the open pandora 2 must use an amd apu!

If it gets hot with active cooling, it will burn without active cooling, no?

Also, battery life "as good as 3ds or ps vita" does not sound very attractive to me... from Wikipedia:

Sony also confirmed during TGS 2011 that the battery would last 3–5 hours of gameplay (no network, no sound, default brightness level)

A common complaint was the 3DS's battery life; Engadget reported to get 3 hours of battery life from the system,[146] while IGN reported 2 to 4.5 hours of play.

(and why do you think such a x86-based hand-warmer would have battery life like the 3DS or vita? both of those are ARM-based)
the 3ds has small battery, the ps vita has a power hungry soc and x86 is boss...this page show that the low power honda chip is viable http://www.anandtech...2nm-a5-tested/3 it show a comparison in power consumption between the ipad 2 and 3. This shows that arm chips can be just as hot and use as much power as x86. To see power consumption of an amd apu in a tablet http://www.notebookc...ok.53964.0.html its about 19W, ~9W more than Ipad 3

I am sure with the honda version of z-60 @4.5W tdp, more aggressive low power parts like the ssd, ram modules, wifi chipset and display it could hit ipad power consumption and battery life with the same battery
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4.5W for just the CPU is still about triple what the entire Pandora uses with max brightness, network transfering, a USB lamp, and the CPU running 100% use. The battery in the Pandora right now could drive that CPU for a little less than an hour where I get no less than 3 hours when doing everything within my power to drain the battery hard.
]the 3ds has small battery, the ps vita has a power hungry soc and x86 is boss...this page show that the low power honda chip is viable http://www.anandtech...2nm-a5-tested/3 it show a comparison in power consumption between the ipad 2 and 3. This shows that arm chips can be just as hot and use as much power as x86. To see power consumption of an amd apu in a tablet http://www.notebookc...ok.53964.0.html its about 19W, ~9W more than Ipad 3

I am sure with the honda version of z-60 @4.5W tdp, more aggressive low power parts like the ssd, ram modules, wifi chipset and display it could hit ipad power consumption and battery life with the same battery

AMD's chip is called Hondo, not Honda.

All that Anandtech review showed is that Apple's new Retina tablet display is a lot more hungry than their old one. The SoC, much less the ARM part of it, has little to do with it - the SoC in iPhone 5 has much better CPU power and similar GPU power to the one in iPad 3, yet runs in a device with a comparatively tiny battery and still has good battery life. That's not to say it isn't more power efficient (was manufactured on a better process), but it should still give you a good idea of the scale involved.

For tablets you could have the power budget to run an Atom or Hondo, even an Ontario if you're willing to sacrifice the battery life. Personally, I wouldn't want to if the decision came down between that and a dual core Cortex-A15, because the latter at 1.7+GHz be substantially more powerful than a 1.8GHz dual core Atom or 1GHz dual core Bobcat. But it really doesn't matter because tablets aren't Pandora. Their batteries tend to be at least twice the capacity as Pandora's, and Pandora's battery already adds a lot to size and weight of the unit. Although Craig says they can go up to 6200mAh on Pandora 2 I'm rather skeptical, and either way I think their intention is to stay around the capacity they already have.

The thing you have to know about this community is that they take the battery life of the device pretty seriously. Drastically lowering it isn't a negotiable option.

4.5W for just the CPU is still about triple what the entire Pandora uses with max brightness, network transfering, a USB lamp, and the CPU running 100% use. The battery in the Pandora right now could drive that CPU for a little less than an hour where I get no less than 3 hours when doing everything within my power to drain the battery hard.

It'd actually run for about 3.5 hours powering nothing but the CPU (4200mAh * 3.7V / 4.5W).. I think I made the same mistake earlier. After taking into consideration everything else on the system - which includes an I/O chip, it's not a complete SoC - I think you'd find it'd take up to 6W. That is of course a figure under heavy load. It might last okay under very light utilization, but it won't be lightly utilized while running things like PS1 and N64 emulators.

I'm not even sure you can make something like Pandora that can dissipate 6W without getting uncomfortably hot. You don't have room for big heat sinks and you definitely don't want a fan.. you'd probably slab as much metal as you can to move the heat around the unit.. I'm sure it'd add to the price and would be a substantial challenge for OPT who may not have much experience in thermal design.

Seriously though, giving figures of how long your Pandora lasts while running a lamp is probably not that indicative of much ;p Probably a couple W were being taken by that alone, and a large chunk of it dissipated outside the unit.
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The ipad3 has extremely high power use compared to ipad2. And you are talking about ~9W more than ipad3. The Pandora uses less than 1 Watt in normal use, and less than 2W in extreme use. You are talking about one order of magnitude more power use. And what exactly is the advantage? Backwards compatibility with some legacy instruction set, so you might be able to run some binaries without recompile or emulation?
I said that, not _wb_ e_e

You really have a penchant for taking a big post with a lot of information and snipping it down to one tiny part you feel like responding to..
sorry dude...
AMD's chip is called Hondo, not Honda.
thanks for the correction
For tablets you could have the power budget to run an Atom or Hondo, even an Ontario if you're willing to sacrifice the battery life. Personally, I wouldn't want to if the decision came down between that and a dual core Cortex-A15, because the latter at 1.7+GHz be substantially more powerful than a 1.8GHz dual core Atom or 1GHz dual core Bobcat. But it really doesn't matter because tablets aren't Pandora. Their batteries tend to be at least twice the capacity as Pandora's, and Pandora's battery already adds a lot to size and weight of the unit. Although Craig says they can go up to 6200mAh on Pandora 2 I'm rather skeptical, and either way I think their intention is to stay around the capacity they already have.

just found this, x86 will just run arm code
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There's no x86 processor that will just run ARM code, as you put it. I'm sure I don't have to tell you that emulators are nothing new, and you can emulate x86 on ARM as well (many people do on Pandora).

The thing you linked to isn't even a real machine or program emulator. It's an interactive assembler with some inline emulation capability meant for helping learn how the machine's instruction set works. It's doesn't let you run ARM programs on x86. And for that matter it's not even complete, in fact it looks like he's barely even started the ARM emulation part.
Yes, we get it, it can run PC games. What utility is there in comparing it against ARM SoCs that ostensibly won't be used in Pandora 2?
How about some good, solid benchmarks? (alongside prices!)
there aren't many cross os/uarch benchmarks readily available -maybe geekbench- so a proper benchmark comparison os difficult and as for prices. I have yet to see anywhere that list the prices of amd embedded apus but hey, is runs rage, quake4 and doom 3...what else do you need?
Yes, what else could anyone want than Windows games, that's all anyone cares about right? Surely having another dual-core CPU that's at least 50% faster in native tasks would never be to anyone's benefit... And who cares if the battery life is reduced to a fraction of what it was with the first Pandora and that the design has to be totally rethought to support this much larger heat dissipation, if even possible given the size constraints.. It can run Rage on low settings at 11fps, what else do you need?

I mean, assuming Hondo can even turbo to the same GPU speeds with only half the power budget. Sure, why not.
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