.. does the '2X (it's a MK I) NEED the adapter to have enough power to read the drive?
.. do I need to format the drive as FAT32?
.. does the Dev. BOB actually need a 5V adpter to get enough power to the HD?
</very confused consumer>
The bob should be able to power a HD as far as I know, assuming your PSU gives enough current.
Also, when I was messing around with my HD I ad a lot of bother - gmenu2x messing up the usb host. Switching on usb host before / after connecting HD, switching on HD support. I can't remember the right recipe, also my HD has its own Li-ion battery (had a ton of difficultly with it trying to charge off the gp2x, needed a custom powerless cable). On the positive side it was even able to charge itself from my BoB. My psu does 2.5A at 3.5V btw.
I doubt your Gp2x needs a power adapter to read, that's just the normal usb signals... it definitely wants to be Fat32 though. I'm not even sure you can feed 5V into the Dev Bob.
I can understand why they might have changed that input voltage to 5V for the bobox, its mostly having to power usb peripherals isn't it? We'll see what the story is on that anyway. I don't think they'll actually have changed anything, it works after all.
... even more information to confuse me further :lol: The official GPH's AC Adapter is 3.3V at 2.0A ...