The Gp2x Is Dead!

I don't think the Pandora was made for people like Redsandro.

The EeePC and WiBrain and such are nice kit, but appeal to completely different people. You can tell from Redsandro's comments that the things that make the Pandora great are not even considered (sans a few misconception addressed above), so it's obvious that the EeePC would stand out as the obvious winner.
icurafu said:
I don't think the Pandora was made for people like Redsandro.

The EeePC and WiBrain and such are nice kit, but appeal to completely different people. You can tell from Redsandro's comments that the things that make the Pandora great are not even considered (sans a few misconception addressed above), so it's obvious that the EeePC would stand out as the obvious winner.
Yeah I guess Pandora wasn't made for insulting snobs.. or so I wish ;)
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5 Hrs comes from a borrowed older (bigger than smallest) EEE PC I used during travel for designing graphics (Gimp) while playing music and at least one hour of watching a video. It wasn't empty because I reached my destination, but honestly I wasn't using 100% CPU.

However, taken my honest and simple initial post and people being a total arse about it I've learned there's a lot of pandora fans here with pricks so huge that it's impossible NOT to step on them.

I'm sorry I came to this holy thread to express some doubts after I came in contact with some of these EEE PCs.

But calling me a snob for equalising my response to a cynical reply is logic I only know from Bill O'Reilly television, just so you know.

I will walk away from this topic now. Tail between my legs. Sorry again.
Redsandro said:
5 Hrs comes from a borrowed older (bigger than smallest) EEE PC I used during travel for designing graphics (Gimp) while playing music and at least one hour of watching a video. It wasn't empty because I reached my destination, but honestly I wasn't using 100% CPU.
No offense but I don't believe you. I don't understand why I would get worse battery life while keeping the screen closed and using much less than 50% CPU time (probably around 25-30% at most) the entire time. It just doesn't make sense at all. They were the same Eee, the same battery, and his wasn't more than a few months old.

Redsandro said:
However, taken my honest and simple initial post and people being a total arse about it I've learned there's a lot of pandora fans here with pricks so huge that it's impossible NOT to step on them.

I'm sorry I came to this holy thread to express some doubts after I came in contact with some of these EEE PCs.

But calling me a snob for equalising my response to a cynical reply is logic I only know from Bill O'Reilly television, just so you know.

I will walk away from this topic now. Tail between my legs. Sorry again.
Dude, you're a snob because you launched like 5 personal insults against nubie and twisted around everything he said. There are a few people here who are defensive of the little machine they love so much that doesn't actually exist yet, but really these people are few and far between. Generally people don't have any problem at all with the criticism launched at it, nubie wasn't being especially cynical at all, and you're just being a total jerk over and over again.

GRANTED, some people (myself included) are tired of all of the "you should just get this laptop instead morons" arguments when it's obvious that if you want to play games Pandora offers something that they don't, and if you want to compare it with other gaming handhelds then you'd be making a totally different argument where the Pandora would stack up quite favorably in several ways on its gaming merits alone (not minding any of the other things it can do). If you want to do all of the things that a subnotebook laptop can do better than a Pandora then that's great - by all means go purchase your subnotebook. As far as the rest of us are concerned, give us some credit; we don't need to be educated about devices that are, to us, completely irrelevant. Do you at least understand why people would feel this way?
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Redsandro said:
5 Hrs comes from a borrowed older (bigger than smallest) EEE PC I used during travel for designing graphics (Gimp) while playing music and at least one hour of watching a video. It wasn't empty because I reached my destination, but honestly I wasn't using 100% CPU.

However, taken my honest and simple initial post and people being a total arse about it I've learned there's a lot of pandora fans here with pricks so huge that it's impossible NOT to step on them.

I'm sorry I came to this holy thread to express some doubts after I came in contact with some of these EEE PCs.

But calling me a snob for equalising my response to a cynical reply is logic I only know from Bill O'Reilly television, just so you know.

I will walk away from this topic now. Tail between my legs. Sorry again.
But your "initial post" made no sense. You are trying to compare a device made with gaming in mind to a small laptop. It is like trying to compare a PDA to a DS. Both have screens but are for different purposes.

They are made for different purposes. These EEE PC is gonna kill the Pandora posts (and there are many for some reason) Are getting very annoying. Every single time the whole point that is missed is:


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EeePCs are well known for horrific battery life even with a fat battery. I dont think you get 5 hours unless you have a 901 with the backlight off.

Even with that, it has to be the unit released in Asia or the typical one with the extended battery.
icurafu said:
EeePCs are well known for horrific battery life
Fairly enogh to make toilet trip with film watching
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I think you will find that this definetly applies here.
Ohh, geeez, another one of these.

I also had one of the first Asian eeePCs... it ran about 3 hours, that's it.
I know there is a bigger battery available... never got it, as I didn't like the mini keyboard anyways.
Got an Acer Aspire One now, much better than an eeePC... but guess what: I use the Acer Aspire One to do Desktop stuff... and I'll use the Pandora to play stuff.
Okay, at the moment I use the Aspire One to access the Linux shell on the Pandora :P

Comparing both is so useless.

