescent kids who are trying waaay too hard to be cool.

@ Unfathomable depths: McD's rules :D

Welcome back, you're fucking stupid. First, cigarettes aren't that bad for you if only smoked once in a while. Secondly, I typed like that on purpose because (in my mind) it was both funny and entertaining. Third, it is still okay to smoke cigs once in a while. Fourth, marijuana is mentally addictive, but so is tv, video games, movies, and forums such as this. In fact, in studies done (real ones), it ranked below caffeine as far as addictiveness goes. And anyone stupid enough to pay $25 for a gram probably shouldn't be smoking anyways. I missed it when you were gone.
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(naw)mcx posted on Apr 15 2009 at 11:33 AM said:
'Mithrildor' said:
He smelled the smoke on my clothes , luckily he smokes so I was able to say that there was smoke on my clothes because he smokes.....

And smoking is not for fags....
I think lowly of it

Even lower than that are ignorant shit heads who use hate speech.
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'Username' said:
'daclassicgamingmaster' said:
Ok, I decided to troll a bit and I see nova got you retards back to normal conversation.

Now then, on to the subjects:

Mithrildor, you're a moron. Enjoy puffing on the cancer sticks. Seriously, I have been friends with smokers, I've slept with smokers, and I've lived with smokers. NEVER has one actually been retarded enough to deny how disgusting a habit it is.

Username: Smoking weed doesn't make you type like a retard with a penis in your ass. In my highest daze I have never typed like a retard. Perhaps you had a sip of alcohol for the first time, walked into walls in a placebo-esque romp and somehow decided that THC will give off a similar drunk effect? Man, I wish I was cool like that.

Ps: It's not "ok" to smoke cigs, ever.

Ps: Marijuana is mentally addictive. I suggest you take my advice before you end up dropping $25 on a gram of supposedly good weed that turns out to be mid-grade at best. And not even a gram.

This place still sucks but at least I can unleash my rage on pre-pubescent kids who are trying waaay too hard to be cool.

@ Unfathomable depths: McD's rules :D

Welcome back, you're fucking stupid. First, cigarettes aren't that bad for you if only smoked once in a while. Secondly, I typed like that on purpose because (in my mind) it was both funny and entertaining. Third, it is still okay to smoke cigs once in a while. Fourth, marijuana is mentally addictive, but so is tv, video games, movies, and forums such as this. In fact, in studies done (real ones), it ranked below caffeine as far as addictiveness goes. And anyone stupid enough to pay $25 for a gram probably shouldn't be smoking anyways. I missed it when you were gone.

Cigarettes are horrible for you, read about them. Read about the shit in ONE cig, then come preach to me about how bad they aren't. Remember "just 1 cigarette every Saturday after lunch" is still an addiction.

Don't compare the affects of MJ to tv, games, etc. Please don't. You're embarrassing yourself. Don't compare MJ to caffeine. Please don't. Caffeine is physically addictive. What kind of moron conducts a study comparing mentally addictive substances to physically addictive ones?

Maybe when you start smoking some quality weed (eg. hydro, fire headies, quality purp, etc) you'll see the incredible difference between them and mid to low grade SHIT that often contains seeds or stems. Until then, you're just so stoked to be on weed that you don't care what you're smoking. I won't throw stones, because I was once like that- when I was 16. Which I think you are, right? So fine, you get a free pass from my rants for now.

"I missed it when you were gone.": Are you saying you're glad I'm back? I'm thrilled to be back!

PoisonedV: I don't give a flying fuck who smokes them. But to come here and claim they're ok for you? Total nonsense.
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Sphinxter said:
(naw)mcx posted on Apr 15 2009 at 11:33 AM said:
'Mithrildor' said:
He smelled the smoke on my clothes , luckily he smokes so I was able to say that there was smoke on my clothes because he smokes.....

And smoking is not for fags....
I think lowly of it

Even lower than that are ignorant shit heads who use hate speech.
HAHAHA hate speech. Casual usage of offensive epithets doesn't equate to hate speech, if that term actually was valid in the first place

Also, yeah high schoolers like shitty weed, goddamn. i hate smoking out with my younger relatives
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daclassicgamingmaster said:
Cigarettes are horrible for you, read about them. Read about the shit in ONE cig, then come preach to me about how bad they aren't. Remember "just 1 cigarette every Saturday after lunch" is still an addiction.

