The Pandora Port Request Thread

I don't know if its been suggested but homeworld has an SDL port.
Any other Magic the Gathering players here?

Would it not be cool to have a program like Apprentice or Magic Workshop on the pandora?
Portable online magic would be the shit.

apprentice 2.0 is open source:

here's an open source mtg program that I've never heard of:

Another open source mtg prog I've never used:

I'm sure there are others, at one point I was trying to get one of these programs to work on my windows mobile phone (unsuccessfully) and I found a lot of them based on java and flash. Most of them unfinished and possibly open-sourced.

However, the program itself does not require any complex graphics or even a knowledge of the rules of magic.
It basically just consists of a database of the cards and an area for your deck, your hand, your graveyard(discard pile), and a place to play the cards. Oh, and the ability to "tap"(turn sideways) the played graphical representation of the card.
It would also need a life counter, a chat function, and a button to push to keep track of what phase of the game it is.
Of course it would also have to be able to communicate over the internet or bluetooth for online play.
All the actual rules of the game are up to the players to keep track of. (I can't imagine the code that would be required to actually keep track of the rules and "make" you play right)

I'm no programmer but I'm willing to bet that such a program wouldn't be to terribly difficult to write. I could be wrong, but I hope not.

Anyone else interested in this?
MonkeyChops said:
Any other Magic the Gathering players here?
Anyone else interested in this?

Hey MonkeyChops,

I haven't played in a long while but I would be very interested in something like this. I'll take a look at your links too. I can imagine that AI or rule enforcement would be a right royal PITA, and new decks could mean (partial) program re-writes. The chat function is critical - for when one player doesn't understand a card they've never seen, or there are differences of interpretation. It could work real nice - I know the yu gi ho games fit the screen nice on SP.

Pandora + MTG = no other social life though!
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TaG said:
Pandora + MTG = no other social life though!
LOL you got that right! but at least online you don't have to go broke playing!

QUOTE decks could mean (partial) program re-writes...

If it was a port of the apprentice program then the updates that are made for the original apprentice could theoretically be used for the port. Apprentice has a deck builder built into it, so I guess that is also a crucial part to be included.

Thanks for the interest, are you a going to try to port something for this?
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MonkeyChops said:
Thanks for the interest, are you a going to try to port something for this?
Sadly I have no idea where to even start porting something; sorry if I got our hopes up. I was agreeing with you that a MTG app would be fantastic and it might well appeal to others too. :)
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Sorry to let you know this, but the GP2X port was full speed.

That game is supposed to scroll half a tile at a time. That's the natural feel of Ultima7. It feels the same on my PC, and my 486 with the original game.
I wouldn't mind seeing Space Trader on the Pandora. Don't get confused with the new game that is out. I'm talking about the pda style game.
I also think the roguelike called T.O.M.E looks kind of interesting.
I'd like to wholeheartedly second that!

Great, that's at least 4 people for a Magic The Gathering online port. Now we just need a dev that play's magic. :D

Check out THIS sweet little program that I use on my phone. Its called PocketMTG and if any of you MTG players have a windows mobile phone, I highly suggest trying it out.
MonkeyChops said:
I'd like to wholeheartedly second that!
Great, that's at least 4 people for a Magic The Gathering online port. Now we just need a dev that play's magic. :D

Check out THIS sweet little program that I use on my phone. Its called PocketMTG and if any of you MTG players have a windows mobile phone, I highly suggest trying it out.

5 counting me.
How about:
Might need some layout changes, but seems like it could be a straightforward port...
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that one looks like a good candidate since it is written in linux already.
Someone would have to make an update to the card database every time a new set was released tho.

If a port of apprentice could be made and could be updated from the same update files, that would be ideal since they keep that program updated with the newest set usually before the set even comes out. It would also be ideal if you could connect to the same network as the original so you could play people that are at their desktops.

But you know what they say, hope in one hand shit in the other.... :P
MonkeyChops said:
But you know what they say, hope in one hand shit in the other.... :P
Actually, I just thought my wife's family said that... I assumed it was a local colloquialism. Are/were you from Texas?
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no, from ohio. Suppose it is kind of a hillbilly saying. My dads side of the family are all hilljacks so I prob got it from them :D
MonkeyChops said:
If a port of apprentice could be made and could be updated from the same update files
I couldn't download Apprentice to try it. No files showing on sourceforge. :(
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Yea, Apprentice (1.0) is not open source. Apprentice 2.0 is (don't ask me why) *EDIT* [apparently Wizard of the Coast bought the rights to 1.0 and that's why its not open source]

2.0 is not finished, 1.0 is the one everyone plays on, you can find it HERE

I also couldn't find the files on that website for 2.0 but they are out there somewhere.
MonkeyChops said:
Yea, Apprentice (1.0) is not open source. Apprentice 2.0 is (don't ask me why)

2.0 is not finished, 1.0 is the one everyone plays on, you can find it HERE

I also couldn't find the files on that website for 2.0 but they are out there somewhere.

Thanks for link. If you find 2.0 please let me know. Cheers.
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yea, 2.0 is only source code right now, no playable beta was ever released. so even if i find it, which I plan to do, it won't be any good to anyone but a dev.