It's like comparing a 7,5t Truck with a normal car.
Yeah, cool, the Truck has much more horsepower than a normal car. We shall sell our cars now and get trucks!
EvilDragon said:
It's like comparing a 7,5t Truck with a normal car.
Yeah, cool, the Truck has much more horsepower than a normal car. We shall sell our cars now and get trucks!


I'll never sell my Mini! :angry: Let it rust until professional restoration is the only option! :P
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Whether you agree or not, some people were dicks before I was and I'm very sensitive to people being like that to me for no reasons I could have commonly known. In that case it's right back at ya. Same language same attitude, what comes around goes around.

If anyone has more problems with this, please direct them to my PM box and I will do the same.

@Exophase: Even though your judgement seems based on my post blown out to biblic proportions because my reply actually had more relevance than his (and where did you get the idea that my initial post was a "you morons" argument?), your reply holds a lot of on-topic body so I like to cancel my walking away statement to reply to this.

Exophase said:
I don't believe you. I don't understand why I would get worse battery life while keeping the screen closed and using much less than 50% CPU time (probably around 25-30% at most) the entire time.
There's not much reason for me to say "did too" then, is there? Did too anyway though. I don't know what's so different but something has to be. Maybe you both tested the laptop straight from the package where the battery is not fully charged? Maybe you used the laptop a few days after it was charged because I read those sublaptops drain 10% of energy dayly even when they are off (which admittedly is stupid beyond words). Maybe you got a bad batch, like in the past there were MK1 laptops called back for having leaking (or exploding) batteries. Maybe you're on the bad side of this 'battery controversy' thing where some countries (like the UK) got shipped EEEPCs with a much worse battery than the rest of the world. Maybe you're a programmer or otherwise using beta software without knowing you had a cycle going frenzy somewhere. Maybe your battery was not or improperly calibrated. Maybe I had a tweaked or non-standard battery. I don't know.

However, with the lid closed and a low-profile app running in the background, I think even my current laptop with a bad accu (fully used going dead in 2- hours) might survive for 5 hours. Just a guess! But I'm wondering if you're not exaggerating somewhat.

About daring to compare, I "Do (...) understand why people would feel this way". I am interested in small gaming devices myself. I had the F100 for a while and now I have the F200. I've also always had a normal laptop. Before the affordable laptop/gp era I had a Game Boy Color and even a crappy 'Mega Duck'. I still have my Atary Lynx for nostalgic reasons but it's ofcourse far surpassed by everything we know. I also played a lot of games on my laptop and I know it's not the same as a handheld gaming device. But when I saw the mini's, I noticed that it's holdable while gaming. For TTD like games IMO preferable above GP2X and how I'd think pandora would handle it. Using thumbs on keys or mousepad is okay IMO. I wish there was an eraser-head mouse on EEEPC I think that would be even nicer. And with USB joypads for $3 on ebay, EVERYTHING has gaming controls. With the extra size being the downside, ease of replacement is something I tend to like after that F100 had a stuck L button all the time. But apparently, where those are acceptable solutions to me, it's non-negotionable for pandora fans. I got that now. Stop assuming I'm the first idiot, you could have just said it, or if you're too tired because a million people had similar thoughts as me, just don't say anything.

I also just don't agree to the "it's like comparing this to this" posts. It's not. Like I said before, the developments I mentioned are past while pandora is yet to come. I am just saying that sublaptops have gotten and are getting smaller, cheaper and to everyones surprise more populair than anyone would have thought. Where these kinds of developments are going on in the main market in stead of the project of some (very cool though) private people, I wouldn't be surprised if something similar yet better and cheaper showed up.

But I get it. It's just not the same. Some people would prefer the sublaptop and some the pandora. For a lot of you, the gap is bigger than I thought when I expressed my innocent thought about this, and my arguments don't hold in that case.

For people like me though, it does make sense. I have a normal compaq laptop and a F200 which I both use, and I'm thinking of selling them both for buying one small EEEPC. Probably because I bring both during traveling anyway. Saves me space and I'd happily play games on the EEEPC in stead. Got to research what's up with that battery first though.
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Comparing battery sizes of devices in "gp2x is dead" thread is like to compare someone's dauther boobs on his funeral. That is good that life is goes on :)
people forget the Pandora is much more than a "hobbyist handheld". It can surf the web via WiFi, over bluetooth, or maybe even a USB dongle, and it's very very possible that with the USB port, you could plug in a USB flashdrive and use a port of OpenOffice, Abiword or similiar to work on a Word document. Maybe even then plug in a USB printer. maybe. Use GIMP with the touchscreen? It can definitely download/copy files (e.g. MP3s) and do file management with other devices (e.g. copy MP3s onto MP3 player.) the Pandora has so much potential...

the :pandora1: has many, many UMPC functions as well as homebrew gaming.