Don't compare the affects of MJ to tv, games, etc. Please don't. You're embarrassing yourself. Don't compare MJ to caffeine. Please don't. Caffeine is physically addictive. What kind of moron conducts a study comparing mentally addictive substances to physically addictive ones?

Maybe when you start smoking some quality weed (eg. hydro, fire headies, quality purp, etc) you'll see the incredible difference between them and mid to low grade SHIT that often contains seeds or stems. Until then, you're just so stoked to be on weed that you don't care what you're smoking. I won't throw stones, because I was once like that- when I was 16. Which I think you are, right? So fine, you get a free pass from my rants for now.

"I missed it when you were gone.": Are you saying you're glad I'm back? I'm thrilled to be back!

PoisonedV: I don't give a flying fuck who smokes them. But to come here and claim they're ok for you? Total nonsense.

The only way it is ever addictive is because it's fun. WoWfags consider what they play addictive, and I don't smoke as much as they play. Also, the study determined the dependence on it to be much lower than caffeine. It compared how difficult it was to stop doing either of them (which I think is a pretty fair study). Onto the thing about prices, where do you live? I've smoked quality purp and such with both my friends and my brother, over here anything over $20 is a ripoff. And I'm 15, not 16. Close though.
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It's not difficult to stop smoking weed because all you need to do is admit you have a problem with it. Then, you stop smoking. It's fairly basic. Caffeine and other physically addictive substances aren't as easy, because you actually crave them. It's not a fair study in my opinion.

I lived in NY for 19 years of my life, I graduated high school from there and I've had some amazing Hydro. I live in Atlanta now, which is considerably more of a disappointment as far as quality pot goes.

You're only 15? I like you, username. You're considerably less retarded than some people here who are older than you (poisonedv and naw, cough). I'll tell you what. You can be my "Pot Protégé". Here's your task: go get some $20 weed. Make sure it's fresh and smells great. Make a gravity bong. Instructions are online. Hit that shit 3 times.

Come back and tell me how it was.
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daclassicgamingmaster said:
It's not difficult to stop smoking weed because all you need to do is admit you have a problem with it. Then, you stop smoking. It's fairly basic. Caffeine and other physically addictive substances aren't as easy, because you actually crave them. It's not a fair study in my opinion.

I lived in NY for 19 years of my life, I graduated high school from there and I've had some amazing Hydro. I live in Atlanta now, which is considerably more of a disappointment as far as quality pot goes.

You're only 15? I like you, username. You're considerably less retarded than some people here who are older than you (poisonedv and naw, cough). I'll tell you what. You can be my "Pot Protégé". Here's your task: go get some $20 weed. Make sure it's fresh and smells great. Make a gravity bong. Instructions are online. Hit that shit 3 times.

Come back and tell me how it was.
Aha, I think you'll find I'm 15 too. A single click to my profile would of told you that.
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daclassicgamingmaster said:
It's not difficult to stop smoking weed because all you need to do is admit you have a problem with it. Then, you stop smoking. It's fairly basic. Caffeine and other physically addictive substances aren't as easy, because you actually crave them. It's not a fair study in my opinion.

I lived in NY for 19 years of my life, I graduated high school from there and I've had some amazing Hydro. I live in Atlanta now, which is considerably more of a disappointment as far as quality pot goes.

You're only 15? I like you, username. You're considerably less retarded than some people here who are older than you (poisonedv and naw, cough). I'll tell you what. You can be my "Pot Protégé". Here's your task: go get some $20 weed. Make sure it's fresh and smells great. Make a gravity bong. Instructions are online. Hit that shit 3 times.

Come back and tell me how it was.

oh no, a worthless stoner on the internet called me stupid.
how will i go on.
i guess i wont. goodbye world.
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daclassicgamingmaster said:
I'll tell you what. You can be my "Pot Protégé". Here's your task: go get some $20 weed. Make sure it's fresh and smells great. Make a gravity bong. Instructions are online. Hit that shit 3 times.

