The Pandora Port Request Thread

Tripmonkey_uk said:
Prometheus said:
Now I'm going to grab it from the Kubuntu repositories and have a play around, I think. :D
I haven't managed to get the newest version working right on Ubuntu yet. It loads up and everything but is running way too slow to play :(

1.4 is still the version in the repo I think? that should be good enough for you to get to grips with anyway though. Press the F8 key to start the editor :)

It seems to just crash before even starting, for me. I guess I'll try to compile it myself when I've got a free moment, and see if it behaves then. :P

I watched the video on the official website, though. I take back what I said about the Jazz Jackrabbit 2 level editor - SMC's editor is clearly much more intuitive (which I suppose is to be expected, what with there being approximately a decade between the two at this point in time). Really looking forward to messing with this, now.
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CC_machine said:
nubie said:
8600gt is a crap card it only has 128-bit memory bus width, not enough memory bandwidth to let all those pixel shaders do any work, it is not worth the money. You can buy an 8800GS for $80, no reason to be stuck on an old system.

If you don't have pci-express a pci-e motherboard and a celeron 430 (core2 single core) are about $40 and $35 respectively. Or there is usually a reasonable kit, this one is $69.95 and $16.75 shipping

I ran one of these for the last 6 months at 1066mhz fsb for 2.4ghz, and it didn't even get warm! (I used the stock cooler off of a C2Duo with the copper core though.)

DDR2 ram is the cheapest stuff around $31 for 2GB 800mhz

This is cheaper than the Pandora by a large margin. You can bump the specs with a Core2 e4400 at ~$100, or an AMD HD4850 video card (faster than a 9800GTX!!!) for $165, but I think you would be plenty happy with the system upgrade above for $200.

I would just stick with porting stuff that it can play, no need for shaders etc. ANYTHING is better than 3D on the DS ;) , that junk makes me want to puke. Ditto for the PSP's horrid screen. (If you don't believe me see this even the GP2X has a better screen, and it is pretty poor compared to the Pandora :D )

uh huh. this guy wants a card to play _sauerbraten_. a 8600GT is more than enough for his needs. more ram is useful too.

Yes, but I wouldn't recommend an upgrade to a useless card, cheapest 8600gt is $60, for $20 more he could play recent games as well.

Not to mention if he just wanted to play sauerbraten a 7900GS is a kickass card for only $36:

My main problem was just the line "you don't need a fancy 8600GT ", when the 8600GT is anything but fancy, it is a sucky card that is still overpriced and unfit for gaming. The only way it would be mildly tolerable is if it came in a $600 laptop you wanted to use for retro-gaming.

The only good entry-level buys right now are 8800/9800 tech cards, and $80 for one is great. (if you are on an AGP platform, it is time to move on. For at least 2 years it has been possible to upgrade your entire system for the cost of a decent AGP card alone. PCIe cards are simply much cheaper.)

Edit: if you need more ram and you don't currently use DDR2, then it is probably a good idea to upgrade your motherboard, DDR is very expensive (plain SDRAM is probably more expensive, and RAMBUS is one arm + one leg.) It is double time to upgrade if you can't support DDR2 or PCI-E, no sense funneling money into overpriced AGP cards and outdated RAM.

If you recommend more ram and a video card, perhaps it is best to note that it isn't smart to just pick up any old thing without checking whether it is a good investment.
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jbrodack said:
cube 1 is great cause its not too cpu intensive and level editing is extremely simple compared to other engines. sauerbraten seems like it would be too demanding for the pandora. My desktop pc has some trouble running it so I think the pandora would have even more trouble.
The core technology isn't all that intensive, it's just how it's used. The levels bundled with the engine have been designed in mind for high-end systems. If a port were to be done it would be a good idea to create a separate package containing either cut-down versions of the levels or all new levels designed for lower-spec devices in mind.
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The PSP could handle loading of CS1.6 and even some CS:S maps without clipping or any other performance "hacks", I think its not really a problem to load the sauerbraten maps.
The only problem we could have would be the collision checking etc, but that could be moved to a shader (?) or the dsp tho..
JayFoxRox said:
The PSP could handle loading of CS1.6 and even some CS:S maps without clipping or any other performance "hacks", I think its not really a problem to load the sauerbraten maps.
The only problem we could have would be the collision checking etc, but that could be moved to a shader (?) or the dsp tho..
They're completely different engines. The only thing you can compare Sauer to is Cube and even that is unique.