can I be the first to request an Audio CD ripper for use with a USB CD drive? :P

that kind of task would be impossible on a gp2x without getting your hands dirty.
Redsandro said:
There's not much reason for me to say "did too" then, is there? Did too anyway though. I don't know what's so different but something has to be. Maybe you both tested the laptop straight from the package where the battery is not fully charged? Maybe you used the laptop a few days after it was charged because I read those sublaptops drain 10% of energy dayly even when they are off (which admittedly is stupid beyond words). Maybe you got a bad batch, like in the past there were MK1 laptops called back for having leaking (or exploding) batteries. Maybe you're on the bad side of this 'battery controversy' thing where some countries (like the UK) got shipped EEEPCs with a much worse battery than the rest of the world. Maybe you're a programmer or otherwise using beta software without knowing you had a cycle going frenzy somewhere. Maybe your battery was not or improperly calibrated. Maybe I had a tweaked or non-standard battery. I don't know.

The battery was fully charged beforehand, I live in a different country than ED, and neither of us live in the UK. The software wasn't using full CPU (I tested the same software running the same music right now and it uses 2% on my AthlonX2 2GHz). Your last "maybe" is the only one that makes any sense to me because it's the only thing consistent with what everyone else has been saying.

Redsandro said:
However, with the lid closed and a low-profile app running in the background, I think even my current laptop with a bad accu (fully used going dead in 2- hours) might survive for 5 hours. Just a guess! But I'm wondering if you're not exaggerating somewhat.
I doubt it. There's much less leverage in extending battery life doing these kinds of things than you'd think.

Redsandro said:
For TTD like games IMO preferable above GP2X and how I'd think pandora would handle it.
These aren't the type of games a majority of people are interested in. It's seriously all about emulated console/handheld games.

Redsandro said:
Using thumbs on keys or mousepad is okay IMO. I wish there was an eraser-head mouse on EEEPC I think that would be even nicer.
I think you clearly want to play different kinds of games if this is an okay solution you...

Redsandro said:
And with USB joypads for $3 on ebay, EVERYTHING has gaming controls. With the extra size being the downside, ease of replacement is something I tend to like after that F100 had a stuck L button all the time.
Extra size is the only downside? Okay, imagine someone standing in a room playing a Pandora, now imagine them standing in a room playing a Pandora that has a USB controller plugged into it, now please explain to me exactly how are you seeing this working. Not everyone is interested in playing this in places where you would play a laptop. In fact that's pretty much the entire hinging point for buying a device like this but it seems totally foreign to you somehow.

Redsandro said:
But apparently, where those are acceptable solutions to me, it's non-negotionable for pandora fans. I got that now.

Redsandro said:
Stop assuming I'm the first idiot, you could have just said it, or if you're too tired because a million people had similar thoughts as me, just don't say anything.
Stop assuming you're the first? Come again?
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Exophase said:
Redsandro said:
Stop assuming I'm the first idiot, you could have just said it, or if you're too tired because a million people had similar thoughts as me, just don't say anything.

Stop assuming you're the first? Come again?
Almost certainly not the last...

Pandora < Pocket
eeePC < ? Handbag? :blink:

Why do half these threads end up discussing the eeePC anyway?
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Not sure why people keep comparing the Pandora to the EeePC?

Yeah they're both small and both have keyboards but thats about it imo. Both designed for completely different things.

I love my EeePC, got WinXP installed and it runs most things I can run on my desktop pc. Having an x86 CPU is the real winner of the EeePC imo, even if I ran linux on it I wouldn't have to worry about finding someone who has compiled it to work etc. I have never seen it as a gaming device but you can if you wish but its not gonna be a 'hanldheld' gaming device. btw my original battery lasts 2hrs on XP with wifi running, screen on medium, I got a better battery which now lasts 4hrs. imo its still as good if not better than most other laptops.

I am still gonna get a Pandora for my gaming needs, not to fussed about trying to make it replace the EeePC for desktop stuff/surfing etc but it sure is gonna rock for homebrew.
Can we go back to topic, please? This is the GP2x forum and the topic is "The GP2x is dead". So I can't see why people here are arguing about the EEE and the Pandora.

sbock said:
Can we go back to topic, please? This is the GP2x forum and the topic is "The GP2x is dead". So I can't see why people here are arguing about the EEE and the Pandora.
It seems that comparing came out by campaing of pandora thugs. Imho adding 'pandora'forum to was a big stypid mistake of someone.
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quasist said:
sbock said:
Can we go back to topic, please? This is the GP2x forum and the topic is "The GP2x is dead". So I can't see why people here are arguing about the EEE and the Pandora.
It seems that comparing came out by campaigning? of pandora thugs. Imho adding 'pandora' forum? to was a big stupid? mistake of someone.

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Well I can see where that makes sense, cos many gp2x users may be considered potential pandora customers in the future :P

I agree tho, this should be a gp2x related thread and for that reason I'll throw in a random question ..

.. which places do you know are still selling "new" F200 units, and how long do you think they'll last?
Anyone noticed any changes in the asking price for 2nd hand units on ebay?

I'll stick with mine, that's for sure lol :)