Come back and tell me how it was.
Dude, he's 15.
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(naw)mcx posted on Apr 15 2009 at 07:36 PM said:
'daclassicgamingmaster' said:
It's not difficult to stop smoking weed because all you need to do is admit you have a problem with it. Then, you stop smoking. It's fairly basic. Caffeine and other physically addictive substances aren't as easy, because you actually crave them. It's not a fair study in my opinion.

I lived in NY for 19 years of my life, I graduated high school from there and I've had some amazing Hydro. I live in Atlanta now, which is considerably more of a disappointment as far as quality pot goes.

You're only 15? I like you, username. You're considerably less retarded than some people here who are older than you (poisonedv and naw, cough). I'll tell you what. You can be my "Pot Protégé". Here's your task: go get some $20 weed. Make sure it's fresh and smells great. Make a gravity bong. Instructions are online. Hit that shit 3 times.

Come back and tell me how it was.
Aha, I think you'll find I'm 15 too. A single click to my profile would of told you that.

Right, I wont lump you in with poisonedV then. You're still retarded.

'PoisonedV' said:
'daclassicgamingmaster' said:
It's not difficult to stop smoking weed because all you need to do is admit you have a problem with it. Then, you stop smoking. It's fairly basic. Caffeine and other physically addictive substances aren't as easy, because you actually crave them. It's not a fair study in my opinion.

I lived in NY for 19 years of my life, I graduated high school from there and I've had some amazing Hydro. I live in Atlanta now, which is considerably more of a disappointment as far as quality pot goes.

You're only 15? I like you, username. You're considerably less retarded than some people here who are older than you (poisonedv and naw, cough). I'll tell you what. You can be my "Pot Protégé". Here's your task: go get some $20 weed. Make sure it's fresh and smells great. Make a gravity bong. Instructions are online. Hit that shit 3 times.

Come back and tell me how it was.

oh no, a worthless stoner on the internet called me stupid.
how will i go on.
i guess i wont. goodbye world.

All joking aside, you should.

'Nova' said:
'daclassicgamingmaster' said:
I'll tell you what. You can be my "Pot Protégé". Here's your task: go get some $20 weed. Make sure it's fresh and smells great. Make a gravity bong. Instructions are online. Hit that shit 3 times.

Come back and tell me how it was.
Dude, he's 15.

Never too young.
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daclassicgamingmaster said:
(naw)mcx posted on Apr 15 2009 at 07:36 PM said:
'daclassicgamingmaster' said:
It's not difficult to stop smoking weed because all you need to do is admit you have a problem with it. Then, you stop smoking. It's fairly basic. Caffeine and other physically addictive substances aren't as easy, because you actually crave them. It's not a fair study in my opinion.

I lived in NY for 19 years of my life, I graduated high school from there and I've had some amazing Hydro. I live in Atlanta now, which is considerably more of a disappointment as far as quality pot goes.

You're only 15? I like you, username. You're considerably less retarded than some people here who are older than you (poisonedv and naw, cough). I'll tell you what. You can be my "Pot Protégé". Here's your task: go get some $20 weed. Make sure it's fresh and smells great. Make a gravity bong. Instructions are online. Hit that shit 3 times.

Come back and tell me how it was.
Aha, I think you'll find I'm 15 too. A single click to my profile would of told you that.

Right, I wont lump you in with poisonedV then. You're still retarded.

'PoisonedV' said:
'daclassicgamingmaster' said:
It's not difficult to stop smoking weed because all you need to do is admit you have a problem with it. Then, you stop smoking. It's fairly basic. Caffeine and other physically addictive substances aren't as easy, because you actually crave them. It's not a fair study in my opinion.

I lived in NY for 19 years of my life, I graduated high school from there and I've had some amazing Hydro. I live in Atlanta now, which is considerably more of a disappointment as far as quality pot goes.

You're only 15? I like you, username. You're considerably less retarded than some people here who are older than you (poisonedv and naw, cough). I'll tell you what. You can be my "Pot Protégé". Here's your task: go get some $20 weed. Make sure it's fresh and smells great. Make a gravity bong. Instructions are online. Hit that shit 3 times.

