The Gp2x Is Dead!

Stealth Bagel said:
had no idea they even used it for gaming..... it came right from Craig or Evildragon some time ago that GPH only discovered people didn't use it as a video player when they personally showed GPH the games, and this was what, 2 years after release?!

This is actually a bit of a myth, GPH must have always known the GP2X was used for games because they have their own file archive on the official Korean GP2X site and that has got a lot of homebrew releases (dating back at least 2 years, possibly more but I hadn't noticed it before then).
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Lurkio said:
Parkydr said:
willie waving.
*hurries off to find pic to post*

j/k :P


Willie waving. :P

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Orkie said:
Stealth Bagel said:
had no idea they even used it for gaming..... it came right from Craig or Evildragon some time ago that GPH only discovered people didn't use it as a video player when they personally showed GPH the games, and this was what, 2 years after release?!

This is actually a bit of a myth, GPH must have always known the GP2X was used for games because they have their own file archive on the official Korean GP2X site and that has got a lot of homebrew releases (dating back at least 2 years, possibly more but I hadn't noticed it before then).
My first clue they actually had gaming in mind all along was when they shipped a bunch of games on it and advertised it as an open source platform for game development.
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icurafu said:
Try the first level of Commander Keen instead. You can pass the first level by holding left and jump to pogo thru the entire level. That shouldn't be too tough for you.
Ah, so that's where Sega got the concept for Sonic Rush.
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