Cube has gotten handheld ports before and I remember there being a Cube clone that had a similar feature set being released on the GP32 and GBA. A Cube port is most definitely possible using the assets that are bundled with it. Sauer on the other hand has shit like 1024x1024 textures and very memory-hungry levels that bring modern computers to a crawl. A lot of the textures supplied with the distribution would have to be changed since they are made in mind for modern video cards with pixel shader support.

Here is a level with the lowest detail possible:

I didn't use any console-specific stuff, only turned everything down in the menus. Still, it gives you a good idea of what it might look like. It would be better if the textures were selectively resized so stuff like the armor could have a smaller texture.
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Sauerbraten looks completely different onto a GeForce3 (yes, my PC is really old).
All the Texture and Shader Effects are mostly gone (bumpmaps, glowmaps, advanced Water effects etc...) but the engine still looks good. Here some of my Editor Exercices, Images without AA but every possible detail enabled, still far away from the possibilities of the Engine:

For a Handheld, such a graphic would be more than enough I think and maybe some Cube2 effects are possible with the OMAP that a GeForce 3 can't do. (would be to funny :lol: )
While textures will need to be smaller (but on a small screen that doesn't matter too much), the gpu should be perfectly capable of complex shader effects.
fusion_power said:
For a Handheld, such a graphic would be more than enough I think and maybe some Cube2 effects are possible with the OMAP that a GeForce 3 can't do. (would be to funny :lol: )
Yeah, the SGX has the full OpenGL ES 2.0 shader feature set, I don't think you saw equivalent shaders in the desktop market until GeForce 5 / GeForce 6 series GPUs. The image quality of the Pandora will easily exceed the shots you provided.
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AireTamStorm said:
Yeah, the SGX has the full OpenGL ES 2.0 shader feature set, I don't think you saw equivalent shaders in the desktop market until GeForce 5 / GeForce 6 series GPUs. The image quality of the Pandora will easily exceed the shots you provided.
Sounds good. :) And it sounds like I really need a new PC soon, I've missed to much coolGames the last few Years. ^^""""""""

I hope the Pandora will have some Homebrew Games that can use every 3D Hardware Feature, the OMAP give us. It would be to bad if there are only 2D Games (Emulators) for the Box, even if I am a big fan of oldscool 2D Pixelart. ^^
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OpenUT is just some source releaed for sound and graphics, so that part can be updated. It still needs to link to the other libs that are compiled in visual c++ 6.0 for x86, so this can't happen.

For future reference, please post request in the General section.
taintedclarity said:
Ut >>>>>>>>> Quake.
Ehh, nowadays I'd say yes, UT3 is far better than any iteration of Quake. But as far as any of the games Pandora would be able to run (aka classic FPS), the originator hands down. :P
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CronoTriggerfan said:
taintedclarity said:
Ut >>>>>>>>> Quake.
Ehh, nowadays I'd say yes, UT3 is far better than any iteration of Quake. But as far as any of the games Pandora would be able to run (aka classic FPS), the originator hands down. :P

Funny, because I think UT3 is one of the worst in the series (not counting UT arena or w/e those xbox versions were).

UT2004 is probably my favorite game out of the entire UT series and Quake Series if I were to combine the two series.
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I would have to agree on that. UT3 is an utter failure in the fun department when compared to UT2004. That being said the campaign in Quake 4 was very well done, but sadly not comparable to any of the older quakes either. We are heading in the direction of more horrible sequels.
wasn't quake 4 not developed by iD anyways, didn't they just publish it? And idk, i'm an unreal tournament type guy, quake never really left a mark on me.
Quake 2 is still my all time favorite. The single player and multiplayer co-op as a tremendously fun romp. Even if fairly easy even on the most difficult settings. My nephews and I had hours and hours of fun deathmatching against hordes of Eraser bots on the damn near limitless amounts of community deathmatch maps available. I prefered the slower pace of Q2 over Q3, and find UT to be even less fun for that same reason.
taintedclarity said:
wasn't quake 4 not developed by iD anyways, didn't they just publish it?
Other way around. They, along with Activision, developed it.
id isn't a publisher.

Quake 4 really was just a bad game, I hope they don't make any more in that series.

Never played UT, but I still think Quake III is best of the two. :D
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