Come back and tell me how it was.

oh no, a worthless stoner on the internet called me stupid.
how will i go on.
i guess i wont. goodbye world.

All joking aside, you should.

'Nova' said:
'daclassicgamingmaster' said:
I'll tell you what. You can be my "Pot Protégé". Here's your task: go get some $20 weed. Make sure it's fresh and smells great. Make a gravity bong. Instructions are online. Hit that shit 3 times.

Come back and tell me how it was.
Dude, he's 15.

Never too young.
And you're a stoner.

1 nil me, eh?
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Me being a "stoner" isn't a valid argument. I have a full scholarship to my university because my GPA is high enough. I've held jobs for more than 1 month. And I'm not stoned 24/7.

"You're a stoner" is a retarded argument. I expect nothing else from you two!

Regardless, anyone see the Jamie Foxx->Miley Cyrus diss? I was lol'ing at warp speed.
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daclassicgamingmaster said:
Never too young.
Sorry, PoisonedV.
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PoisonedV said:
Sphinxter said:
(naw)mcx posted on Apr 15 2009 at 11:33 AM said:
'Mithrildor' said:
He smelled the smoke on my clothes , luckily he smokes so I was able to say that there was smoke on my clothes because he smokes.....

And smoking is not for fags....
I think lowly of it

Even lower than that are ignorant shit heads who use hate speech.
HAHAHA hate speech. Casual usage of offensive epithets doesn't equate to hate speech, if that term actually was valid in the first place

Also, yeah high schoolers like shitty weed, goddamn. i hate smoking out with my younger relatives

Yeah, you're a great judge of hate speech. If it hurts some minority members feeling it's a fucking hate crime. Surely in 2009 we're intellligent and eloquent enough that we can all offend and ridicule each other without dragging some defenseless minority into it. It's completely pointless and anybody could read this shit, why go out of your way to hurt their feelings unless... you hate them.
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I think dcgm only went away for a while to gather some serious pwnage.
Now he has returned, none of you stand a chance (as already demonstrated).
Sphinxter said:
PoisonedV said:
Sphinxter said:
(naw)mcx posted on Apr 15 2009 at 11:33 AM said:
'Mithrildor' said:
He smelled the smoke on my clothes , luckily he smokes so I was able to say that there was smoke on my clothes because he smokes.....

And smoking is not for fags....
I think lowly of it

Even lower than that are ignorant shit heads who use hate speech.
HAHAHA hate speech. Casual usage of offensive epithets doesn't equate to hate speech, if that term actually was valid in the first place

Also, yeah high schoolers like shitty weed, goddamn. i hate smoking out with my younger relatives

Yeah, you're a great judge of hate speech. If it hurts some minority members feeling it's a fucking hate crime. Surely in 2009 we're intellligent and eloquent enough that we can all offend and ridicule each other without dragging some defenseless minority into it. It's completely pointless and anybody could read this shit, why go out of your way to hurt their feelings unless... you hate them.

Pfft, fag. ;)

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Sphinxter said:
PoisonedV said:
Sphinxter said:
(naw)mcx posted on Apr 15 2009 at 11:33 AM said:
'Mithrildor' said:
He smelled the smoke on my clothes , luckily he smokes so I was able to say that there was smoke on my clothes because he smokes.....

And smoking is not for fags....
I think lowly of it

Even lower than that are ignorant shit heads who use hate speech.
HAHAHA hate speech. Casual usage of offensive epithets doesn't equate to hate speech, if that term actually was valid in the first place

Also, yeah high schoolers like shitty weed, goddamn. i hate smoking out with my younger relatives

Yeah, you're a great judge of hate speech. If it hurts some minority members feeling it's a fucking hate crime. Surely in 2009 we're intellligent and eloquent enough that we can all offend and ridicule each other without dragging some defenseless minority into it. It's completely pointless and anybody could read this shit, why go out of your way to hurt their feelings unless... you hate them.

Oh, so i see were not allowed to hurt anybodies feelings now. what a nice world we live in. lets have all the walls padded and every corner sounded down. surely when i jockingly call my friend a 'faggot' im repressing a minority somewhere
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